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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. My Chart of Ernst Udet's WW1 Career

    Looking good there Herr Olham...
  2. No fly Zone over Libya...

    Exactly the same comment I said to a mate of mine Saturday night... And the Ark Royal is about to be turned into a helipad for the Olympic Games... looks like the Government got their priorities right on that one...
  3. Okay what the where did you snag that Valiant from... or is it from the sight we don't name ?
  4. SAS trooper stabbed by a shoplifter...

    An SAS trooper collecting toys for children was stabbed when he helpedstop a suspected shoplifter. The 'Toys-R-Us' Store Manager said that a man was seen onsurveillance cameras last Friday putting a laptop under his jacket at the store.When confronted, the man became irate, knocked down an employee, pulled a knife and ran toward the door.Outside were four SAS Troopers collecting toys for the "Toys For Tots" program. Smith said the Troopers stopped the man, but he stabbed one of them, in the back. The cut did not appear to be severe. The suspect was transported by ambulance to the Hospital with two broken arms, a broken leg, possible broken ribs, multiple contusions and assorted lacerations including a broken nose and jaw... Injuries he apparently sustained when he tripped whilst trying to run after the stabbing. One of the Troopers said, "He was a clumsy bar steward."
  5. Definitely a time to run and a time to die... I opted for the former... if it had been a pair of one or the other I would have stayed around to try for a double gun kill to earn my spurs...
  6. Well I was lucky to work with these in my first year in the RAF and also to get a ride in one years back... for what it was designed for it wasn't a bad plane...
  7. Libyan Mig shot down over Benghazi

    Looks like a bad day at the office for someone... looks like he got out from the BBC Video I have seen of this...
  8. Well here goes sorry for the bad screen shots but it was for testing. Nesher vs 2 x Mig-21F-13 Loadouts Nesher Guns 3 Drop Tanks 2 Aim-9L Mig-21's Guns 2 AA-2 Atoll Okay this started out as a recon flight to see how rusty I am. So I take off as normal and head towards the recon area. As I ventured in a pair of Mig-21's had just launched from the nearby Airbase and decided to cause me trouble. Tanks off as they came down from their perch of around 20000ft I was motoring along at 3000ft. Turned in to engage both Mig's headed straight at me I didn't take the head shots even though it was a viable shot as I wanted to see how these guys reacted. Cut through the middle of them and turned hard right 7g's on the jet bleeding down from 600knots or so down to 400 knots lead carries on and 2 makes an aggressive turn to try and get on my tail. Lead continues into a slow left bank to set me up but at a range of 2.5nm I fire the first sidewinder and splash him first pic. Second one was flying fairly aggressively but not too much and I turn into his attack as he fires his guns and misses I extend out and away to see if he will follow and he does we then start a scissor and I slow it way down and spit him out the front and then latch onto his tail and follow to see if I can gun him. He uses sharp turns but bleeds even more speed away which leads to me taking the second winder shot at around a mile give or take missile destroys him no chute... Reason for taking the shot was I didn't realise that 4 Mig-17's had come up to play and another pair of Mig-21's... out numbered it was time to extend and run for home... First Kill... My opponent for the second bout... The hunter hunted... Realising we aren't alone... Time to die... Hey who invited you lot...
  9. No fly Zone over Libya...

    Hmmm not sure on this one as there is no visible trail for a SAM and the early model SAM's do have a visible trail... possibly AAA and it only takes one to cause an explosion maybe a larger calibre round like a 23mm or a 57mm. But up to now just speculation on what took it out Showing a trail from an SA-7. Even the Stinger leaves a trail.
  10. off to iraq

    I wish him and his unit the best of luck...
  11. No fly Zone over Libya...

    I think if the Libyans come up to play Mig parts will be getting scattered far and wide... I just hope that civilians get the protection they need... I think the Typhoon and Rafale should be more than capable of dealing with any problems sent their way...
  12. No fly Zone over Libya...

    Looks like from what I have heard that the no fly zone is basically designed to stop the Libyian military from attacking civilians... which means they can attack tanks artillery etc...
  13. Must admit I was slow to move over when it came out as I was still having fun with the mods from SF1 but once I did and now that it seems everything is getting updated to SF2 ie Falklands I do like my SF2... just need to get more time flying... and must admit I do like your work...
  14. Tea and Sympathy

    Must admit I love flying the Freedom Fighter as well as its big sister the Tiger as they are both great close in...
  15. Some good early morning reading... Also to the Tornado I have bested 2 Flankers with her... down low its best to keep the speed up yes she is no Dogfighter but she moves damn good for an interceptor... I am hoping this weekend I get some flight time as I am rusty as a rusty thing... will need to configure a button for screenies...
  16. Fateful Morn II

    Wonderful picture...
  17. I loathe "steam"

    I have 2 steam games and loath the thing Vegas is one of them the other is Metro 2033... and it fecking downright annoys me as over the past 3 months I have rebuilt my PC 4 times due to OS issues... and here I am with the DVD's of the game and what does it do downloads the game from Steam WTF is wrong with the DVD's ??? I could rant all night but wont I am off to play Vegas thats if steam lets me...
  18. Ouch not good... me I have a pair of 500gb backups one for music etc the other for flight sims and back them up after any major installs... or downloads granted the one for the flight sims is the one that crapped out on me but thankfully most of everything I needed is right here... if the music one goes damn I am in trouble...
  19. Uninterested AI!

    Sssshhhh dont say anything the OT Crowd might not see it...
  20. I have the full fallout selection including the addons and the same so far for New Vegas... and don't get me started on Stalker... I have all three and love them to bits... especially some of the mods that are available for the game... some of them are sheer works of art on their own... Also Herr Olham here's a link to some of those Mod's the Faction front ones are really great... http://www.moddb.com/games?filter=t&=Search&kw=S.t.a.l.k.e.r&released=def&style=def&theme=def&indie=def&type=def and you don't need to sign up to download them...
  21. OT Favourite TV Theme tune

    See having a third helps... you find new things out...
  22. Uninterested AI!

    Seen it a few times myself and decided on taking some shots at them... picked of 2 of them but lost the rest in the clouds...
  23. OT Favourite TV Theme tune

    Sorry need a third... Dr Who http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6J_3rsEwYVE&feature=related And a whole lot more...
  24. OT Favourite TV Theme tune

    Okay here's mine :- and my other one :- Space 1999
  25. Most popular Movie theme

    Okay mine are :- The Great Escape :- Always listened to on a Friday night when leaving work... And for those moments when you just have to get Sci Fi on someone... I find your lack of faith disturbing. Also anything done by John Williams... the genius

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