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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Eurofighter frisst Raptoren zum Frühstück!

    Was a rather amusing read I must admit... apologies for my Englsh here I am learning to speak Deutsch first and then writing...
  2. Best thing about 2010...

    Good plan always be the glass is half full or is it half empty... In my case someone gave me the wrong sized glass...
  3. Christmas Holiday Pics

    Looks good old chap... must admit I have loved my first Christmas in Vienna though New Year was a bit of a downer... my girl had gone to Salzburg but such is life.
  4. Best thing about 2010...

    Its a pleasure to have you here... as well
  5. Saying that there is a report that the Raptor was between by the Eurofighter in WVR dogfighting... This is a quote from International Air Power :- "more recently, there have been repeated reports that two RAF Typhoons deployed to the USA for OEU trails work have been flying against the F-22 at NAS China Lake, and have peformed better than was expected. There was little suprise that Typhoon, with its world-class agility and high off-boresight missile capability was able to dominate "Within Visual Range" flight, but the aircraft did cause a suprise by getting a radar lock on the F22 at a suprisingly long range. The F-22s cried off, claiming that they were "unstealthed" anyway, although the next day´s scheduled two vs. two BWR engagement was canceled, and "the USAF decided they didn´t want to play any more . - When this incident was reported on a website frequented by front-line RAF aircrew a senior RAF officer urged an end to the converstaion on security grounds"
  6. Quick question for you guys I have noticed that there have been a few problems with the new EXP Pack. I have been waiting to buy and downloaded it but due to a problem with Windows on my Home PC I have not yet done so. With the patches have the major issues like being airborne etc been resolved yet ? I am itching to get back into the virtual Skies both in the modern sense and in the old sense with OFF... grrr WINDOWS You will not defeat me!!! I am armed with my trusty IT Equipement which is one 8 pound Lump hammer
  7. What to do in case England is nuked...

  8. EXP 2!

    I thought I had read that somewhere... do you know if this affects standard missions as well or is it just Mission Editor missons ?
  9. EXP 2!

    Stary, Thank you as to the Airstart grrrrrrr I think I will wait for the next patch then as I like to do door to door DiD missions and starting airborne is an issue...
  10. B-52 Flyable

    http://combatace.com/topic/20789-how-to-make-ai-planes-flyable/ This will be able to explain better than me at this time of the morning as I have not had my early morning coffee... But if you are playing SF2V I would seriously advise that you get the download as it is outstanding work done by the guys here...
  11. B-52 Flyable

    You can download both from here... the advantage is that they have the correct Cockpits... they are in the SF2 Downloads area and cover just about all the variants... If you want to use the B-52 from the pack you need to add a cockpit etc instructions are in the Knowledge base its been awhile for me...
  12. Strange Wildlife death in my state

    Could these be the drones that the Iranians have shot down ??? Amazing coincidence both stories come out around the same time...
  13. For the Black Ops Fans...

  14. Excuse me, captain, but,

    Looks like gallows humour... always good to make the passengers wonder...
  15. My Blackberry is Broken

    Oh I wish it was that easy...
  16. Welcome to the madhouse Siddley... good idea with the Seconded to Pilot. Nice to see your still writing over there LT... Wish I was just felt as though my PC was fully working and Windows went out the window...
  17. Must admit those VF-111 Shots are outstanding don't know why but the VF-111 Decals always looked good to me...
  18. Question to Wild Weasel Types

    I will have to consult my books which are still boxed... but you may be correct.
  19. A new year..A new Beginning

    I must probably go against the flow here, but as they say there is an exception to the rule... I have a New Job I love (well the people aspect of it), I now live in one of the coolest cities in Europe if not the world Vienna... and I have found a beautiful woman to share it with... Do not get me wrong though I have had a few major downers in the past 5 years so maybe its Karma... So to you all my friends both far and wide on here, I wish that you all where ever you are have great luck in this new year of 2011 may your fortunes both emotionally and otherwise prosper and may at least some of your wishes come true my friends
  20. Happy New Year...

    Happy New Year to you all where ever you are may 2011 be a great year to you all...
  21. Happy New Year...

    Well its that time again so HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all and may 2011 be a great year to us all no matter where we are... :drinks:
  22. Caption Competition

    Oh great thats all I need to screw things up...
  23. New Year's Resolutions!

    I have resolved that this year I am just going to enjoy life more...
  24. Happy Birthday JSF_Aggie

    Happy Birthday
  25. Ok post your thoughts of RoF here

    Okay first off I do not own ROF... I am an avid Over Flanders Field flyer simply because the work they have done is outstanding it is possibly the most immersive Flight sim I have ever owned and I have been in the Virtual skies since the mid 1980's... You get the entire WW1 experience and its is great fun the Crowd in the OFF forum is outstanding any problems and those guys help out. Graphics are excellent on my PC the only thing missing apart from the cold is the smell of Castor oil... There are guys who could talk about this a lot better than me... Its like owning FSX without the problems and you get to shoot other planes down the depth of detail is amazing you can watch everything from your perch at 10000ft artillery duels the works troops marching who if you fly low enough take shots at you... The skins are amazing on the planes... and considering its based on Combat Flight Sim 3 its just outstanding in every way...

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