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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Charlie Sheen Winning Recipes

  2. FSX

    True that last sentence says it all... MS bailed and from what I hear the next FS from them could be sim lite but fantastic to look at...
  3. Name Your Poison of the Day

    Full English Breakfast please as follows... 4 Rashes of Bacon 3 Sausages Fried Bread 2 slices 2 Fried Eggs 2 Large Fried Mushrooms Baked Beans (Must be Heinz) Black Pudding 4 Slices fried Hash Browns (I know technically not part of an English Breakfast) 3 Slices of white buttered bread Forget the Tomato its not fried... Large Mug of tea with Sugar... and thats just breakfast Followed by large fish and chips for Lunch by the sea of course... Followed by T-Bone Steak with pepper sauce and chips (Fries to our American Colonial Types) more mushrooms for dinner with Treacle Sponge for desert washed down with a good bottle of red wine... and the standard Wafer thin mint to round it all off...
  4. Just bought P3 and HiTR

    Welcome to the mud and madness chaps... New boy buys the drinks... Coffee and schnapps bitte...
  5. Better not be a Tomcat in Iranian markings... or Libyian Markings... damn forgot the first one is real
  6. No fly Zone over Libya...

    From what I have read it was an Air to Ground Kill... not an Air to Air as the Galeb had just landed. So not an Air to Air kill for the Rafale...
  7. OT/ Morning Ride

    Must admit 2 weeks ago I went out for a motorcycle ride and ended up riding 700km around Austria Vienna Graz Linz Vienna... big loop... and boy how I had missed it not having a motorbike for 18 months... now its any ecuse as the weather here is wonderful... I understand the freedom and tranquility and to cap it all my speed allowed me to view some great sites in the mountains... hey ho tomorrows Saturday off we go again...
  8. How far goes your imagination?

    But saying what I have said I must admit when flying in OFF the I have a rag prepared to dry my hands and brow just in case and not forgetting the medicinal alcohol for when I make it back alive... its Doctors orders honest must admit I was tempted to go for the Castor oil dispenser to make it feel more lived in now wheres the one for Cordite...
  9. How far goes your imagination?

    Having not flown OFF for awhile I have been experiencing riding my bike but I ended up playing bike video game at the weekend and I could have sworn I could have smelt cooking fully synthetic engine oil afterwards...
  10. RAF retires last Tornado F.3s

    Well it did its job it may have not had the glamour of an F-14 or the dogfighting ability of the F-16... but it was still a capable airplane... and the ride I got courtesy of 1435 Falklands was sure as hell fun... and it could motor down low...
  11. You might be a redneck if....

    Staying warm when shooting is always a good thing...
  12. Sexophone!

    I agree with Muesli that is sooooooo wrong its terrible...
  13. The F-4F ICE variant has so many advantages over the Mig-21Bis... The only downside is the airframe is old. It has a fairly modern radar, carries a BVR missile way above anything the Mig-21Bis can carry also if required its a good bomb truck has better loiter time okay in a close in dogfight its not the best but if flown correctly it doesn't need to get into that position and as has been said would be great to ride south and see the Rhino still roaming the wilds of the sky...
  14. Drool.... Great Buc there Raven... looks all pretty in blue.
  15. Mrs. Crab_02 delivers

    Congrats to all involved...

    Must admit I heard about this earlier today good luck guys and get the bug swatter out and go do some swatting...
  17. HOLY s**t!

    Happy Birthday for tomorrow... old man
  18. Olham...you'd be proud!

    Must admit I am trying to learn German or German with an Austrian Dialect... and I am having problems thankfully I have stuff for the supermarket asking directions and also on purchasing a motorbike sorted... its just the conversational stuff I fail on... So I know how tough it is to learn so good luck to him...
  19. I have the Osprey book F-4 vs Mig-17 / 19... its a great read as well... but the Navy never or rarely packed the gunpod... As to the runaway fest I had well these things happen...
  20. My rocket is bigger than yours...

    That is one serious big rocket for a model... thats bigger than some surface to surface missiles...!!!
  21. http://www.mod.uk/DefenceInternet/ContactUs/LowFlyingComplaints.htm This is the Royal Air Forces Low Flying complaints page note the topical change around Liberia... Someone at the MOD with a sense of humour I am shocked...
  22. Okay here's the first one for the F-4D 67 vs the Mig-19S Loadout A-G to begin... F-4D 12 Snakeyes 6 500Lb's SUU-23 Gunpod 2 Aim-7E Jamming pod... Mig-19's Guns baby... Flight Model Hard Enemy Settings Normal Okay take off to strike a Runway No other Blue forces available flew to the airfield and Red Crown advises bad guys 11 o'clock 15 miles just as I enter by bomb run... 5 miles out from the target manage to lock one Mig-19 but no hope of the great white hope... as he dives for the deck his wingman stays high... I pickle the bombs and kill the runway as the high jet comes down on me... I head for above the cloud layer fast climbed out around 10000ft and moving at the speed of heat... with a both Mig's on my tail and to close for me to do much about it. I decide on staying fast and moving about to keep them away if possible. From then on it was a fight to survive and I was defensive for the entire sortie all 35 minutes of it. The only reason I got home was because I out jinked their guns... They fired everything they had and then ran for home I could not chase as I was down to bingo... fired the 2 Sparrows and both missed... Takeaway from this fight dogfighting even at 70% fuel load and light on weapons is going to be trouble as these guys can and will chase you from here to eternity or until you run out of fuel. Once defensive against a pair of 19's all it becomes is survival I went as high as 25000ft and as low as 300ft and spent most of it jinking if they get on your tail move jink up down left and right do not turn with them as they will get inside of your turn everytime in the F-4D I will admit I didn't have time to get it slow as I was dodging them to much and getting slow would have given them a better firing solution. Best ploy in getting away from them is get fast early. Fighting a pair down to them running out of ammo is tough and you use a lot of fuel...
  23. Okay I will take a look into as well as I like my fights to be knifefights in the phonebooth type... Will have a few runs and then run a brief afterwards but I think it maybe a case of face shooting with a Sparrow and extending to kill his wingman... I will run it as follows 3 Sorties with bombs 3 without bombs all with a Gunpod 2 Sparrows only and see what I get for you... Hopefully have some hints and tips for you Thursday or Friday...
  24. Buccaneer

    Outstanding... and thanks for the update...

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