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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Yes you can you need to edit the aircrafts data_ini find the weapons area and go to work... but its best to read the knowledge base here at Combatace its taken nearly 10 years to write so its a damn informative read.
  2. Arizona is hot... and not in a good way...

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-13673567 Good luck to all out there.
  3. Converting Oil to Jet Fumes...

    I remember flying online years ago with Janes FA and annoying the F-22 drivers with a Eurofighter... always how the hell did I do that???
  4. Yeah those Hornets on the pointy end might cause a problem... to the poor Bug about to be flung off... not to mention the turkeys... Otherwise great looking...
  5. Operation Overlord

    Do not call me hero, When you see the medals that I wear, Medals maketh not the hero, They just prove that I was there. Do not call me hero, Now that I am old and grey, I left a lad, returned a man, They stole my youth that day. Do not call me hero, When we ran the wall of hail, The blood, the fears, the cries, the tears We left them where they fell. Do not call me hero, Each night I stop and pray, For all the friends I knew and lost, I survived my longest day. Do not call me hero, In the years that pass, For all the real true heroes, Have crosses, lined up on the grass. Rob Aitchison Found this today... spare a thought to all who where there...
  6. My AI generally go with what I have... or if I want to shake and bake my wingman goes clusters and I go with the heavy stuff... also depends on the scenario... last time I went as an 8 ship was as follows (NATO IV+) F-4E's Me 3 Sparrow 6 bombs centreline and 2 Shrike Wingman 3 Sparrow 16 Bombs Centreline Wing 1 loaded for Sead Sparrows Shrikes and Mavericks with Centreline Tanks Flight 2 all Air to Air Sparrows and Winders... Thankfully I loaded that way as we had no support at all... and we had hassle with a quite a few Mig-23's and some SA-6's and SA-2's. Learnt the hard way when you get 8 Jets you go mix on the loadouts.
  7. http://www.noob.us/humor/you-will-never-guess-what-this-ad-is-about/
  8. http://www.noob.us/humor/you-will-never-guess-what-this-ad-is-about/
  9. Nice mod... as that map sometimes gets a lot confusing...
  10. Operation Overlord

    Same here have 3 or 4 other expats coming over to watch it... all ex-military types...
  11. Ludo just turned 40 !

    Happy Birthday frood...
  12. Yak-141...

    Whilst roaming Youface... I found this...
  13. Tried again against the Su-27 with an F-4G!!! No gun no winders just 2 Sparrows sat in the back now thats a tough fight... but to make people happy it seems as though the planform for the Flanker hides the chaff he pops out so always do a look up shoot and you should nail him most of the time... it works for me about 80% of the time... and thats with a 7F... And your right anyway you look at the F-4 it just doesn't have the get up and go to go toe to toe with a Flanker...
  14. As the old saying goes... if you don't kill it on the first attack go home and get a bigger gun... Me I prefer snakeye's rockets and the odd cluster bomb in the mix I have an extremely dangerous habit of flying low and fast... so Snakeyes are the way to go oh and a good sprinkling of Mr 20mm... But thats because I love driving Skyhawks...
  15. Epic Trolling!

    Whats air-conditioning is that something you put in your air like hair conditioner for your hair???
  16. AF short of water

    I think that that settles it for the movie tonight then...
  17. There he goes on about those Readme files again... he just wouldn't leave it alone... Oh hail the mighty King of the Readme...
  18. Yak-141...

    I know we have it for SF1... not so sure of 2...
  19. As the above but I am awaiting Ravenclaws variant... as some of the Pics look fantastic... The A-Team one isn't that bad but I will wait...
  20. Well back to service as usual... Close Air Support for a team attacking Sofafi Bf-109E7 Gun's and 250Kg Bomb Pilots Lt Kurz, Lt Schubert, Hptm Münchberg and Oblt Hohagen Well back up we go and with barely time to drink an ersatz. Back in the hunt though this time we are hitting ground targets. Briefed back to the same area to hit a stubborn dug in set of Armoured cars. Take of and join up as soon as possible and head straight to the area at high speed. On the way out we had no problems lined up and proceeded to hit the targets we all killed an armoured vehicle what the tommies call a Humber. During the dive attack I had most of my tail shot off but proceeded to attack a pair of Blenheim bombers and shooting them both down. Landing was interesting as my tail feathers where severely holed. We all made it back safely with only mine damaged by a few 15mm bullet holes... and so the war rolls on. Makes my score 5 now. Kills :- Kurz 3 2 Blenheims 1 Humber Schubert 1 Humber Münchenberg 1 Humber Hohagen 1 Humber
  21. Buccaneer

    Sheer beauty... on that...
  22. EO DAS for F-35

    Love the way its aimed at the Eurofighter... with the turning fight bit... otherwise a nice Video... Out of the 2 I would take the Eurofighter but this vid is for the F-35 so I will not go into that one...
  23. Wow.

    And you can find it at night easily without lights as it glows a bright green...
  24. Back in Action WOE 1st Gen Style. Wings Over Africa. Pilot :- Lt Wolfgang Kurz 1st Gruppe/JG26 "Schlagetr" Operation Skorpion 5th June 1941 No Missiles this one so is a great test of Dogfighting etc... First flight:- Sweep over Sofafi looking for trouble. Flight of 4 Bf-109 E7 Loadout 1 Droptank full guns Pilots Lt Kurz, Lt Schubert, Hptm Münchberg and Lt Johnen Take off at 08:00hrs and headed to the target area 45 minutes away. As we motored into the area we spotted a fight on the ground so we headed towards it and spotted 3 twin motor Blenheims running in so we dove on them shooting them down in very short order. As we started to climb back up though we where bounced by 6-8 Hurricanes as far as I could tell 4 went after the others while 2 picked on me. I engaged one in a headon attack neither causing any hits this then turned into a free for all and we shot them all up and down. My fight was hectic trying to nail one while staying out of the way of the others guns. Which I was successful at and my wingman came and shot the one off my tail and the other 2 cleared up the rest. Whilst all this was going on a flight of Italian Ju-87B's flew in and hit the tommies position but it was all to no avail as our troops where pushed back. Kills :- Kurz 3 2 Blenheims 1 Hurricane Schubert 3 1 Blenheim 2 Hurricanes Münchenberg 1 Hurricane Johnen 3 Hurricanes We lost Johnen as his last kill he crashed into his opponent. He jumped and landed safely though he was captured and is now a POW. Only Screenie due to flight being too busy in the dogfighting...
  25. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-13601008

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