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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. 98 years ago today the first U-Boat was sunk...

    This was meaning more on the case of a definite sinking by enemy action of a U-Boat in WW1. Also as no-one is sure how the Hunley was sunk as it could have taken itself out with its own weapon or by lack of oxygen or enemy action it is still up for grabs...
  2. The Site Being Back Up

    Thank you Erik and everyone else for the tireless work you do to keep the site running...
  3. OFF and CA...

    On a more personal note I wish to thank Erik and the administrators here for keeping the wonderful old bar open... I do not like the layout at SimHq tried it many times and I have been a member here for a very around 8 years or so primarily for Strike Fighters and the information here... and it was also here that I first heard of OFF... So many thanks for all the work that you guys do as I work IT I know how frustrating it can be at times... And may we all move on and enjoy this for many more years to come...
  4. New Badges

    They Guard the Pope!!!???!!!
  5. New Badges

    I know were you reside NOW LIKE THE BADGES!!! or weird things will start happening...
  6. SF2 Library Reorganization Complete

    Well done guys... marvellous job...
  7. They could have been Naval Officers seconded to the unit as I know most Naval uniforms are white for warmer climates...
  8. *WARNING BAD LANGUAGE* (but so funny)

    Some of the other ones on there are fantastic as well...
  9. They're going to need a bigger boat

    I was scuba diving in the Atlantic around Ascension Island and we saw a beautiful Blue Shark... and it stayed out there at the edge of vision just floating along truly beautiful... what I do not agree with is the fishermen who catch sharks and then fin them and throw them back into the sea still alive so people can eat shark fin soup... humans kill around 10,000,000 (yes million) sharks a year, I am into shark conservation... Rant mode off...
  10. They're going to need a bigger boat

    Beautiful creature too good to eat...
  11. New Badges

    Really good work Erik... And no Stinkin Badges Jokes.. .
  12. New Badges

    ooo nice.. .
  13. Looks like fun...............

    Not even the bottle of scotch... survival suit and lifejacket and I was in the water for around 20 minutes each time...
  14. Not tried them yet but remember that the Spitfire was more a turn fighter over the S-199 and P-51... but it should bleed some speed just a thought...
  15. Looks like fun...............

    Did that for 202 Helicopters a couple of times in the North Sea... 202 Fly Seaking Helicopters and the Northsea is damn fecking cold...
  16. 5,000,000

    Hot dang that is good going... and bravo for a most excellent site... though were you got that photo from is scary its like me on a Monday Morning before coffee... though I have a darker shade of grey...
  17. Umm...

    As to Siggi's remark I second that sentiment as you were ill and with that it is possibly fatal... but personally I will not use the site as it has nothing to offer me that I cannot get here and in better quality... but 6 days is nothing in the grand scheme of things... hope your feeling better Erik and all goes well...
  18. 69 Years ago today...

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normandy_landings It was the beginning of the end of the Nazi regime from the western allies with the invasion of Normandy... and the freeing of Europe by the allied forces by creating a second third front in the war against Hitler...
  19. There are eels on my beach!

    I am off to check my Hovercrafts...
  20. Target: Invincible

    Okay with regards Invincible... she was undamaged as has been stated, I know a few guys who were on board her during the Falklands war and they find that this sort of thing stupid yes Atlantic Conveyor was hit and sunk by the exocet and possible both exocets that were launched at Invincible and the task group. As has been quoted she stayed in the Falklands for the extra time period as the runway at Stanley was unable to operate the F-4 Phantoms (which is why they built MPA to provide a decent set of runways for military aircraft) and the GR-3 Harriers were not best suited to Air interception as well as the fact that they did not have any way to support them apart from guess what using an Aircraft carrier which carried all the parts. As Hermes was the command ship for the Task Force she was sent home first also she was an older ship and not so efficent as the Invincible class carriers and had numerous defects that needed a full sized dockyard. Illustrious was then rushed through builders trials etc to get her into the war if it was required but she wasn't they then sent her to the Falklands to relieve Invincible so she could return home. With regards the reason for the slowdown in Harrier sorties after the attack is simple she had the biggest deck and the best equipped medical bays in the area to treat the injured and that they were cycling Seaking Helicopters from her to rescue the injured and those who had abandoned the Atlantic Conveyor and as anyone knows Helicopter and Fast jet sorties interfere even for the US Navy on their Super Carriers. The reason it is that there is such a conspiracy is that the Junta needed a Victory to claim that they hit one of the carriers as they knew that the war was practically over and that they needed to give the troops on the ground something to cheer about and more importantly something to throw at the people back home to stop them coming over and lynching the lot of them.
  21. There are eels on my beach!

    At least it's not in your Hovercraft... or maybe his brother is ???!!!
  22. Concealed weapons troll

    Well I have in my possession my one and only trusty rusty wooden spoon it's lethal... lol
  23. Dornier 17 Salvage Operation

    I wish them luck but taking the risky option sometimes pays off but other times it gets really bad... as in :- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Azorian
  24. Good morning all you hoopy froods... Quick question I am planning on doing a full uninstall of all my SF2 and then doing a brand new install. This will obviously mean a full download of the patched versions as I am currently on March/April 2012 are there any major issues with the latest patched versions and if so are they easy to fix ?
  25. Personally I would go with SF2 Europe as there are lots of mods for that one and is probably a very good starter pack and then add the others as you go along. As there is the Excellent Nato V pack which spans a very good time span though it is primarily land based and then you could also download the Operation Desert Storm which does include Naval aircraft (Tomcat F-18 A-7 and A-6). Also the mods here are extremely well done and also you can mix and match what you want aircraft wise. Problem is there is no easy option as we all want different things...

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