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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Err where did the Op Darius After Action thread go to... Take it was removed as it was barely used... damn and I just flew a great SEAD Recon Sortie... ho hum. Okay as to the Iran stuff I am nearly through reading Iran Iraq War in the Air 1980-1988 and it is damn impressive from both sides of the coin. Okay do not get me wrong I do not support the Mullahs but what their Air Force went through most of the pilots getting slammed in jail or excecuted then reprieved to fight the Iraqi's is damn impressive. Also its seems as though in the Tanker war the Iranians took their time in targeting shipping where as the Iraqis pointed their birds at the ship fired and Exocet and went home without looking or seeing what they fired at ala USS Stark... anyhew impressive book.
  2. Microsoft Flight Beta sign ups begin soon

    Question is do I sign up for this or not...??? I think not got too much to do next month as in Fix new bike clean old bike survive winter... etc etc
  3. That sinking feeling...

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-15959067 For those of a Nautical mind this is a great story... Submarine escape: A WWII survival tale from Kefalonia a Stoker on one of HM Submarines survives after an ascent from 171ft...
  4. Its got a name...

    Depends on the Country...
  5. Its got a name...

    I will take an A-4...
  6. SF2 Mig Alley

    Standard Combatace 2 Weeks...
  7. Its got a name...

    Oh great now I am getting that Sinking Feeling and I am in Austia... Next Someone will start doing impressions of Celine Dion... Sorry but you all deserved that... maybe this thread can now get back to whatever it was before this all started...
  8. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    I think I figured my problem with Skyrim... The limitations or lack of them. For example you can wield any weapon cast any spell, wear any armour or be a thief without penalty and thats what I miss from NeverWinters Night 1 & 2 where I used to play as a ranger a lot which meant light armour and bow and arrows and dual weilding of swords... Looks like I will have to settle to become the Fighter Thief Mage type character and none of those where my favourite types in NWN... Granted you run slower with heavy armour but its not a failing... Also took on 8 bandits and killed them all with no magic and onlyy 3 kills with a bow with a bit of hack and slash for the rest then I come up on a Sabrecat that turns me into a can of Tuna and has me for lunch... Don't get me wrong it could be a great game and I like the fact that you can play without limitations but I miss those limitations especially if you do not want to be a Thief or a Mage etc you spend time and character energy to put into those areas... whereas if you want to play as a Ranger one with the wild etc having the ability to use certain weapons etc and knowing nature type spells for me would be a lot more interesting... does that make sense!!!???
  9. Must admit I need to apologise for lack of postings due to lack of time for posting. I will post up the sorties I have flown this weekend as I have 6 sorties awaiting uploading. To Wrench the work you have done is amazing and great fun to fly and the terrain setup is great. I also think the time frame for this has also impacted on this. Please accept my thanks for this idea
  10. Aahhhh yes apologies been one of those weeks... or is that months...
  11. Yup OFF and SF2(Everything) with a blend of FSX...
  12. Gripens in Swiss Air Force

    The Gripens is a replacement for the F-5E Tigers that they operate http://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/politics/internal_affairs/Swiss_Air_Force_to_get_Swedish_jets.html?cid=31673198 Here it is in English from Switzerland...
  13. Its got a name...

    Okay I love this post... I think Dave now requires this... Sorry its in Green (you get some weird stuff out there in t'internet land) Moving on... Okay I will buy the game happily as I like the sim lite feel of TK's games I would be happy if we had full systems but I am realising that there is a limit to what TK can do with the resources at his disposal. I have my expectations and hope for sinkable carriers full AWG-9 setup new terrain engine etc etc... sometimes though I expect to be disappointed but hey thats life. TK does not have to speak to us or have one of his guys do it but DanW was good for that and let us see whats happening and as has been said I would prefer those limited resources to be working at getting the goods done than for them to be posting on forums etc etc... for me speculation is moot I will just wait and see buy it and if it doesn't work out well buy another sim-lite... oh there isn't one oh well back to the drawing board my plan for today is defeated... seriously though I would love to get a bucket of new features and a Tomcat that can target 6 at once... Also to the fighters attacking the fleet easy park the fleet near Norway job sorted or follow the Red Storm approach and use Iceland as a Red Base. I know the Scots are mad but even they wouldn't want the Russkies in their pubs... and they would have to switch from Whiskey to Vodka and we know what would happen then... see above... And as to the Fecking Comm building damn I am sick of it sick of seeing it sick of killing it even though I tried to get creative and still do so on the killing part...
  14. Already done so and have them backed up twice just to be safe...
  15. Now where's the bird with the 37mm gun mounted on it to kill them aka this one :- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breguet_12 ???
  16. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Okay just spent the last 4 hours playing Skyrim and yes it looks pretty real pretty oh come on next Fallout... just I am not blown away by it yet... maybe it will grow on me as this weekend I may just battle along with it and see if it grabs me any more than now...
  17. Happy Birthday Erik

    Happy Birthday Erik... and many thanks for keeping this joint going...
  18. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Well just received mine along with a care package of 2 excellent books about motorbiking so this afternoon whilst awaiting a delivery at home I think me and Skyrim will go for a trial run...
  19. OT The First Snow of Winter

    Blue sky and sunshine here though a bit on the cool side... GLUHWEIN!!!
  20. F-111 burial....

    Thats as bad as the Tornado pictures of them being carved up... sad way for them to go out.
  21. So true...

    Thanks I needed that this morning... and not just the girls...
  22. Its got a name...

    Err I may be the one out of 10 to run the game first as I rarely wander into the Cat files... last time I did I broke everything...
  23. Must admit my leather is ahem a bit ripe from all the bike riding in the heat and it is also decorated with this summers kills...
  24. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/eu/8897662/EU-bans-claim-that-water-can-prevent-dehydration.html Laugh I almost fell of my chair... Sorry but I wonder how much money this idea from those barmpots in Brussels cost! Seriously thats like banning Air can keep you alive! fecking idjiots...
  25. What I would like to see

    Time for my chime in here... as to the Elite remake I am loving playing X3 Terran Conflict as it has a wonderful setup and I am awaiting the next version to come out as it looks damn amazing its a great game once you have figured out the trading system also you can capture other ships and put them to use amongst other things... Would love P4 The Korean War Sim will soon be here by the guys who brought us Nato Fighters etc on Strike Fighters 2... (2 Weeks) Would love a full up remake of Destroyer Command with full fleet battles etc. And can I please pretty please just find an attractive woman under the tree who likes me just the way I am... like I did last Christmas... And Dej you sir have great taste in women that is...

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