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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Shallow dive from around 10000ft 6nm out from the target normally work for me but the missile was not super accurate and I normally get a failure rate of around 50%...
  2. Raven is taking the art of dropping bombs to be a new art... they look impressive.
  3. OT: STALKER 2 Cancelled

    Also some of the mods available are fantastic... and make the AI even more formidable...
  4. OT: STALKER 2 Cancelled

    And another Noooooooooooooooooo from me!!! Damn it this was probably one of the best FPS around nothing linear even though you had a goal at the end but it allowed you to go wander everywhere else before you got there unlike COD etc driving you down a set route... also the atmosphere for this game is damn amazing and sometimes downright weird... loved the poltergeists...
  5. * * PHASE 4 PREVIEW MOVIE 1 ! * *

    Zepplins and Gothas!!! Question is can we fly them ????!!!????
  6. To paraprase a TV Add... The Futures Bright the Future is Orange...
  7. Whenever Dave goes on about testing Nukes I wonder which small country we have to worry about in case something goes wrong...
  8. Iran displays captured UAV


    Did I say Zepplins and Gothas already ???
  10. Err I know its that time of year and all but Dave getting bored should that mean we get worried!!!

    Holy Moly... outstanding Wonderful and there is there is Zepplins!!! Gotha's... tres magnifique wunderbar and all that... this 2 weeks(TM to Combatace) is gonna be a long one... and don't forget Shaun the Sheep!!!!
  12. Bored of being Injured is my problem... damn knee and now the docs tell me I have to wait until the end of January to get it operated on!!! As to motivation whats that I think we got divorced around 2000 when I left the RAF!!!
  13. Help save my air and space museum!

    Signed from an Englishman in Austria... Confused I am... as places like this must be remembered so that we remember the sacrifices made by others before us on our behalf so that we may live in a freer society... Good luck to you
  14. OT Isle of Man TT Race...

    http://www.streetfire.net/video/Isle-of-Man-TT-Full-Lap_732283.htm This is a full lap of the TT by Steve Plater of the Isle of Man an amazing race no matter how you look at it... starting planning my 2013 trip there now... well I will be 42 that year...
  15. It's SidDogs birthday!

    Happy Birthday...
  16. I take it they got bored in Geneva... me I will not and have not supported the Red Cross and its many forms since the early 90's for a few damn good reasons... and tonight I must have commited enough crimes to land me in prison 10 times over for 10 lifetimes with a few years to spare... and thats just playing Skyrim and killing Vampires muhahaha after I fixed my own little vamperism problem. Sounded like he was surrendering collapsed to the floor still alive or undead... Now there's a question if he's undead can he be alive? Anyway I fixed whichever problem and sent him to whichever god with a good old fashioned flaming blade to the chest area... oh and then I hacked him up a bit afterwards (he had annoyed me) then stole all his equipment and that was just one fight in a 4 hour session!!!
  17. Harry Morgan Dead at 96

    Loved him in M.A.S.H.
  18. 7 Dec 1941

    May they rest in peace...
  19. It's SFP1Ace's Birthday

    Happy Birthday... Stary I know this is scary but there is life after 40!!!
  20. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Just joined the companion guys and they want to make me a werewolf now I know I would like a Ranger style character but there are limits... though a Ranger running round in Dwarf armour is asking a bit much me thinks especially as I seem to be going the one handed route might have to switch to double handed...
  21. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Okay as I have been off ill from work for the past 2 days I have been playing Skyrim in between drinking tea and sleeping... fought my first Dragon alone so thats 3 for the count... can anything be done with their bones and scales ie make armour etc ? also trying to work out which is best heavy armour or light still thinking of going light armour simply because of the noise of the heavy gear also as now I am getting elf armour made available... I am only a lowly level 11... Also is there anyway that I can stop my horse charging into battle damn thing gets in the way, or can I get a lance for it ???
  22. Hey Sid, Those ones are as they came with the OP Darius setup... didn't change a thing damn pretty to look at though...
  23. Got those 2 as well... and thanks... must admit I have tried the profiles the Iranians used a could of times with the NAG setup and damn it gets interesting and I can make it back about 75% of the time but it is damned hard work...
  24. Its got a name...

    As one of those OFF'ers and a TW loon its a pleasure to wear that label... Question... Why can a sane person declare you insane yet an insane person (who has more experience than a sane person at being insane) cannot declare you sane... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9S7yhD5M9A&feature=related
  25. Op Darius Screenies... Death of a Rhino Hello Mr Tiger As I said HELLO MR TIGER... Oooo Look ground pounders... Heading out over the waters...

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