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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. looking for a game

    Okay if you want a full on Simulation as well and don't mind WW1 airplanes try OFF you will CFS3 and then OFF installs onto that... Most people barely survive 10 hours flying time before they need a new pilot... There is a Board in here just for OFF as well... I fly it and damn is it hard no aids switched on and flying along fat dumb and happy and out of nowhere comes a pack of Albatrosses and shoot seven shades of death out of my plane...
  2. Happy Birthday to....

    Happy Birthday...
  3. looking for a game

    Also DCS is now moving away from Helo's as I downloaded A-10C from Steam...
  4. looking for a game

    Take it your looking for a Flight Sim... if so they are thin on the ground. Other Option is to go for DCS but I don't think you can edit that as easily as Thirdwire. Personally I like the SF2 series and I have noticed that they do seem to be a lot better than the SF1 series at dogfighting I have spent some time trying to get gun kills with an A-4 against Mig-21's in SF2 Vietnam... as I found WOI a bit too easy with having all aspect weapons... but you need to download the SF2V mod here to make it sporting with Flak and SAM's etc...
  5. Who are they ??? Is that the Blue Wire Green Wire Red Wire Guys ???
  6. Skyfall...

    Must admit I am with FC on this one... Though the others apart from Mr Connery were pretty good.
  7. Looking For Inexpensive Reliable Laptop

    Must admit I love Dell have them at work and as the IT Manager they make my life easier... depends what you want to do with it as well... and my laptop at home is an older model Dell...
  8. Have to say this is fairly old news though this is from the Luftwaffe as the RAF defeated them at an earlier encounter in close in fighting with the Eurofighter before the 6G Limit was added... the Euro does have some advantages in the close in combat as it is not hampered with its Stealth as the F-22 is... also another advantage over the F-22 is the Pirate IRST which could happily pick up the jet exhaust from the F-22 at certain ranges...
  9. Got My badge!

    I will second that one simply because he's a Jarhead... and we need someone to mind the door on a Friday night
  10. Which one as the Movie is now going to be 3 Movies ????
  11. Got My badge!

    No the Stink washes in over time courtesy of the wonderful Castor Oil and spent Cordite... To the Hobbit welcome to the asylum...
  12. Houston..we have a problem

    Brings a whole new meaning to the Vomit Comet...
  13. Over-G in SF2?

    Yes this does happen... I have done it plenty of times with Hornets and Vipers... the rest is a work in progress best advice for that is to kill the burner on the dive in and pull out you should have enough speed to dodge most things with a dive onto the target with LGB's...
  14. Skywatch 1974...

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VflzHApZ28 The RAF from 1974... Jaguars Bucc's Phantoms Harriers and Vulcans and then some...
  15. Peter Fabian: ACE newbie.....

    Welcome to the madhouse...
  16. F-16 down off Hokkaido

    Its the same Jet unless the boat the rescued the pilot is in a good place to catch F-16 Pilots... as to what is happening Single engine fighter loses the engine its time to take the silk ride...
  17. DCS/FC2 goodness

    I skipped the Helo and went for the A-10 simply as I like the A-10 now flying it is not the challenge its fighting with it setting up LGB's Mavericks etc... must admit I need to spend lots of time practicing maybe when Winter gets here I will get the time as for 6 weeks I am not going anywhere due to a knee operation...
  18. The BUELL

    Looking good Major Lee and The Trumpet fell down as well parking up in Croatia at the hotel... stupid mistake as well... Tired and hot. Quick word for you guys always park in 1st Gear stops the bike rolling if on a slight incline... I got away lightly bent clutch lever and scuffing on the body work but she's going in for a respray this year so its nothing too major...
  19. One thing I will advise is practice on this download the range mod and practice there as well... as with everything practice helps...
  20. 1969... The Eagle has landed... They spent 6 and a half hours moonwalking... and here we are today still on this planet we call home...
  21. Also the soviets did use other air to cover for the Helo's Mig-21/23/27 as they did use it as a testbed for weapons as well...
  22. OT Why I love where I live :)

    Must admit I spent 5 years in Northumberland just outside of Alnwick... though not always there. Was a pleasant time even going swimming in the North Sea on the first of April until the 1st October... ridiculous looking back at it now...
  23. oooo Sunshine Bombs... me like this idea... Just don't get Dave started.... Seriously though it is a good idea as you are correct depending on which pack you use you can have multiple strength weapons....
  24. Racing in Slow Motion...

    This is for all the petrolheads both 4 and 2 wheel... 16 minutes of pure slowmotion pleasure... Ciao Marco...
  25. I have only had DCS A-10C for a week and I am trying to learn how to fly the thing... correction flying the A-10 and firing the gun is simple its all the other stuff... that I need to figure out...

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