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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. How to advertise a car...

  2. I'm back from the cold.............

    Welcome back to the madhouse...
  3. From what I have understood is that you have one of 2 choices you can fire guns with the trigger or you can fire weapons... not both...
  4. USMC Korean Air War Night Fighters

    Many thanks interesting reading material...
  5. P4 update Please.......

  6. Anybody Read German?

    Once you have figured it out let me know how as I am trying to Learn German down here in Vienna...
  7. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/02/04/x37b_ski/
  8. Grandmother lays into M/C Robbers

    Rule one never mess with the old ladies... Rule two see rule one...
  9. Happy Birthday Wilco

    Happy Birthday
  10. Pilot Shouldn't Be Alive...

    Zombie Pilot...
  11. "Breaking" News: Farting to be banned in Malawi.

    Need I say anymore...
  12. Look carefully

    Oh there are times when that respect gets how should I say modified... is the politest way I can say it...
  13. How many of you are bidding ?

    So thats where I parked it... got to stop drinking this Schnapps and flying its seriously bad for my memory..
  14. Me I would settle for a good bad woman at the moment... saves time on teaching.
  15. More popular than I realized

    Wonderful Video's for coffee in the morning... watched them quite a few times now... helps when I don't have time to fix my PC at home so I can get back in the cockpit...
  16. Best Wishes to your mother Olham... means thats one less Kraut to shoot from the sky... muhahahaha...
  17. A Skyhawk for Belgium?

    Nice story... I think the A-4 would have been the better choice of bomb truck over the F-5... but hey I love A-4's... those scooters are great...
  18. With age comes wisdom... tempered by knowledge...
  19. Look carefully

    And they say that we Brits are understated... If thats understated I wonder what would happen if they had gone full out... Special Delivery... one times Maverick through the door of Number 10 Downing Street followed up with a pair of 2000lb'ers through the doors of Parliment...
  20. Must admit somedays I cannot understand me let so what chance have others got... but Lou don't take it to heart remember some people do not understand Sarcasm or tongue in cheek as they have never been introduced properly... as to the comment you made this morning made sense to me... ROF in OFF...
  21. The other Flight Sim...

    32bit may be fine but I am running 64bit... As to you old chap lovert... no your quote was perfect in my eyes... you said it without insult or injury...
  22. The other Flight Sim...

    Nicely quoted Herr Olham... all I miss from OFF is the smell of castor oil and burnt gunpowder... I need to get flying again... This weekend I finally get my new computer desk only taken them a month to get it to me and once in place I believe a lot of happy flying is to commence, though I have first got to get Win7 to allow me to fly OFF but I think I know the problem now... and as I have a 3 day weekend I plenty of time for testing...
  23. The other Flight Sim...

    Hmmm most like you old chap... you had one too many Whiskies this morning... And Elephant I can understand what your saying as has been said this is for OFF... even though the other one does look rather Pretty... in the like of a Supermodel which you have one night with whereas OFF is the pretty girl who you keep for life through all the good times and the bad times...
  24. Good book as well... Nice Rats A$$... easter egg...
  25. Canada orders the F-35...

    Must admit I agree with this why the Canuck's didn't go for the F-18E/F or the Eurofighter instead of the Bomb truck that is the F-35 because it has ooooo Stealth probably... It's funny when they looked at the F-16 F-18 they bought the F-18 besides it having Sparrow built in etc they bought it because it had twin Engines for safety... and I must admit now they are buying single motor jets... Must feel lonely over the Artic wastes on only one engine...

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