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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Another great flash game

    Interesting game... DO NOT MENTION THAT GAME Widow old chap, I completed it on the Amiga and took the disc and sliced it open trashed it followed by cutting it to pieces and then burning it... damn game nearly drop me crazy...
  2. Cotton Wool Life

    Good points there Widow old chap... For me I have served in the military and I have wandered into a couple of civil wars along the way Bosnia and Kosovo to be honest at one point I made the comment on who where we protecting today, not the right one but hey someone had to ask. Also I spent my 20's living as an adrenaline junkie skydiving racing motorbikes both on the track and off, in fact the motorbiking never stopped. I had a bad day with a parachute I have also be on the receiving end of a clip of 7.62mm from an AK-47 (Still wonder how he missed, guy was drunk slipped and pulled the trigger letting the clip go fecking idiot didn't have the safety on) anyhew I made it to 40. I will say there are days when I feel everyone of those years and even when I ride I still have moments where its interesting shall we say thankfully though I have slowed down, but that flight or fight feeling is still there when the adrenaline and testosterone kick in thankfully now its tempered by knowledge... my payment for this was I never got round to getting married children etc would I pay it again not sure... As to the youth of today there are some who are brilliant like the men and women who go out there everyday and do their job without wrecking others lifes and as to the scum of work shy feckwits they should be in a federal program to clean the countryside etc... but remember that for all the rioters out there there are also the ones who go out and do their job provide for their family etc and the last I looked they outnumber the scumbags...
  3. Tornado versus Cop

    As has been stated this has been around for years and they sometimes mix the Aircraft when I last heard it it was for a Harrier and was down at Wittering... As to the Winder on that one yes there is a version for Anti-Radar called a Sidearm but it is no longer available also was primarily used by the USMC on Harriers and Cobra attack Helo's... still worth a laugh and as you Widow be interesting to read the report if an Alarm missile came off the rail and hit the squad car... the insurance form would be hilarious... though most likely no one would be there to write it...
  4. Take on Helicoptors

    Interesting as to having heard about no but I have now...
  5. Found this site and its got some great little notes in it... Like this when comparing the B-2 Stealth with the B-35 of the 1940's in reference to the US Government not building the B-35 and building the B-36... But to make sure the point was not lost, Northrop engineers made sure the B-2 had the same wingspan, to the inch, as the B-35. Its mostly though about the F-20 Tigershark... now we have one in WIP...
  6. 10 Years Ago Today

  7. Whilst out roaming the tinterweb... F-20 Site

    Apologies the Web site... http://www.f20a.com/
  8. Smoke em if you've got em... nice
  9. The Horror, the Horror

    Sorry I was meaning the Tornado F-3 equipped to carry Alarm under the the fuselage... as its RWR/ECM Kit was first rate...
  10. Naval & Military Press

    Outstanding thanks they had a book I wanted 70% off... so ended up spending a bit more...
  11. The Horror, the Horror

    Thats the one Derk... saw it on my way back from Parents to Vienna but it used to have a bunch of mates...
  12. The Horror, the Horror

    When I used to ride down the M1 or A1 in England in the 90's there was a similar sight of BAe Lightnings all cut up etc when I was home last year there was only 1 left and looking very battered... Your right its a sad sight to see a jet reduced to its spare parts especially when the Tornado had a useful second life as a SEAD Airframe which the RAF seriously lack as the EW kit on the Tornado F-3 was outstanding and in some ways better than what the Tornado ECR has... also down on the deck they where extremely fast, as I remembered being in a beaten one years ago going Mach 1.1 at 300ft down Falkland sound... Thuperthonic man...
  13. Same here though A-4's and F-5's along with Buccaneers
  14. OT Bit of Office fun

    Like though I found it strange the further away I got the better I got... hmmm must be my English blood and Longbows... :drinks:
  15. Buccaneer RAF for SF2

    And I can back Volker on that one as the was no CCIP... and hey if your flying the beauty down low where you are supposed to CCIP is not required... one pass drop everything then haul your butt outta there...
  16. I know about the pods but I will be trying to stick to the loadouts as best I can mission is to get bombs on target with a non-fighter or attack type (no guns etc)... might even throw the A-6 in over Vietnam...
  17. This ain't the Navy...

    That will take a bit more than Duct tape to put back together... Damn...
  18. Okay I will run with it and see what happens... I will be doing stock sorties as this gives a better setup as you don't know whats running at you but I will be using the NATO IV mod so that it covers all areas ie SAM's as well as counter air and the Jet to be used... we all know which it will be it... The Buccaner as that way there is no burner just to plain run from the bad guys and will allow me to test against even the more modern jets ie Fulcrum and Flanker... offensive bomb loads as well as standard load outs 1970's just wall to wall bombs and rockets... 1980's bombs jamming pod single mid era Aim-9 a G would be the correct model but we will see what we have to play with... Thats the plan anyway and we all know what happens to the plan on first meeting of the enemy...
  19. Okay guys I was wondering as we have all done DACT if it was fine for some plain defeating of the enemy as in not killing him... Was wondering as I was running away from a Hunter in the Bucc last night as I didn't have any A-A more a case of defensive manuevering. See if anyone was interested.
  20. Strange flying he says... whats strange is a Sopwith Strutter going to Warp speed... Good find there Herr Creaghorn...
  21. Make ground attacks sorties more interesting now... as I see the bird is set to carry IRM's on the wings
  22. Life in the Country

    It's the Banjo Players which should worry you... when they stop playing its time to paddle faster...
  23. Buccaneer RAF for SF2

    Bucc's away... now get out there and drop iron... hmm how long until we get this into Nato Fighters ??? Just joking mine will have it by tonight... and then its onto Campaigning with this great jet...
  24. Christmas and Early come to mind...

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