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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. OT: If it Ain't Boeing, I Ain't Going

    Must admit the plane that I worried about is the 737... and as FC pointed out is this is a training issue... Personally I will not fly on a plane unless there is Duct tape showing somewhere on the plane otherwise I will have to use my own... Never trust a plane without duct tape...
  2. Hope to see A-4's but the poor things had all but left service by then... ho hum... hell me I just want to get flying the game and see what we get!
  3. Shouldn't that be laughing my knee off??? As to stronger faster and how many billions will most likely be maybe definitely and about 20 cents...
  4. March 29th 2012 the Day I go into hospital for my Knee being rebuilt!!!
  5. I Like CombatAce Because....

    Dont forget the Jack Daniels... As for me where else is there to go ??? Beer Pizza blackjack hookers Plane Porn... what else is required ? :drinks: :drinks:
  6. much gnashing of teeth here... and come on it would have been a nice Valentines Present for us...

    Ha... me I managed to send Roses when I was in the Falkland Islands to the girl I was dating in England and she actually got them on the right day. But she was more than made up when I called her that evening... Also a girl who I have started dating stated on Sunday that she didn't go for all that Valentines Day malarky and then phones me this morning to wish me a Happy Valentines Day...!!! Thankfully I have it covered...
  8. Wonderful A-4M... I started one last year... but R/L got in the way...
  9. Rare F3 ?

    Fairly easy to guess as I knew of this program from way back as the F-3 had a fantastic EW suite which in some areas was better than that carried on the ECR Tornado's and it would have made a fantastic Weasel Jet but they are all gone now...
  10. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Must admit I have not been playing too much lately of any type of computer game RL caught up with me... anyhew had a fine blast last night as I got set upon by a whole bunch of bad guys and it was decidedly getting unhealthy and all this in the great outdoors... there was at least one Draugr Scourge Lord a whole bunch of skeletons with bows and as I was happily chopping these guys up a nice Blood Dragon popped in for a chat or 3 now life was getting a shade more interesting ie was getting tough to just stay alive this was made even more fun when another Dragon popped in for a chat though this one was a frosty Dragon now this is what I call a fight as the Draugr and his minions finally fell I found my major issue was both Dragons decide to just go for me not a good place to be after lots of cunning running away and shooting with a bow I finally killed both after about 15 minutes biggest problem was one dragon would provide air support for the grounded one. Problem I have is that once you are at a high level (Level 42 if your asking) killing a single dragon is fairly straightforward shoot it a few times with a bow I am using a Daedric Legendary with Soul Capture for a side effect... and then go in with Dragonsbane (Sword I picked up along the way) job done but multiple dragons take a bit more effort. Just use your head and well try not to lose it...
  11. CND if I remember is for Condition of pilot... not sure on what it affects though as I rarely fly with wingmen...
  12. Ultra Dutch.....

    I did see a guy walking across the Danube last week Brave or Stupid came to mind but no lucky you Derk make the most of it as spring is on the way...
  13. Rare F3 ?

    Alarming along with the jamming pods make it an EF-3...
  14. OT Cops Revenge

  15. Sign of the times...

    SIGN IN A SCOTTISH STORE WINDOW. 'WE WOULD RATHER DO BUSINESS WITH 1000 AL QAEDA TERRORISTS THAN WITH ONE SINGLE BRITISH SOLDIER!' This sign was prominently displayed in the window of a business in CAMPBELTOWN, SCOTLAND. You are probably outraged at the thought of such an inflammatory statement. However, we are a society which holds Freedom of Speech as perhaps our greatest liberty. After all, it is ONLY A SIGN. You may say 'What kind of business would dare to post such a sign?' Answer: A FUNERAL PARLOUR. (WHO SAID SCOTTISH UNDERTAKERS HAVE NO SENSE OF HUMOUR?) YOU GOTTA LOVE IT!!!
  16. Its an old one but makes me laugh...

    The Inventor of the Harley-Davidson Motorcycle, Arthur Davidson , Died and went to Heaven. At the Gates, St. Peter told Arthur.'Since you've been such a Good Man and Your Motorcycles have Changed the World, Your Reward is, you can Hang-Out with Anyone You Want to in Heaven.' Arthur Thought About it for a Minute and then said, 'I want to Hang-Out with God.' St. Peter Took Arthur to the Throne Room, and Introduced Him to God. God Recognized Arthur and Commented,'Okay, so you were the One Who Invented the Harley-Davidson Motorcycle?' Arthur said, 'Yeah, That's Me...' God Commented: 'Well, what's theBig Deal in Inventing Something that's Pretty Unstable, Makes Noise and Pollution and Can't Run Without a Road?' Arthur was a Bit Embarrassed, but Finally Spoke, 'Excuse me, but Aren't You the Inventor of Woman?' God said, 'Ah, Yes.' 'Well,' said Arthur, 'Professional to Professional, You Have Some Major Design Flaws in Your Invention ! : 1. There's Too Much Inconsistency in the Front-End Suspension ~ 2. It Chatters Constantly at High Speeds ~ 3. Most of Rear Ends AreToo Soft and Wobble About Too Much ~ 4. The Intake is Placed Way Too Close to the Exhaust ~ 5. The Maintenance Costs Are Outrageous! 'Hmmmmm, You May Have Some Good Points There, 'Replied God, 'Hold On,'----> God Went to His 'Celestial-Super-Computer', Typed in a Few Words and Waited for the Results. The Computer Printed-Out a Slip of Paper and God Read It ~ 'Well, it May be True That My Invention is Flawed,' God Said to Arthur, 'But According to These Numbers, More Men are Riding My Invention Than Yours'
  17. Lets face it that many inbound somethings bound to have problems... also I think there would be very few ships out of CV/N's able to handle a single hit with an AS-4 and thats without it having an instant Sunshine attachment... looks damn good though...
  18. :drinks: Thanks for the work on this bird... to all involved how you do it sometimes gets me... and also to our departed friend... may his wings never tire
  19. All we need now is a Typhoon a Kirov and a Slava... oh and targetable ASM's!!! chasing down AS-4's with Phoenix should be fun... so at least you can go home...!!!
  20. TWS mode works every time just did an engagement from 35miles about 50km's with a C-5 Amraam... but I have also acheived a 90mile kill with an Aim-54 from a Tomcat in a HEad on engagement... Long range kills are effective...
  21. Used SimHq once... didn't like it more fun is to be had here and this place is where I can get the mods I would like for my 2 favourite sims SF1&2 Series and OFF... Thanks for having me around...
  22. How to Hide a Task Force

    Must admit I am still playing the Commanders Edition as I find it more fun than the later Harpoon 3... Also play Janes Fleet Command with the NWP mod on board...
  23. OT - Bureaucracy

    I had something similar to that one Herr Olham... was stopped on the way to work one morning by a nice (ahem!) policeman when living in England he pulled me over for speeding until I pointed out that I was actually doing the speed limit for that section of road 60mph down to a 40mph I was doing 60mph in the area covered by the signs... So little officous bar steward that he was then gives me what we call a producer in England turn up to a Police Station within 7 days and show them your documents... What Nice Mr Policeman didn't know before he filled in the form (I let him fill in 80% of the form) was I had all my documents on me drivers license ownership documents etc etc as I had to renew my parking spot at work and this was a requirement at this point I pull out all the documents and he just stands there looking at me asking why I had not told him I had them to which my reply was a casual because you did not ask... took the guys number and reported him turns out from a friend on the force I knew that he was forever pulling this trick with motorcyclists he was not happy when I asked him to provide me a form to tell my boss why I was late for work...
  24. Rafale wins Indian MMRCA contract

    To be honest this is not a big surprise...

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