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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. There all in Nato IV+ and they all fly fine though they may be in the downloads section as seperates...
  2. CAUTION: graphic carnage

    Noooooo..... Sounds like a failure in the crane. But to do that to a Scooter thats criminal...
  3. Looks like the Traffic Police just got an update... Great Work...
  4. 20 Years and Some Change.....

    Congrats to the one called Dave... beat my retirement by a long shot I walked out hoping the door didn't hit me in the Butt as I left Seriously though welcome to the weird time of going from Military to Civilian its weird man...
  5. 80 five hundred pounders from angels four zero

    Now we all know that it would be more fun to do it with Live Weapons... I will admit I am curious what 80 500lb er's would do to an airfield... with GPS Guidance
  6. Voted... and it goes like this :-
  7. OT Strange happenings at the Lake!

    Must admit there are certain times of the day when the human mind is very easy to trick at 4:30am is a pretty good one or when you are tired stressed etc... had it myself start talking to the bike and then hearing a response quite good when your blitzing through Germany at 150kmh and no other vehicles around but hey thats what I get for talking to myself... anyhew its nice to hear it doesn't just happen to me makes life wonderful when something strange happens with nothing to explain it...
  8. The Force is with him...

    Happy Birthday
  9. Happy Birhday Slartibartfast

    Thanks guys just recovering from my ride from Vienna to Leeds... 1840+Km... it was fun apart from the rain in Germany...
  10. OT... But Widowmaker will like it...

    Found while roaming the interweb thingie... GOLDEN RETRIEVER: The sun is shining, the day is young, we've got our whole lives ahead of us, and you're inside worrying about a stupid burned-out lightbulb? BORDER COLLIE: Just one. And then I'll replace any wiring that's not up to code. DACHSHUND: You know I can't reach that stupid lamp. ROTTWEILER: Make me! LAB: Oh, me,me!!!! Pleeeeeeze let me change the light bulb! Can I? Can I? Huh? Can I?!!! GERMAN SHEPARD: I'll change it as soon as I've led these people from the dark, check to make sure I haven't missed any, and make just one more perimeter patrol to see that no one has tried to take advantage of the situation. TIBETAN TERRIER: Let the Boder Collie do it. You can feed me while he's busy. JACK RUSSEL TERRIER: Ill just pop it in while I'm bouncing off the walls and furniture. POODLE: I'll just blow in the Border collie's ear and he'll do it. By the time he finishes rewiring the house, my nails will be dry. COCKER SPANIEL: Why change it? I can still pee on the carpet in the dark. DOBERMAN: While its dark, I'm going to sleep on the couch. BOXER: Who cares? I can still play with my squeaky toys in the dark. CHIHUAHUA: Yo quiero Taco Bulb. POINTER: I see it, there it is, there it is, right here... GREYHOUND: It isn't moving, who cares? AUSTRALIAN SHEPARD: First, I'll put all the light bulbs in a little circle... OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG: Light bulb? I'm sorry, but I don't see a light bulb. HOUND DOG: ZZZZZZZZzZzZzZZz.z..z...z...z.z.z...z CAT: Dogs do not change light bulbs. People change light bulbs. So, the question is : How long will it be before I can expect light? ALL OF WHICH PROVES, ONCE AGAIN, THAT WHILE DOGS HAVE MASTERS, CATS HAVE STAFF.
  11. Islamic Troublemaker to be deported

    And his supporters claim its because of the Jewish Lobby he has been arrested... laugh I fell of my chair at that one... yet the guy is a known preacher of racism towards the Jews...
  12. At Caesar... wasnt much of a fight to be honest just lately me and the computer have a thing going she goes for high speed slash and runs but rarely mixes it with me, story of my life... only hard part of the kill was chasing him down... At EricJ... go as is and and see how you do... and on your skinning might have to mod an F as a Super Fox... though I think someone has already done this...
  13. Damn don't know why but the 31 always reminds me of a flying brick... more so than the F-4e Phantom... Looking good...
  14. Belly Up

    do you want a whiskey chaser with that mate... As to the issue might be a good time to see about buying a solid state drive bit more expensive than a standard but dropping them isn't as much of an issue...
  15. Next you will be doing TWA F-15's or F-4's or something... leading to a fight of Airlines
  16. Air Force Vs Marines... 1v1 My Ride for the night A-4M 2 Aim-9H 2 drop tanks The opponent... 1 x F-4E(78) 3 Aim-7 Sparrow 4 Aim-9J Terrain Anatolia Okay on the table today was placed an F-4E to be taken down and he had all the cards as my loadout was simulating a Recon run where he was Air to Air all the way... Take off was easy as said than done... and headed towards the play area. No SAM's up for this one when we went to play over the water-ish... Anyway he got to bounce me and popped a Sparrow at me which I out manouvered even the the tanks on as I reefed into a max G Turn...punching the tanks as I went he then popped a Sidewinder at me and squirted the gun at me all missing. I continued my turn as he overshot me and I got tone for the winder held it for 2 seconds and fired, his flares saved his rhino hide... I stayed in his six say about 2 miles back as he had gone over the top of me at around the speed of heat... I ducked the nose to gain some speed and popped my second winder at him same result flares everywhere and a clean miss. Now it was down to if I could catch him which normally I wouldn't be able to but he was jinking and juking like a good un... I steadly closed him down chasing that dark dark smoke and got a gun solution on him and hosed him from about 400 yards taking his tail clean off... and thats all the fat lady wrote... My Ride Come back here... I said come back here and die like an Aviator... Wuss ooorar to the marines... Take away nothing much he overshot and then ran...
  17. 97 Years Ago.....

    To quote fallout War never Changes maybe it should be Man Never changes...
  18. Makes me smile... but hey I am ex-RAF as well and I have a penchant for flying A-4 Scooters... go figure... And on that note tonight when I get home I will be having an A-4 Fest Random Dogfighting against anything that comes my way with an Echo... could get interesting...
  19. They tested it back in the 70's to see if it was a feasible idea as the Israel Air Force had more faith in the 30mm Defa I think it was test flown and worked well but they stuck to the M61A1 that the jets came with and as they bought more US equipment it made more sense...
  20. Lost the will to fly/play

    Must admit at present besides testing for SF2 I haven't really got back into the swing... not even the FPS I love like the STALKER games with mods of course... sometimes you just need a break so just relax and it will all come back to you... most likely before you go on holiday...
  21. I see your crystal ball isn't cloudy was going to go and do some Scootering this evening and see what I could pick on...
  22. Yak-Yak

    When I get a spare 10 minutes this year I am going to have to learn how to do this skinning business... I appreciate all who skin and make the models for us...
  23. Try and get the cursor on his nose...

    http://www.selfcontrolfreak.com/slaan.html I tried and failed... good luck
  24. OT... Have you heard...

    Yes I was watching it tonight... and this song no matter what makes me laugh...
  25. Phase 4 - the DH4 Petition

    Aaaahhh quit your moaning and say yes you know you want to...

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