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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Dave you missed... but at least they get to glow in the dark...
  2. What's this?

    Is it the new disguise for the EVILCOMMBUILDING???
  3. Been awhile since I wrote one of these... This was a DACT without killing the bad guy as in allowing you to disengage but to complete the mission. Me RF-4E HAF Slatted Wing Loadout 3 Drop tanks Chaff pod and ECM pod Enemy 2 x F-14A Iranian 2 x Aim-54A 3 x Aim-7E4 2 Aim-9J Guns 2 Tanks Okay this was a recon sortie flown alone with no backup and no request for backup on the Op Darius Terrain. Sorry no screenies as it got busy very very fast. Take off and head for the target area about 25 miles out I got bounced still heavy with fuel bandits came down from on high they were at 25000ft to my 5000ft. Next part was easy get low and fast but keep the tanks maybe I can shake them off by forcing them to disengage but this did not work my low flying dodging the hills etc was not a problem for them they both got off an Aim-54 at me which was fun but both hit the hill behind me as I ducked over one Bandit 2 though made a mistake then and dived on me from his perch rather too steeply as well Bandit 1 came down shallow and loosed of an Aim-9J which I spoofed with Flares Bandit 2 though went to meet his maker taking his backseater along for the ride... they hit the ground at around 700kt's by this point I was down at around 100ft still on track for my target area. Bandit 1 now had problems trying to engage me down low he fired his remaining Aim-9J at me spoofing and a hard turn caused this missile to miss. I continued the hard turn and managed to get on his tail (I had forgotten how tight the slatted version of the RF-4E can turn) anyway I then sat behind him for awhile and mock gunned his butt awhile without anything to throw at him. I still had my tanks on board and he continued jinking hard trying to shake me off after about 5 minutes of this I disengaged and headed low again and ran for the pictures Bandit 1 though headed home and away from me... After this it was dodging Mr Sam and Mr Guns... Returned to base intact and all was good. Okay take away not much really as I have been practising this with multiple strike aircraft which have no guns and limited AAM's and I have found that it is most effective to get on the bad guys tail and stay there for awhile eventually they bug out and go home staying low is also a good technique especially if your running heavy with bombs and use the terrain as best you can Bucc and A-6's just stay low hide in valleys as the bad guys have problems and seem to enjoying spreading their jets all over the hills with the standard smoke signals...
  4. OT-another rant

    Billy Connelly... on the National Anthem for England... Love this but I will admit that I do stand up for the National Anthem which some people find strange...
  5. PAK-FA missile launch...

    Fake set of footage... after the launch you then go to view above the jet there is no trail also in the shots before there is no aircraft in sight above...
  6. Happy Birthday To.....

    Happy Birthday...
  7. Back Home

    Well here's the theme tune... Whatever its called...
  8. Capitaine Vengeur Birthday Today!

    Happy Birthday
  9. How to Hide a Task Force

    Must admit I still play Harpoon and some of the scenarios are damn good especially the handmade ones... plus I am creating some for myself but loading it so the Bear knows where I am to start...
  10. Combat Face ?

    My skin doesn't work on this Pee... what do I do ???
  11. So, Iranian Tomcats can fly after all

    Yes they used the Tomcats in the 80's against the Iraqi Air Force with such effectivness that the Iraqi's would not come anywhere near if they picked up the AWG-9 signals some of the Iranian Jets launched without full operating Radar systems and only had Sidewinders such was the effectivness of the Jet...
  12. So, Iranian Tomcats can fly after all

    RIP to the crew as to the Tomcats there are probably birds out there in worse shape... But to the Iranians keeping the Tomcats airborne is a priority issue...
  13. Combat Face ?

    Don't forget we have to have the standard 2 weeks in the small print...
  14. How to Hide a Task Force

    Interesting read... thanks for the upload.
  15. Happy Birthday CrazyhorseB34

    Happy Birthday...
  16. Low flying at high altitudes...

    Now there is getting air and getting air but thats extracting it a bit...
  17. How much is a copyright bill today?

    Sounds about right bribery has been in politics since the dawn of politics...
  18. Respite Care again

    Good luck and take care...
  19. Non War Bi Planes

    Mine would go to a flying boat as there is a certain elegance to them most likely the Short Singapore not too pretty but tough enough to get the job done...
  20. Happy Birthday to

    Happy Birthday
  21. Hi Herr Olham... to make it easier I have studied most of the WW2 heavy fighters over the past 3 months so I know of this particular rarity...
  22. It's a Fokker G.1 Heavy Fighter...
  23. F-4J_74

    Very nice...
  24. In the Face of Horror

    The "Wardogs" sometimes are there with you and your mates and they stick by you, defend you, look after you in their way they are soldiers like the man standing next to you they are your brothers in arms just the same and when they are hurt or killed you grieve for them the same and you treat them the same as your fellow soldier as they are loyal to you and the team they are attached to and are willing to go that extra mile to make sure everyone is safe from harm... and you for your side protect them as well as they protect you

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