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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. The Gumpathon...

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-11730522 a team of six marines on a 3,530 mile, eight-week running odyssey, passing through three deserts, four time zones, 10 mountain ranges, 16 states and 789 towns across the US.
  2. Lest We Forget...

    As I posted in the Pub I will just add to this post... As today is rememberence day here in the UK I send this it is a poem by Wilfred Owen and is called :- Anthem for a doomed Youth What passing-bells for these who die as cattle? Only the monstrous anger of the guns. Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle Can patter out their hasty orisons. No mockeries now for them; no prayers nor bells; Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs, The shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells; And bugles calling for them from sad shires. What candles may be held to speed them all? Not in the hands of boys but in their eyes Shall shine the holy glimmers of goodbyes. The pallor of girls' brows shall be their pall; Their flowers the tenderness of patient minds, And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds. To all those who have died and been injured may we remember them now and forever for what they gave so that we may have the freedom we should rightly covet... for being free is a gift that some give their lives so that others may experience it. To all the fallen on the battlefield may they rest in peace.
  3. Rule one There is only one good defensive move to make in that situation fight back the only good defensive is have a great offense... Attack them head on and as above dive for the deck as steep as possible just be wary if your flying a plane that has a tendency to shed wings.... oh and have a chat with the wonderful lady called luck... and remember to take her to dinner once you have landed safely... so she gives you better luck next time...
  4. Happy Birthday Mannie!

    Happy Birthday...
  5. I believe that there is one in WIP at present the only Jag is the GR-1-3 versions...
  6. I understand that one but where's your sense of Adventure zooming in dropping Cluster bombs dodging SAM and Mr ZSU... It makes it all fun....
  7. Lawotschkin La 200

    http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:La200.svg Will these help sorry its only line drawings Also there is this linked to Yak-25 but 3 view is showing there as well. http://www.vectorsite.net/avyak25.html Finally a photo... http://q-zon-fighterplanes.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Lavochkin-La-200.jpg And your right pretty is not in its dictionary...
  8. Its Cluster time... Also many thanks to everyone involved in this... as there is something wonderful in rocketing along at 100ft in full burner in something that weighs in at roughly 500000lb's in weight in the dark... And to the idea of a later version of WOE NATO IV+ now thats an idea a very very interesting idea... Thats one area of the ini I definitely know how to play with just need to find some time...
  9. Good write up... as to the Stollen I prefer mine with a good melange wrapped in a warm coat sat watching the world go by with the old laptop so it looks like I am working... life is good...
  10. A mission every 10 days?

    Must admit I generally set aside at least 2 hours a week for flying a Sortie normally on a Sunday Morning... And to be honest it is a worthwhile effort... 2 hours of roaming the skies and getting shot down keeps my old brain active oh and the getting lost is part of the attraction... Was lining up to land at what I thought was my home base and flak was coming up checked above and behind me and realised they where shooting at me... oops wrong airfield don't ask it had been a heavy night the night before... schnapps wine good food great company... lost they nearly shot me down... must learn to read the compass correctly...
  11. Serious terrain readjustment... Shame SF2 doesn't cover multiple target strikes with primary secondary and TOO... this plane is just built for it tonight Pinky we are going to do what we do every night blow up the world... muhahahaha...
  12. Wish Her Luck

    Good luck to your lady wife And congrats to everyone who's been promoted... drinks are on you guys...
  13. To all you who love Dogs

    Tis a wondrous speech... I raise that man a fine scotch.
  14. Tea and Sympathy

    Rule one never underestimate your opponent even if he is driving a Jet 20 years older than yours. Rule two remember if the fight is going badly its okay to run away (if you can). Rule Three be aware at all times and try to keep your situation awareness up. Rule four if the opponent is flying an older jet remember it could be carrying new weapons ie Archer or Aim-9L's. Rule five always remember to clear your tail in a dogfight. Rule Six be aggressive at all times and remember your flight is not over until your sat in the bar having a cold one. Rule Seven Learn from your mistakes. Dogfighting is snapshooting. Technically the Mig-29 should beat the F-5 but if surprise is on the F-5's side it can and will win. Also flying Red is fun... Failing that try it from the F-5 perspective against the Mig-29 and see how long you last. Trust me life gets more interesting if you cannot run from your opponent.
  15. Try an F-4G vs Su-27's thats a losing situation most times... At least the Aardvark can run fast and low to be honest I wouldn't be taking the Vark anywhere over 10000ft and that would be on the cruise home over Nato Lines... Well I setup the ODS and I am getting some practice flying in and I will soon be back up driving an A-7E... I think.
  16. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/11/04/cyber_command_go/ All up and running... good luck to them as in the next few months I envisage certain types to be attempting to break into the system...
  17. ww1 footage discovered in vault

    Great footage...
  18. Interesting photos of Brazil's F-5

    From my understanding Brazil also purchased or at least tested Python IV's on the F-5EM... looks like it is now the former making the old F-5 a good short range interceptor... wonder if they have the helmet mounted sight...
  19. Hi Cliff, I take it the Red Mod you are running is a personal one ? I heard someone was modding NF4 so you could fly Red but heard nothing much more about it...
  20. oooo thats gonna leave a scar...
  21. What are ideal Water settings

    Preferably bath temperature... a good book and a good glass of red wine or a good scotch... sorry couldn't resist
  22. OT- most dangerous airport

    Mess that one up and there is only one go around straight to the pearly gates... do not pass go do not wait for off loading of your luggage as it will get there about the same time you do... Tried landing there a few times in FSX always an interesting experience... take off down hill over the cliff and land uphill... Is a great test just hope its not snowing foggy or too windy...
  23. If WW1 was a Bar Fight

    Why don't Sharks eat Lawyers ??? Professional Courtesy This is the sign on the IT office door... I know because I put it there...
  24. Bomb on plane disarmed 17 mins before detonation

    How about they test their bombs on... Themselves damn cowards...
  25. Happy Birthday bobrock & allenjb42 !

    Belated Happy Birthdays guys... :drinks:

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