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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Poised for 'the Scourge'

    Herr Olham could you release it to everyone in the Downloads section for one I would use it happily... will make my wanderings much more fun... I could get lost with style then...
  2. This is my new skin courtesy of Raf_Louvert... kind fellow that he is for my Sopwith Strutter. Hopefully now I will stop getting it Ventilated too much... The Crest is for ny family name and the 42 goes without saying with regards to my Nickname in here... and the blue fuselage is because I fly with RNAS 5 all the time or so it seems... She is a wonderful airplane and I am more than happy to fly it. My thanks again to RAF_Louvert for his time.
  3. The New Strutter in Town

    I must admit I read the books at least once a year there are certain comments that make me realise how crazy life is... now I am off for a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster
  4. Quick question before I attempt to modify the old Harrier FRS-2... Is there a new one about to be released? Thanks in advance for any information.
  5. Harrier FRS 2

    Okay I will admit I am not a modder but I will see what I can do I have a 3d modelling software pack somewhere and I have enough pictures of the FRS-2 to last 3 lifetimes...
  6. 3 best, 3 worst movies

    Okay here's mine* Best 1 Empire Strikes Back (I wont vote for the Trilogy as thats 3 films) 2 Clerks 3 The Dambusters Worst 1 Star Wars 1 see above (So bad I cant remember the name) 2 Dancing with Smurfs sorry Avatar (Great Special effects but tired story) 3 Crank High Voltage Cannot vote Twilight as my self preservation gland kicked in... and I avoided seeing it thank god... * This list may change depending on mood...
  7. The New Strutter in Town

    No its from the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy Book and the travesty that they call the film... Part of the details on the plane ie the 42 and Fiddly Bits (the name) and my nickname Slartibartfast are all bits from the book... Ha I quote you Albatross... ala Monty Python http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_u7VGiMO0U And the aforementioned Albatross would have to wait until I was sat still long enough to hole me precious...
  8. Holy moly first a B-1 redux and now a Tu-22 Backfire looks like this month is the month of the heavies... :clapping:
  9. The New Strutter in Town

    One of my favourite quotes... In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move. Back to the little Strutter she had a wonderful outting last night sent on a recce of some guns only problem was I lost my flight completed the Gun Recce alone... then out of the sky fell an Ennie and 4 other biplane types Rolands I think who proceeded to cause me problems all the way back to base hedge hopping all the way landed with no ammo left and myself and my gunner accounting for the Ennie and 2 of the Rolands... not a bad first day out... shame there where no witnesses and that I had a minor issue in taking screenshots... note to self must try harder...
  10. Harrier FRS 2

    Okay thanks Conversion time ahead then...
  11. Great looking bird there Amokfloo...
  12. The New Strutter in Town

    The next time there will be photo's... hopefully taken from my wingman with me flying over him only being polite and all that... as to the coffee thats why I needed a weekend away from it... too many good cafe's here I pass 6 that I know off on my way to work and its only 20 minutes walk!!! That doesn't include the Bäckereien no wonder I have put on 5 kilo's in 5 months... don't even ask about the Wiener Schnitzel's and Sachertorte...
  13. Well me I am just going nuts trying to relearn German... and not just for reading or watching Das Boot... but because I am now a citizen of Wien Austria and its a way of life... the toughest thing though is that the people here speak to me in English and when you ask them why they state and I quote... It's so I can practice my English When asking what if I want to practice my German the response is more I didn't think of that...
  14. The New Strutter in Town

    I am now attempting intravenous injection of coffee... straight to the bloodstream... direct to the brain thats what a weekend without Coffee does to me... its terrible.
  15. oooo Fireworks... me and the old balloon busting no thanks I would rather tangle with an squadron of aces... with Boelcke and Immelman at the front....
  16. The New Strutter in Town

    Outstanding old Chap but the last encounter me and that Oswald Boelcke bloke had he ended up swimming in the Nord See... he was last seen trying to paddle a wing home... on another note I accept my apologies for naming him incorrectly... its been a bad day enlightened with the new Skin for my Strutter and the enjoyable note that you have made with my misspelling of the man that could be called father of dogfighting... I am humbled...
  17. I have a quick question just need a confirmation really on if HMS Invincible courtesy of Hinchinbrooke will work in SF2 ??? I have a feeling it will work fine with a few tweaks or so just for a campaign I am planning on preparing. Many thanks in advance for the reply.
  18. Thanks need a Harrier carrier for a new campaign...
  19. The New Strutter in Town

    No I am planning on ambushing the Boche Oswald Blöcke... and giving him a very very bad day...
  20. That is now on my reading list... Thanks For the Amazon hunters out there http://www.amazon.com/World-Undone-Story-Great-1914/dp/0553382403/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1289825163&sr=8-1 http://www.amazon.co.uk/World-Undone-Story-Great-1914/dp/0553382403/ref=sr_1_cc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1289825243&sr=1-1-catcorr Also it is available on one of those Kindle type thingies... but only to UK Customers.
  21. Bringing down enemy aircraft

    My advice misguided as it is... is if you are think you are close enough to shoot get closer then get closer still and then get even closer then let loose.. Also there is one trick that someone posted and I apologise for I forgot who it was and that is to not use the trigger on the Joystick but use the spacebar to fire your guns... I find it very effective as it means if you jerk the trigger you dont pull the plane out of line with your target... all I will say now is good luck in your hunting...
  22. Weasel in ODS... Launch... Attack... Something different from my new campaign...
  23. Needed that laugh... I like the end note as well check with the Crew Chief for he is god...
  24. Well we English like for it to be sporting old Chap...
  25. Finally got to stooge around for an hour in this jet this weekend and it was a blast... though it seemed as though everyone was out to get me... Su-27's Mig-29's Mig-31's seemed as the only jets hunting out there where late model's and as for the SAM's all I could find also where late model double digit sames but they still all made great smoking holes in the ground... Outstanding work fellows...

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