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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Why have I never heard of this title before?

    As advised last week its best to avoid this site as its a scam being blunt... me I have Flightgear as a difference to FSX and the newest version is not 1.9.1. I would go to the flightgear website and download the better version and its the best price ever Free... and it is opensource which is the other reason not to "buy" the other version as the opensource guys did the work and then the individual involved in Proflightgear just rips the software and then sells it on also this individual also has other websites selling opensource software as well... Anyway back to the deal in hand best place is go to flightgear download what you need and away you go... http://www.flightgear.org/ And the Air combat side is also opensource so this guy is ripping 2 lots of opensource after doing no work at all and then rebranding and making a profit of others hard work...
  2. over flanders fields

    Okay first off you need Combat Flight Sim 3... which allows both online and offline play... OFF is both you can fly the entire air war for Britain France Germany and America. As to the updates yes you can do that I have all the updates on a USB pen and when I moved home I moved it to my laptop along with updates etc... hope this answers your question. OFF does not require you to be online at all to fly... as a certain other Flightsim does or used to do... Welcome to the madhouse thehiredgun new guy buys the drinks... Schnapps and a coffee please
  3. Lovely looking Migs there... now time for some Mig on Mig action... Is that allowed!!!
  4. HMS Invincible... up for Auction

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cumbria-11872743 A fine ship off to the scrappers... she did a great job...
  5. Back from the dead!

    On the email front it defaults to a delayed setting when you are not in Combatace. Normally I receive mine the next day or so...
  6. Microsoft Security Essentials

    Your right there... a colleague of mine in the office was going on about how great her Apple was and she's been hit by a virus which I found out when she came in and asked if there was anything I could do... I jokingly said that she wasn't holding it right... as the last time I used a mac was in 1992 or so... I couldn't help... But the Microswipe stuff is why I am always loath to move up an operating system until they have released at least the 2nd service pack and even then I wait 3 months... as you said earlier WM there is only one problem with Microsoft and thats Microsoft...
  7. New PC...

    Never thought of going the 64bit route to be honest... interesting idea... though my boss has just advised that we are going down the road of Windows 7 in the office so might end up moving to Win7 anyway...
  8. Leslie Nielsen Dies

    Must admit on this I watched Dead and Loving it last night... and laughed my socks off not his best but still a good laugh out loud movie...
  9. New PC...

    Card is a Radeon HD 5850 was going to go for the 5870 but after checking the specs the 5850 is good enough and a 150 euro's lighter in the wallet... Also I am an ATI fan and have been since I first started with PC's...
  10. Well looks like my first flight was the only flight... got nailed by a Mig coming of target after surviving 8 Sam Launches not happy... I will be giving up for a week or so as I am getting my new PC this weekend... and then loading everything back on it...
  11. 'Mission Review' report

    I know this feeling so well... I must have a death wish or failing that I love the challenge...
  12. GEICO commercial

  13. Lovely skin there for the Hawk... and at this rate thats all the RAF are going to have left flying...
  14. aboutover flandes fields game

    Oh yes its for offline play and the Campaign there is only one and it is called World War 1... you can fly for the Entente (British, French and Americans) and for the Germans. Lose pilots you will if I don't lose a pilot a week I am doing something wrong... oh and its amazing on the detail just make sure your PC is up to running it... Also the different aircraft you can fly is amazing from the Fokker Eindekker to the Sopwith Camel to everything in-between...
  15. Leslie Nielsen Dies

    Just read about this on the news... wonderful memories of both the serious and not so serious. RIP...
  16. Good morning gents... as the snow has finally descended on Vienna more flying time is required. New Campaign. A-6A North Vietnam (I love the challenge). Will post first mission write up later today but damn it was fun SAM's bad guys and enough triple A that I could have become a lead salesman and the biggest surprise is I survived it all... even though I flew far too low for Vietnamaverage heights of 500ft agl and not a scratch on her.
  17. HELP!

    Sometimes its best not to try and work out why it is working and accept the little miracles you get...
  18. Welcome to the War old chap... dokken1212 mines a coffee and a good shot of schnapps. As to the advice provided by our very own Mr Grumpy that is UncleAl... follow his advice as it makes a lot of sense... trust us...
  19. Videogamegeek

    Great find... I will be putting up a comment or 3...
  20. Tears as last Harrier jets leave Ark Royal

    Ha we dont have enlough to crew it all...
  21. OT: Game Over for World of Warcraft

    3 games I am playing at present... OFF no need to introduce... Fallout NV... Interesting with some issues major pain in the butt is having to be linked to Steam you can play the game unlinked for around 10 games after that back to steam annoying is not the right word as I prefer to play it offline also why buy the DVD version in advance and then have to download the entire game ???? X Universe games for when I most definitely need to kill spaceships and get great visuals at the same time... though some days I am just a lonely wanderer among the stars... As to the rest well... the day they come out with a truly free rolling Fallout type game I am lost nay doomed... the biggest issue I have is why do some games have genius AI and some have stupid ones ??? Stalker for one the AI in one of the Mods is downright nasty it tries to flank you by hiding behind trees etc while his mate shoots at you to keep him covered and then they leapfrog towards you can get nasty against higher level bad guys... and in others the AI just walks at you blasting not even ducking or dodging ??? Anyhew...
  22. You know you get ready for the 2 weeks line and someone goes and messes it all up...
  23. All else fails Dive... aaahhh bit low for that one... so dive I say... it's okay the trees will get out of the way...
  24. Thanksgiving in the U.S.!

    Happy Thanksgiving though I don't celebrate it, being English and all that, have a good time and have fun...
  25. Hi folks!

    Welcome back to the mad house... move to SF2 much more fun and some real interesting things on the horizon or should that be in 2 weeks...

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