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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Great Britain guts military services.

    Okay I apologise for the length of this but after now having a study of what they are doing I am disgusted... The major issue with the UK government is that they see the expensive military and when cuts are needed they hack there first... Biggest issue I have is that the same government officials then give jobs to their mates who work for BAe and the UK Defence industries, oops sorry thats BAe, who then lobby the government for them to create the equipment used by the UK military which costs up to 3 times what equivalent equipment costs. Case in point Nimrod MR4... If they had decided on buying an off the shelf Airliner say the A320 and installing the equipment in those instead of re-building 40-50 year old Airframes which where hand built they could have had the systems in place and flying for a lot less money or even better wait until the P-9 Poseidon comes out and purchase those of the shelf. Another Case is the "new" Wildcat Helicopter which carries half what the UH-60B carries for twice the cost in money, it was worked out that they could have bough 2.5 UH-60's (Latest models with all the toys and I don't think the US would mind them being bought and constructed in the UK)... Granted its keeping jobs in this country and technology here but for the military you normally go for the most bang for your pound... There was also a meeting concerning the Eurofighter to do with costings etc and an MP who also happens to sit on the board of BAe, before the meeting started stated they didn't want the Chief of the Air Force in it... !!! to me thats strikes of something wrong. The guy who has the most to say about it isn't allowed in the meeting. If it was to me I would keep the R1 Sentinels simply because they are bought and paid for and its only upkeep required now, flying costs etc. Allow the purchase of both Carriers (building the hull is cheap its all the stuff inside thats expensive) but stick Super bugs and E-2's on them. Scrap the Type 45 Destroyers and purchase Arleigh Burkes, the RN could buy 1.5 Arleigh Burkes which work for a Type 45. Keep the Type 23 but replace them not with the Type 26 but a common hull multi setup ship. E.g. which is containerised so that it can be changed for whatever i.e. Minesweeper, Corvette etc. granted the heavy armour here in the UK the Challenger 2 is a world beater. But some of those need to go. But Job Number 1 is make BAe fight for the contracts don't let them think that they are the only providers to the UK. Also impose severe penalties if the contracts are not on time and budget oh and that they work as advertised. In other words like the type 45 apparently its designed to stop SS-N-22 Sunburn ASM but the companies involved are not going to test it against a supersonic target!!! If I have something that is supposed to do a job I expect to know it has been tested and works against that target!!! Would anyone here buy a car that has been tested on a rolling road but not on the road in all weathers ??? No I thought so... Also its the bankers who caused this mess along with a certain Gordon Brown (surely someone in charge of the budget should be able to add and subtract). I will admit I am an advocate of if you havn't done a similar job i.e. Accountant you shouldn't be able to be the finance minister etc... Apologies again for the length and this is just the short version... I may edit this again...
  2. Happy Birhday to.........YEYEYE

    Happy Birthday...
  3. What no Spooky ??? :minigun: Great works though !!!
  4. Great Britain guts military services.

    Links broken... But from what I have seen HMS Ark Royal Gone... Harriers Gone (Bad idea) Nimrod Gone (This one shouldn't have even started IMHO) A lot of heavy Armour Gone 40% of the Artillery Gone Closure of bases etc Oh and the Aircraft Carriers get to stay but with Catapults so no F-35B's which should allow for the RN to get other Naval Jets... Only problem is that the Carriers will have no Fighters on them for 10 years give or take... Whats the use of a Carrier without Aircraft ??? Buy the Super Bugs and Hawkeyes job done...
  5. Phase 4 Screenshot comments

    No problems must admit I didn't know what it was and as it was quiet in the office, I decided a quick investigation was of the order... Found it on this website... http://www.century-of-flight.net/
  6. Phase 4 Screenshot comments

    Looks like a 2 Seater Morane Saulnier L...
  7. Spinners that Swift sure is pretty... SF1 convert I take it ?
  8. War game to pit Eurofighter against Sukhoi

    No its was the Tornado's and they got there proverbials handed to them on a plate deep fryed and roasted... I think this time they will be going serious fangs out...
  9. Phase 4 Screenshot comments

    My Christmas list has grown again...!!! Those are some wonderful shots and I am sold... Me wants must stop drooling on the keyboard. I am love the scenery and the airplanes look marvellous. So where do I send the Whiskey ???
  10. Dos Gringos

    Oh how those UAV's get stick... also heard The Wingman song the other day on the same thread Muesli was talking about and it reminded me of SF1 Wingmen...
  11. Refining a different flying style

    Me I am just learning to fly all over again... my wingman are on their own!!!
  12. Holy Moly thats going to be interesting to Kill with unguided Bombs!!! But boy will it be fun... and the bragging rights will be crazy... To be honest it looks fantastic the fact you get everything shooting at you including the kitchen sink and then some... either way great work guys as always :clapping:
  13. I spent 4 months there in 1997... stuck on a mountain. Glad I went but every local person I spoke to all said the same when asked the question do they want to be governed by Argentina or UK it was always UK.
  14. Back flying again...

    Well I am back flying again... and I have forgotten how much fun and pain there is involved. Also breaking in a new Joystick as my old one died. As I am now based in Austria... I have decided to move from my trusty Sopwith Strutter and I am trying out Jasta 16 and I am playing it full DiD. Lost one pilot just getting my controls setup stupid I know... Whats really amazing is that my trusty battered laptop is playing it on sliders set on 4. New Joystick is a Thrustmaster Hotas X split the joystick and rudder either side of the laptop and its great apart from oversensitive rudder. Due to this I have set one of the buttons on the rudder as my firing button makes it fun... It's nice to be back in the air... And Herr Olham that Einnie is a nightmare...
  15. Post your videos HERE

    Now that was pretty good...
  16. Post your videos HERE

    The Fokker... This is your life Charlie Polanski... I saw this again a few days ago and it had me crying with laughter...
  17. Back flying again...

    Well after setting up OFF I am happy again and the issue with my laptop running hot is not an issue thankfully... And oh how I have missed it tis wonderful to fly even the dreaded Ennie... Thanks for your comments Herr Olham I have created around 5 pilots but I am concentrating on one for the moment to get back into the state where I can actually hit something and I am aiming for Geschwaders nearer to the Austrian end of the line as I want to see mountains and for my pilot to be near home... but I think I might try a bomber campaign to get me into the flying again as it allows me to concentrate on the flying side of things... And thanks RAF I will take a schnapps...
  18. AI Aircraft vs SAMS

    :rofl: Oh I love that... I think I have my new phone ring tone... Thats brilliant... I think the Wingmen in SF2 do nowadays try to survive...
  19. Where's my Shotgun Would be an interesting target like all heavies in WW1...
  20. OT Taken the plunge!

    Life life dont talk to me about life...
  21. Important news!

    Outstanding my Xmas present list has grown by one... This looks outstanding wished it was the A-4 to start but hey can't have everything.
  22. Flip

    ouch... not a good way to park.
  23. OT Taken the plunge!

    Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!! Have fun with it... I spent a few hours setting my dads new laptop up with it... grrrrr
  24. RF-4E

    Okay this has moved from a piece of work to artistry in its highest form... Outstandingly wonderful...
  25. Way OT...Network Diagnosis and OpenDNS

    Does this happen when using something like Firefox... Also what IE version are you using and what version of Windows ??? I know in Germany that you have restricted access to websites... but unless these are websites that you have used before that should not be an issue... unless the government has introduced new protocols... As the man above quoted... sound advice as to using a different browser always have a second browser setup on your PC as it allows you to check problems out...

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