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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Must admit I will miss the old guy... granted a lot of what he posted should not have been posted in an Sim Forum site and I know he was warned and the fact they created a forum for that sort of thing, but he kept posting in The Pub... tis a shame he did not heed the warnings and back off from posting like he did...
  2. http://www.peckaeroplanerestoration.com/Sopwith/SP.htm Some lovely photo's of a rebuild even if it is a replica...
  3. http://www.abpic.co.uk/search.php?q=Sopwith%201%201/2%20Strutter%20Replica&u=type For those who may have missed these... 2 of Sopwiths finest... though only replica's...
  4. Farewell Flt Lt Stanley Wigmore RFC

    If I ever make it out of 1916 I will be happy... Commiserations on your loss old chap...
  5. Is it me or does the Fury look a lot meaner than the rinky dink Sabre ? I know why as just finished Strike from the Sea a good book all about the attack series of Naval jets starting at the good old Spad up to the F-35... good reading all told. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Strike-Sea-Aircraft-Skyraider-1948-present/dp/1580071325/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1310932695&sr=1-2 Link is to the book on Amazon.co.uk
  6. A little Priestly Smuggling...

    As it is a Sunday... A distinguished young woman on a flight from Switzerland asked the priest beside her, "Father, may I ask a favour?" "Of course. What may I do for you?" "Well, I bought an expensive woman's electronic hair dryer for my mother's birthday that is unopened and well over the Customs limits, and I'm afraid they'll confiscate it. Is there any way you could carry it through Customs for me? Under your robes perhaps?" "I be glad to help you, dear, but I must warn you: I will not lie." She nodded and accepted the risk. "With your honest face, Father, no one will question you." When they got to Customs, she let the priest go ahead of her. The official asked, "Father, do you have anything to declare?" "From the top of my head down to my waist, I have nothing to declare." The official thought this answer was rather strange, so he asked, "And what do you have to declare from your waist to the floor?" "I have a marvellous instrument designed to be used on a woman, but which is, to date, unused." It took a moment for the customs man to absorb the statement, but once he did he had a hard time keeping a straight face as he called out, "Next!"
  7. A little Priestly Smuggling...

    Hope everythings okay over there...
  8. Completed Mission!

    Congrats must admit I had problems when I got my new machine as it was running Win7 64bit but found the answer installing in the Programx86 folder and all works wonderful... right where's my Strutter...
  9. Women Football World Championship

    I know its for Rugby but this says it all about mens football/soccer/prancing about... you get the idea.
  10. Meanwhile over the Dardanelles... Ssssshhh we be hunting ships... Meanwhile over the Dardanelles... Ssssshhh we be hunting ships... Okay who woke them up???
  11. Ooops I broke it can I have a new one please ? Note to self stop strafing at Mach 1 and looping over airfields... and no I wasn't hit the wing fell off... honest...
  12. gallery 45680 645 36627

    From the album OFF

  13. The Illustrated BOC News, July 16, 2011

    Greetings Herr Olham, Making Scones is fairly straightforward I have a few recipes if you would like them, son of a Baker and being English its in my blood so to speak... as to the Jam easily sought as I have found some excellent jams here in Austria the clotted cream though is a bit tougher though you could replace it with standard whipped cream its what I do here in Vienna...
  14. The Illustrated BOC News, July 16, 2011

    Well if you hadn't ahem borrowed it from Mr Poe then who else ??? I think Mr Poe is ideal for the dark times in which we fly...
  15. The Illustrated BOC News, July 16, 2011

    Thanks old Chap... as to posting my qualifications whatever next ?
  16. Attacking airfields mission question

    I normally do a fast and loose shoot the heck outta everything drop any bombs and run for home... works for me but most times I come home in the proverbial flying sieve... I normally aim for the tents etc with the bombs and gun the planes up if I can...
  17. The Illustrated BOC News, July 16, 2011

    Well this answers a question that I was pondering on the BOC medal that was floating around on some peoples signatures... I don't know I go away for a couple of weeks and come back to this... whatever next... P4 Dare I say it... By the wonderful writing going on there...
  18. What the hell is wrong with the UK?!

    The Reason the UK Military in general pays more is because unlike other armed forces we end up buying just the airframe etc and giving it the the Old Boys club that is BAe etc and then they install all the kit inside it and charge the UK military for everything and charge it double and saying it does a better job, when in the long term generally it doesn't for example the Chinook HCMK2 which was supposed to be glass cockpit etc but they couldn't get it to work and they sat in storage for 8 years when Boeing had the ones for the US Army with glass cockpits sorted in short order... There are also other things the SA-80 would have been cheaper a lot cheaper to buy the M-16/M-4 and there would not have been any problems, granted BAe do make some good equipment when it works, but when it comes to the UK Military in General they shaft them for every penny they can get. Type 45 Destroyer anyone 3 times the cost of a Burke class DDG with half the weapons etc etc... As to the RAF becoming part of the Army or Navy which one of those 2 services controls it ? Because if either do they will set it for their priorities. Granted the RAF does at times do stupid things Harriers anyone? But it should stand alone as there are jobs it does that the other services dont do, anyhew of my soapbox again... oh and I spent 10 years in the Army and Airforce... Navy made me seasick...
  19. Hot Summer could wipe out Goth Population-experts warn

    Please tell me it will also take those fake Goths out as well... Emo's or Emu's or whatever they are...
  20. I vote Option 1 as well... as the Anatolia Terrain covers Turkey et al...
  21. 10th Doctor Trailer

    He was very good at being the old Doc... the new boy doesn't have anything on him.
  22. Go away for a week or so and come back and it looks like C Variants are on the go with the Falcon...
  23. Was stooging round in the old one ahem the other day and she still looks good... cannot wait to see the update...
  24. What we Angelenos are expecting this weekend...

    Come on didn't you expect him to drive anything else ??? He also rides a BMW GS though not out of choice... damn Tractors...
  25. Wait what?

    So true on that one but somedays I have just problems getting out of the parking lot let alone into the air... I am curious on this though on what the DLC brings...

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