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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. WOFF term "two weeks" at last understood!

    I see some plagiarism in here chaps... as at the old Combatace we have been using the 2 weeks thing as standard for anything and some of those projects have been going on since the dawn of time okay maybe 3-4 years... but we didn't do it scientific like we did it in the old tradition of down the pub style much more fun and interesting especially when we got round to the bar flying to define the set amount or not set amount of undefined time, time being relative to the situation as we see it or don't see it if you see what I mean... so 2 weeks is 2 weeks and no amount of time can modifiy that option... as some people think that planet earth has been around for a few billion years personally I think its been under the 2 week rule just in case it doesn't get weird enough and if it does it can disappear and reappear as something completly different and generally much weirder than what we have now... 42 do you see???
  2. 3 wheels to Europe...

    http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/local/localbrad/9869370.Bradford_man_in_4_900_mile_Robin_Reliant_Challenge/ My Brother drove a Robin Reliant (link below...) around Europe for charity well deserved round of applause for completing it in 20 year old three wheelers... the above is from his local paper... shame he didn't come and visit me in Austria now that would have been funny... sanity does not do well in our family! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reliant_Robin
  3. EuroTrip

    Must admit I love those as well... very well played by all involved even Paul had its moments...
  4. Hello all

    Now how do you Joust a fish ??? Glad all is okay old chap... was wondering were you had wander off to as the bars been fairly quiet...
  5. Skyfall...

    Okay this is definitely on my to watch list this year...
  6. Well said that man... I must admit I love the fact that most of the games I have I own them in boxes and they sit there silent testimony to my spending the few games I own on steam I have been reluctant to purchase especially when I purchased Fallout New Vegas and found that I had to download the game I couldn't just install from the CD that annoyed me greatly... I understand protecting your market but there is a limit which is also why I do not play online... I want my time on my machine as mine no-one elses... The idea behind Steam is great but the implementation is akin to the accountants being let loose on figuring out how to make the most money from the user... Thankfully my gaming is very select and I am happy for that... as the few games I own that are also on Steam I have not placed in the library as I prefer to mod my games to my specifications... imagine trying to do that with flight simulators??? your downloads would be immense for example my setup for FSX is currently running at nearly 120gigabytes...
  7. An unknown plane from the 60's

    Okay from what I have gathered this is the Ling Temco V-507 and was as stated Voughts attempt at the role the Tomcat eventually took... Just a mockup unfortunately... Some Details here though I think the colour drawing is someones idea of what it would look like and the name is somewhat weird... http://celticowboy.com/Alphabet%20Soup.htm
  8. Russian Air Force 100 year's anniversary - live link

    And I plugged in to see something that 20 years ago would never have happened the Red Arrows displaying...
  9. Damn that camo job is fantastic...
  10. It got a chuckle out of me ...

    Now thats fun...
  11. Daryl J hudon III: not supporting game port

    Okay might be a good idea to post PC Specs OS and what Joystick you are using... as well as what Sim your trying it with.
  12. Okay now thats a good point... missed that bit as I haven't been stooging of the boats for awhile...
  13. Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.7

    I have been looking at something on this size and from what I have read the Nexus 7inch tablet is apparently the best one at present... though I love my Samsung phone I am probably going to buy the Nexus...
  14. looking for a game

    For Sci-Fi I prefer playing the X Series of games and they some of them are heavily modded and its the sci fi game I return to all the time... as you end up building empires though for a new starter it can be tough to get into...
  15. You know was just thinking about this bird the other day... after a discussion on if it had been prepped for SF2... and here it is... Thanks oh wise Wrench... But to answer a question the Jet was still Carrier capable according to one of my books... also it the OA-4M was actually a TA-4F! 23 Conversions...
  16. If you want Mods go for Europe as to the Engine SF2/NA is primarily for Carrier ops the Terrain still looks the same. If it was me I would go Europe then SF2/NA in a couple of months and then buy them all over time...
  17. Site Upgrades

    The Site is dead long live the Site... Seriously though thanks for the warning...
  18. I think the OA-4M has not been converted yet...
  19. Help with landings Please..

    Polka's Ponies whatever next...
  20. Help with landings Please..

    May the Farce be with you and May Mighty Yoghurt preserve us... OFF this sounds like you guys have been on my special brewed Schnapps again... illicit homemade Schnapps with a cordite and castor oil chaser... Dr Who with Lt Tolkien and the little Corporal chap mixed in with Mork... who isn't an Orc and never forget So Long and thanks for all the fish... To the Hobbit next time just remember you need to be playing at least a Polka to go with the plane... as Strauss, Beethoven et al will be composers of the decomposing variety... Now all after me what is the air speed velocity of a laden Swallow ??? :drinks:
  21. First Indian C-17 Globemaster III

    Now that I could deal with... just watched Buck Rogers the other night hot is the right word... though what she looks like now I am not sure of...
  22. First Indian C-17 Globemaster III

    So we can go with Grey with a hint of Grey... damn that will hide the Duct tape!!!
  23. Got My badge!

    I have heard of off shore fishing but this is a new one to me on shore fishing... maybe we can now try it as the Off'ers Olympic sporting type event...
  24. looking for a game

    The guns rate of fire is correct for the guns but I do believe that you can modify the guns along with most things as well personally... best thing to do is to ask in the forum for OFF... and they should answer for you. I don't modify it as its tough enough standing on its own...

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