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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. The resemblance is uncanny!

    Okay... Widowmaker old chap you been reading thouse saucy french books again...
  2. Obama Releases C-130s to China

    WTF next he will be selling Patriot missiles... The Chinese get a hold of those and they will be reverse engineering them in no time...
  3. Oh my we have irked the Argies again... I spent 4 months down there in 1997 and we had some interesting times. The last time I checked the Falklands where British and have been for around 150+ years... It always seems when Argentinian Politico's get in trouble they always drag up the Falklands... The crazy thing is that you ask any person in the Falklands who they want and they always say Britain, they want nothing to do with the Argentinian's... The test which was run was advertised and advised as per usual. Next thing they will complain that we have jet fighters there... Oh and the RN warship's there. Lucky the UK Government is canning the RN... one way or another along with the Army and RAF... And I am with you Skippy... take it as a Compliment...
  4. One Year Ago

    I never knew him personally but I know his works... may he rest in peace. May he also enjoy flying with his wings and may he never be forgotten...
  5. Another Hero passes away

    May he rest in peace and condolences
  6. Cannot do single sorties from the flight deck... If you create your missions with Le missioneur (Spelling might be out) you can...
  7. I will take a look for you. I was working on building one about 6 months ago... but RL dived in and gave me a new life to play with... anyway I think I have my main A-4 book with me, thankfully not in storage with my other books. It might be a couple of days until I have the data though...
  8. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/10/01/one_shot_deal_inked/ Don't mess with the guy with the long gun...
  9. The Fokker

    Always makes me laugh... :rofl:
  10. Yeah LT Those long range missions are a bit of a bind sometimes... Nice pictures Nightshift... welcome to the madness... the scooters a tough little jet that should bring you home most times...
  11. A Job for James Cater

    Does a parachute come as standard equipment ???
  12. Well I am currently out of action due to my Joystick dying on me... New one order so should be back in the Virtual skies shortly... until then good luck guys and leave some for me to get...
  13. Interesting... you know thats so wrong its wrong... forget anything being right on that one...
  14. Evading Archie

    I must admit I am one of those fidget pilots I never fly straight and level I wander the sky with the whims of the clouds... so far Me and old Mr Archie have never had an arguement... Saying that fidgeting round the sky like I do makes it harder for an opponent to get a line on me and shoot me down... and I an generally seen roaming the wide skies in a Sopwith Strutter... Best plan don't fly straight and level...
  15. Squadron mascot?

    Damn thing keeps me awake at night... and always takes a leak on the tyres... so if anyone see's it please send it to a new home... or drop it off on the Kraut side of the lines give them something to worry about...
  16. Aircraft and military stuff turned into furniture

    You got that right the true star was the Tomcat...
  17. Helicopters vs Jets

    And I reply that wonderful British Invention... The Harrier.
  18. Must admit that paint scheme is pretty darn good...
  19. The military may be slow but they do remember everyone... and even if they forget they have the paperwork to prove it... this I think is true of most western militaries (I am not so sure about non Nato countries)... Congratulations on the Medal but as an ex-serviceman even in trying times the people who know you help know you deserve it even if that person is on the other end of the Radio... So congrats again.
  20. The UN...

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-11402101 You know the more I hear from this deluded lunatic coat wearer the more I think he should start taking his medication... Either that or he should go lie down in a dark room and stay there... I wont say he should be put in a Padded Cell as I have pre-reserved those for the people on this website... And the Purple Crayons are mine...
  21. Yeah but that A-6 is a Flying Tadpole... and it sure ain't pretty...
  22. MiG-21R

    Nice... now I can fly recon Red Style... Just need to remember not to stop for Borscht and a Vodka on the way otherwise running out of fuel is not stylish at all...
  23. Hmmm missed that bit... but you know he's right... well spotted that man...

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