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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Blackburn Buccaneer Released for SF2

    Trust me when I say that this is a thing of sheer beauty, and I agree with Dave, sorry guys but this one raises the bar of mods... simply outstanding work the wait guys is more than worth it as I know how much effort has gone into this... Just remember she is for flying low and fast and dropping iron on the bad guys... To Ravenclaw thanks for the work and all the patience and effort that you have put into this...
  2. Immersion

    Well said that man... I must admit I cannot wait for P4 me I would pre-order and pay early so I can get it. Not tried the other one but I have seen some video's and yes it does look pretty it just doesn't look as gritty as OFF if thats the right wording. Also it would cost me a fortune to get all the planes where as OFF has them all in plenty... and whats happening on the ground for example you see gas attacks troops marching etc. not sure if these are in the other one but it does make a lot up for it.
  3. GoodOldGames hit 6 million downloads

    Good luck to them... as they have some great titles...
  4. RFC Calendar 2012

    I think that due to it being from the RAF it sort of gives it away... that it will not have none of that colonial type holiday stuff...
  5. THE coffee.

    The Jamacian Blue is a wonderful coffee had it years ago and need to go back and re-visit it... as to the Coffee you are trying enjoy it thats all I can say as there are some things in life which are worth the effort and the money... let us know how it tastes Saying that I live in Vienna so good coffee is never too far away...
  6. Great Buy for your Library?

    I have this book and no it isn't that great... good for a brief overview though. As to the price me thinks someone is having a
  7. OT: Life in the Trenches, A New Respect

    For me the answer is old fashioned and some would say corny... Queen and Country. (NOT POLITICIANS OR THOSE WHO SUPPORT THEM THOUGH) sorry about the caps. Decision was made when I was a youngster according to family...
  8. OT: Life in the Trenches, A New Respect

    Being a biker and ex military being cold and wet... sort of goes together, when I rode home to the UK end of June got caught in a rainstorm for 3 hours near Regensburg Germany (For those who don't speak German Regen is Rain and Burg Mountain) yup I got wet as I found out under a bridge that my waterproofs where back in Vienna 400Km's or so away... Had to ride on as I was miles/km's from anywhere on the Autobahn... for 3 hours I got soaked my leathers where soaked and I pretty much stayed that way for the day... until I got to Ghent in Belgium... a damp soggy day. As to the Trench stuff I know about it due to my basic training and advanced training when we made a basic mistake that meant our hide was soaked through in 15 minutes all the kit etc and we couldn't light any fires etc as it would give us away... damn that was a cold cold cold 48 hours though we did get warm afterwards... running away from an "enemy" patrol... must explain why I creak so much... of to get more liquid lubrication
  9. OT: Battlefield 3 - gameplay trailer

    Your right about the music... as to buying it I will not be doing so, good luck to those who do...
  10. Anatolia Project v2

    Outstanding work...
  11. A bit like the Royal Wedding

    Hear hear old chap... thanks for the weirdness that you have brought and long may it continue... and to everyone else I will say its a pleasant place to browse and talk...
  12. Automatic back up onto 2 seperate drives once a week... outside of that all's gravy...
  13. Neutrinos

    It's worse than that, it's physics, Jim!
  14. OT Braveheart

    English and proud... (BAD movie and not in a good way)...
  15. Thrustmaster Rules!

    Must admit I am uising the one at the top of the list and find it fantastic... Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X Flight Stick as the throttle is seperate and you have 2 choices for the rudder with the twist on the Stick or the paddles on the throttle...
  16. Like a fish on the dry land

    And that will be his front...
  17. What Happened?

    Was posted on the old book of Face...
  18. Like a fish on the dry land

    Me send me up against a DR.1 and me flying a Bristol Scout... Congrats to all getting us back on our feet if not quite steady yet...
  19. Welcome back!

    Welcome back as well from me... Congrats to all the hard work done as I know how pain staking IT can be, especially when servers take leave...
  20. FSX help question

    You may have to go rooting around in the Registry as it will leave its mark there...
  21. Now Speaking of Video's... Found this!

    Early Christmas Present ???
  22. No that will leave a mark in the morning...
  23. Happy Birthday FalconC45

    Happy Birthday
  24. Funny clip from the muppet show

  25. OT Made me laugh

    True Story Tap on the Shoulder A true story from the pages of the Manchester Evening News . . Last Wednesday a passenger in a taxi heading for Salford station leaned over to ask the driver a question and gently tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. The driver screamed, lost control of the cab, nearly hit a bus, drove up over the curb and stopped just inches from a large plate window. For a few moments everything was silent in the cab. Then, the shaking driver said "are you OK? I'm so sorry, but you scared the daylights out of me." The badly shaken passenger apologized to the driver and said, "I didn't realize that a mere tap on the shoulder would startle someone so badly" The driver replied, "No, no, I'm the one who is sorry, it's entirely my fault. Today is my very first day driving a cab. I've been driving a hearse for 25 years." A Hearse for those wondering is a Vehicle for carrying a deceased person to the Church.

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