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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Got bored of NeverWinters Night 2 but I could never get into Oblivion for some reason... well will give this a try and if it doesn't work out at least I get to see what the graphics will be like for the next Fallout
  2. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Well I have final bit the bullet or should that be sword here and purchased it as it looks like an op on my knee is coming up... so maybe just maybe it will keep me out of trouble...
  3. After installing BF3 Skyrim no longer starts

    Must admit I held out against Valve until Fallout 3 came out and I am not a fan to be honest as you can spend time waiting for it to decide to close etc and then you get the wonderful sales here I am blasting to death mutants and they offer me some cheesy My little pony link when I have finished whats that all about (Might be perfect for Dave though at least he gets a pony)... Anyway onto the topic at hand really annoyed with the state of games today no thought lets just multiplayer it... Gone back to playing Stalker Call of Pribyat with one Mod Pribyatan Arms and the tough level went from Insane to outrageously insane outstanding fun alround as well as all the new guns scenery effects etc and the fog is fecking right there you don't know whats out there until it hits you... one issue I have though is the bad guys can still see you... apart from that its amazing. Beats Call of Duty Modern Warfare lot into the floor... as a little though goes a long way in that game...
  4. The safe use of guns

    +1 on that idea as I know they use .22 calibre SA80's if I remember they also teach them how to clean weapons and have also a great respect for them will also give him experience working outdoors and is great for team building. Good luck whichever path you choose though as I think the UK rules on firearms are crazy as anyone who wants one can get one easy enough.
  5. Eur Bans Claims That Water can prevent Dehydration...

    So your saying that a Pizza is a Fruit so technically a dessert....!!!
  6. You should be able to as I put that tank on 2 or 3 other jets the F-8 if I remember as an experiment and also because I read somewhere that it was tested but rarely if ever used.
  7. Its Life or not...

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-15635612 Seriously the White House states that there are no Aliens outside of Planet Earth... what about some of the people down here on Earth!
  8. True also my problem is that the F-16 does not really suit my style prefer the 18 and its hardpoints as you can normally make a mess of just about anything with it. Also I have to be careful with the 16 as I have a habit of ripping parts of it in high G Turns etc... even on Normal settings and I know its a Beta on the flight controls... and having problems flying about Mach 1 as well means little evasion... Apart from that this is a great idea next time I will go USMC or something with a less delicate airframe...
  9. To be honest Eric I would not be surprised at what the Iranians have and where they aquired them from as they could receive them from both the Russians and the Chinese (Though the later will be the Chinese variant). The Iranians are saying they have the SA-10 though Russia states they did not sell it to them but the Chinese version I wouldn't be surprised...
  10. Good point Eric... though I am supposed to be running sead, and my one sortie so far was near Qods will have to get more flown. Maybe a good idea to pass down sorties in areas where people are requiring special sorties especially for the Air Forces as the Navy have full all round abilities with the Hornets...
  11. Happy Birthday Sundowner

    Happy Birthday...
  12. Was planning a mission to Bushehr tomorrow am... SEAD with Strike. Looks like I can go strike all the way...
  13. As above from Op Darius. 1 vs 4 F-16 (TMF) vs F-4E Loadouts F-4E longrange air to air F-16 Long-range Air to Air after firing of 2 Harms. This DACT was from a SEAD Sortie. Flight time was around 5 minutes at the most but it was brutal all the same. Scene 2 F-16's rolling in to kill a Hawk site F-4E's bounce from their 8o'clock and 30000ft Falcons at 10000ft Falcon 2 has gone stupid and dis-engaged leaving Mamba 1 alone. Both Harms fired and tanks dropped turn in to the bad guys lock up after dodging Sparrow 1 (Aim-7F) lock up the leader and fire a Slammer and gain a hit whilst locking his wingman and getting a miss Wingman fires 2 Sparrows at me and in reply he gets an Aim-9x in the face second pair dropping tanks and coming at me in Welded wing and wanting a fight as both fire on me evasion and chaff and I save my six. Turn back in and fire my last missile which misses as both bad guys are punching out flares together impressive to watch but I was evading another Sparrow at that point. Blow through the pair and hard 7g turn back into the pair expecting them to run both go for a circle fight and looking for me engage the lead but number 2 gets a 9P lock up going on brakes on and he zooms by lead is currently the wrong side of the turn for a shot so I engage number 2 and kill him with guns. Lead is no in trail around 8 o'clock on me I 9g turn and we circle twice he runs out of room and speed levels out to climb out of the valley and I gun him down... Takeaway from this practice gun killing as in a Falcon you don't get a lot of long-range shooting. Also the new with the new setup it is harder to stay alive with multiple bandits or is it just me ? saying that I am not a Falcon driver at all I prefer the Hornet or heavier iron. Also never assume that you can win a fight because you have the latest and greatest... Pics below. Slammed Windered Guns 1 Guns baby...
  14. TO: JFC SHAPE FROM: 13th Squadron 35th Fighter Wing SEAD Sortie in the Qoms area. 2 x F-16C BLK50 Callsign Mamba Loadout for both birds Full Gun 2 Drop tanks 2 x Harm 2 x Aim-9X 2 x Aim-120C About time the Air Force got in on this from up North... Take off uneventful at 08:00hrs joined up before the border and pressed in no initial dectection from any EWR/GCI or SAM sites also no airborne warnings of any type, also no EW for any hostile air from E-3. After 40 minutes inbound flight at M.8 started receiving paints from a HAWK CWAR and shallow paints from a ZSU-23-4. I fired my Pre-Briefed missile and set the other for the ZSU-23-4 in case we needed to strafe and Mamba 2 fired his pre-brief Harm. My Harm took out te Hawk radar Mamba 2's missed at this point it gets a little interesting as Mamba 2 is lining up for his second shot and I take mine we get bounced by 4 F-4E's looking for a fight. I unleash my Harm which misses and turn towards at this point 2 calls out he has problems and is disengaging south. Phantom lead has already locked me up and fires a Sparrow down on me from 30000ft I dive to the ground and evade and return the favour but with Slammer flavouring. Scratch one F-4E I lock his wing up and fire the Slammer initially tracks and then goes stupid as the F-4E pumps chaff into the sky and also fires a pair of Sparrows down on me both missing. The Aim-9x does not miss on return mail. Problem 2 F-4E's still in the fight and looking for one and both fire a sparrow each at me chaff and manuevering defeat them next problem I fire my last missile and it gets confused as these guys are welded wing and both are popping flares so the Aim-9 finds no home to hit. Switch to guns and close this is going to get interesting both F-4E's split and both go for a circle fight I latch onto the lead but his wingman moves in on me preparing for a 9P shot bank right and stand on the brakes wingman overshoots brakes back in and engage wingman gun kill and he's down and out. Lead is coming back in on me so a 9g turn is completed and then out he goes in front and he's in a bad place out of speed and height and out of aircraft guns kill complete. Turn back in towards the target area and make 2 strafing runs killing a Rapier site. Mamba 2 had a weapons system malfunction so we turn for home landing successfully. For Intel also took some shots of a site of interest near the Qom's. See pictures below. Site of Interest Splash 1 Splash 2 Splash 3 Splash 4 Mission de-briefs On a personal note I know I setup for 4 Phantoms but these guys where extremely aggressive. Was a damn good fight.
  15. Just Flight Freebie

    Just Flight have launched a freebie for the Boeing 757-200 Rolls Royce powered Airliner. You only get one livery British Airways but the option to buy all the rest comes in around 20GBP or 2GBP for 2 liveries also you get Rolls Royce engines or Pratt and Whitney types with the pay for addon's with seperate engine sounds. I have downloaded it for my FSX and Air Hauler and also spent a few pounds on buying 6 liveries... so far it looks okay and it is a good price. http://www.justflight.com/default.asp Its easy its on the front page...
  16. Just Flight Freebie

    True but I have seen a few freeware skins released already... must admit I paid out for some of the skins (Cargo types for my Airhauler install) and they are pretty damn good forgot to mention that the initial free download comes with Rolls Royce sounds as well...
  17. Must admit seems like a crazy idea on the Tomcat scrapping them granted they where getting on in their years but see it this way at least they went out swinging and hitting hard... though I feel if a major conflict kicks of the USN is going to miss those birds...
  18. Great work there O High Priest of CYA... Glad I could enlighten you on the Standby for action...
  19. Thankful Villages...

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-15671943 Found this interesting feature on the BBC... its about villages where all who went out to war returned... some from both wars.
  20. Interesting piece on Steve Jobs

    What gets me is that Steve Jobs is a Visionary who created the universe when without Denis Ritchie who died the same month Jobs wouldn't have gotten anywhere, is completly forgotten about also when you compare Jobs to Gates hate to say this but Gates wins everytime.. By the way I know its from a funny pictures website but unfortunately its true...
  21. Hurricane says "Hi"

    That engine note always sends a shiver down my spine...
  22. USMC to buy UK Harriers

    What would have been a happier ending is if those Harriers had gone back into RAF Service...

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