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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Doomsday Preppers called

    My new Home brew kit is on its way to be delivered... This is only the initial shipment... as needing to learn how to make beer is more important as that way you are more prepared for the problems of having to drink Budweiser... (The American one not the Czech one)...
  2. Short film "The Jockstrap Raiders"

    Found that quite amusing...
  3. Making Some Moves

    Good luck to you... and may good fortune find you...
  4. screenshot's

    Silly question but which game or in General ??? For SF2 it's the print button...
  5. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-21518157 An Irishman this time... and off to the Middle east...
  6. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-21321362 BBC write up on Major Robert Smith-Barry from the Royal Central Flying school which celebrates 100 years this year...
  7. Aerofly FS - Some Screenshots

    http://store.steampowered.com/app/214130/ Here's a trailer from the Steam store... it does look impressive though I am wondering if there is any plans to expand it out to the whole world ???
  8. I Must Confess....

    I have stuff I don't even know what it is but looked good at the time...
  9. Cheers Erik as to the service well I wanted to do that since I saw an F-4 Phantom fly over my Dad's shop when I was a kid... wouldn't change it well maybe the bad day with a parachute... Must admit I do like the yellow ribbon in the corner...
  10. Morning Eric just noticed that my Military Veteran is still missing in action... thanks....
  11. What's with the US and faulty avionics?

    Not just the US Military... I have seen it in the UK military as well... and it's not just in the things that fly but Ground based Radars SAM's even down to the basic infantry firearm in the UK the L85 was a piece of sh!t that fell apart as soon as you looked at it... I would have been happier to use the SLR even though it was 40 years old when I first played with it!!! Went from 7 moving parts in field stripping to 17!!!
  12. Real of Fake? Cobra crash on Top Gear Korea

    Thats a real prang...
  13. Good Evening Gents... This one is a bit of a milkrun to get me back in the swing of things... A-4E 4 Mk-82 Snakeye 2 Rocket Pods (LAU-3) Centreline Tank Guns. My Jet for today... Take off from a land strip and sortied out to hit a PT Boat dock on the coast. Cruised out over the water and head in to attack the dock I was lit up with an Fan-Song but ECM stopped him from firing. Shallow dived onto the target from 3nm I fired off 2 thirds of the Rockets and hit the dock destroying it I then did a re-attack to hit the other dock with Snakeyes which destroyed the dock and the warehouse attached to it with my remaining rockets I strafed a gun site killing it. Fairly easy run as I had plenty of time and little in the way of Flak and missiles I was fired at by one SAM but it was so wide it might as well have been gunning for the moon... First Pass Second Pass Hello Mr SAM After action report I will probably do a bunch of these with the venerable A-4 and mostly unguided weapons apart from Iron Hand where we will be using the old school AGM-45 Shrike. Any requests let me know...
  14. Same here... lol but hey finally get to use this one... and as being a Vet well what do you expect ??? The outside world is not normal...
  15. Might have to give it a go in a Scooter... but maybe with Mr SAM dialled up now that I am back to flying in SF2 again just needed a break...
  16. Ed Rasimus

    RIP... I enjoyed his books as well and still do...
  17. Worst War Movie Ever...

    In the spirit of the Best Vietnam and Best War Movie ever threads how about a worst war movie ever... Okay 1 rule you must state why it is the worst War Movie ever in your opinion might as well give the Little Grey Cells something to chew over :- Personally I have a few I would state are the worst movies ever starting with Pearl Harbour :- Okay whats with the love interest (oh yeah so you can take your girlfriend (not sure why as its a War Movie)). Also the acting is wooden ie Terrible... But it is saved from being the worst movie ever because the CGI isn't too bad... So over to you guys...
  18. Could be the fuel pump...
  19. Carlos to be honest there is an ODS already created in here which is pretty damn amazing and well worth a try. It is in the SF2 Campaign download area.
  20. Drool... clean up on Runway 1... Please tell me what specs are going to be required and when can I buy it my patience is gone???
  21. Okay Back to topic from me apologies guys no pictures on this one as it was rather intense... My seat A-4M Guns + 6 Mk-82 Snakeyes Centreline 2 Tanks 2 LAU-3 rocket pods. Opponents 2 x J-6 Guns Place Taiwan Straits... Right take off and flight set for a single jet strike so bombs and tanks on the Scooter target was a oil storage tank. Anyway these 2 jokers bounced me as I hauled of the target first indications were from the green glow balls flying past my poor little scooter... pulled up and cleaned dropping tanks etc. This was a classic bounce by the J-6's one was marginally high and the other was on my tail within around 1nm which for anyone is a problem especially with a J-6 thankfully their aim was awful... Okay this is a time when you cannot runaway and have to fight with what you have got which in my case was a pair of colts and 400 rounds of 20mm oh how I wished to be able to switch back to not carrying the rockets and carrying sidewinders... Anyway after cleaning up and going fight on and fangs out the only advantage I had was err none I had around 450kt's and not a lot of height to play with as I was doing my usual low level approach 300 metres and below... turned into the first bad guys and the second comes down of his roost to take potshots at me by this point I am low and slow and not too happy flaps coming out to take off to help haul me round I squirt a few rounds at the second J-6 and manage to damage him but not kill as he zooms back to the sky I clean up the flaps and keep the engine firewalled and stay in as tight circle felt like a wagon wheel all of one with the 1st J-6 coming to take me to task which is not fun as he was booming and zooming thankfully still awful in the aiming department... problem here was that they had a nice base only a few miles away where as I had to fly all the way back to Taiwan! Back to the fight one eye on the fuel gauge and the other everywhere else the damaged guy comes back and copies his lead one comes down as I line up on the one who has just opened and zoomed out of it... still no good shot... as both of them seemed really happy at this and I know I cannot open fire with too much g on as it will jam the guns and I want to hit back with something other than harsh language... this basically was a circle fight with me timing my breaks on when they came down at me. I got another shot off at the number 2 and he limped away trailing fuel and flame but he had too much speed for me to get a kill. The problem was this had been going on for around 6 turns 7th turn was not my lucky one as I took a hit in the wing bird stayed in the air thankfully and no flames but it does not help out in the fuel department as I start leaking fuel as well but I am still managing just about to head for the coast in my circles. After what seems like forever I find I am now in a very used and batterd A-4 and the lead J-6 keeps on his booming and zooming but not firing so much now so I level wings and use the little height I have picked up to gain some speed and maybe turn the tables on the J-6 but this does not happen as I take a bunch of rounds and the A-4 comes apart... What I did was mistime my level out and dive I thought I had time and space to do this as I had done the worst thing I could have I lost sight of the J-6 and he was further into his turn than I thought... Takeaways I lost this from some basic errors first I tried to gain height in a circle which killed my speed and kept me slow through the fight and I had bad energy management, and I lost sight after we got down to 1 v 1... Also I suspect I underestimated the J-6 and overestimated my ability with the A-4 (been awhile since I have been flying one)... Unfortunately this is one where you cannot run from the badguys... Anyway next time out I will remember the camera...
  22. Greetings again, Okay I am curious what level of Patch is being run personally I am still on the April 2012 Patch and it is so far working for me... What about you guys ?
  23. 2013 CA Scorecard

    No complaints and it all seems as a job well done all round. Not noticed any issues with anything yet...
  24. http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/0857332597/ref=s9_newr_gw_d47_g14_ir05?pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=center-3&pf_rd_r=0WKKFQF29260H0VWMTJ0&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=358549207&pf_rd_i=468294 Was wondering if they would ever get round to doing this one...

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