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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Merry Christmas to all of you guys and girls (do we have any Girl OFF'ers in here ???) I hope you all have a great Christmas and all that enjoy yourselves and may you get what you wish for this year... And I got something I wasn't expecting this Christmas...
  2. Okay 25 Squadron which is the only one issued was equipped with Beaufighters later but during the Battle of Britain they where equipped with Bristol Blenheim 1F's and they where a nightfighter squadron. And as the Battle started in August and ended in September the crews would have had very little time to transfer across to the Aircraft.
  3. Merry Christmas to all

    Merry Xmas to everyone
  4. The Beaufighter MK1 was not in Service for the Battle of Britain it didn't come into widespread use until after the battle.

    Absolutely wonderful... great job all round to the devs...
  6. Paul Blum's Story: A BHaH Pilot's Saga

    Wonderful reading old chap even if he is on the wrong ahem side...
  7. Looking flaming good Wrench... And Ravenclaw... That is some nice Turkish Delight...
  8. Happy Birthday to Quack74!

    Happy Birthday
  9. Many Thanks...

    As the year comes to a close okay 10 days to go I would like to say a big thankyou to everyone in here for the warm welcome I received when I became an Official OFF'eeer last October (14 Months who would have thought it be great to get a DiD Pilot to live that long)... to all the stupid questions I have asked also the wonderful camaraderie of you Gentlemen and Ladies on this forum... May you all get what you want this Christmas and May you all have a Great New Year and may 2011 be a fantastic year for you all... Special thanks go to the guys here at Combatace and the Dev's because without them we wouldn't know each other... Okay first round is on me...
  10. Tough old Xmas

    Do it what have you to lose maybe time but thats it and a little effort that even if it doesn't see the time of day (Hopefully it does) you will still be able to be proud of yourself that you tried... and your writing is damn good going by the After action reports. Do keep us informed on how it is going and I am sure that we will all wish you the best of luck. So from me best of luck and look to the future with a smile knowing you have a wonderful challenge ahead... if you need a proof reader let me know... Have a great Xmas and New Year and may 2011 be a wonderful year for you.
  11. Lawotschkin La 200

    Damn thats ugly thats so ugly the Doctor would have slapped the mother's grandmother... But be interesting to fly it...
  12. Many Thanks...

    Of course old chap... need a good drink after some Strutting of my stuff.
  13. for all the NCO's out there in CA land

    And for all the other ranks Corporals and below it should read :- Puts the buildings that God moves back in the correct Place. Puts the trains back on the track. Puts the Bullets back in the Magazine. Unfreezes the water to make the coffee for God... For lo he is the Son of God...
  14. I need a favor, Dave,,,

    And there was me thinking everyone here had their own fighter jet at the end of the drive... whatever next... Well everyone apart from Dave all he wants is a Pony...
  15. And I agree with you the update was a great piece of work...
  16. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/12/21/emals_launch_success/ Looks like Emals works...
  17. The Royal Wedding

    Oh great and now just to make it more fun another Royal is getting married next year...
  18. I feel the need the need for Speed... Great Job FC and co
  19. Bloody April Campaign?

    Nothing wrong with coating it in waste oil Herr Olham... keeps your head warmer...
  20. A News Correspondent has died...

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-12037973 Brian Hanrahan who cover the Falklands War... and uttered the line... I counted them all out and counted them all back has died at 61.
  21. I Know What I'm Getting For Christmas!

    Sounds Expensive old chap... but from your point of view worth every nickel penny schilling etc...
  22. The Royal Wedding

    And people wonder why I have moved to Austria !!!
  23. Wonderful old Chap... and have a good one yourself.
  24. The Royal Wedding

    Seriously I dont mind the Monarchy as we all know they are figure heads its the Media thats the problem... are we allowed to shoot them (the Media that is)...

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