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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. OT A ring of truth perhaps?

    As Bill Bryson (Famed American Travel writer said about the English...) The Americans want to be the biggest at everything The Japanese the most efficent The Germans the most Technical The French the best Chef's The Italian's the best lovers The English no-one has a chance because the English don't know what the English want... Still makes me laugh today...
  2. OT A ring of truth perhaps?

    Well we have to do something to keep an eye on everyone... Even me I have emigrated to keep an eye on the Austrians... I am here on my own and I have them surrounded...
  3. Sam Avoidence

    Very true but I generally fly Dead is Dead and don't use this option... Though there have been times when I have been tempted...
  4. Sam Avoidence

    Greetings... For WOV I normally use the A-4 Scooter and my usual trick is low level. One way to defeat Mr Ho Chi Sam is to point your nose straight down as the SAM is trying to intercept you so it has to aim in front of you if you are pointing straight down from 25000ft it normally cause Mr Ho Chi Sam to hit the ground. Two when laying Chaff I normally dispense 3 and turn hard it normally defeats Mr Ho Chi Sam. Provided you pull about 6g on the aircraft it will normally defeat an SA-2 but you have to see it first. Once you have visual and its fairly close in turn hard... There are also other threads on here on SAM Avoidance... Also there this link shows how to Evade the Dreaded SA-10 its a short download... http://562.50megs.com/562nd/index.htm
  5. Never again...

    Must admit I got to see a bad Dentist as well as a good Dentist in the RAF... and damn the worst one had to remove a damaged tooth, playing rugby and taking a high tackle with a fist involved didn't help... but it took him 25 minutes to get the tooth out even after saying it was a simple easy matter to do so,and it hurt like hell even though I was numbed up to the eyeballs... Another high tackle another tooth a different dentist 2 minutes and didn't feel a thing... Now I get to see a Civvie Dentist here in Vienna... He's Icelandic I am English and in Vienna... it costs a bit more as he's private but he is damn good... not had any problems with him.
  6. Just Completed my Engineering Degree

    It is so very true... Widowmaker I have seen that one many times and the more I see it and the more women I know the more its true...
  7. Okay all you need to do is make sure you have a clean install of SFG and then drop and drag the folders across... Be aware though that the Falklands mod was designed back in 06 for the 06 patch... so some of the flight models may be... how should I say this... Interesting to say the least. One of the best mods you can get is NATO IV from Column 5 or the Operation Desert Storm mod from here... Hope it helps
  8. Going from Super fast to slow means you have to approach it with a different mindset... on how to survive means more jinking around etc... Also means no running away from fighters...
  9. Both beautiful airplanes for different reasons... The Camel looks brutal pretty and the Spitfire well what can I say about her that hasn't been said before... Graceful beauty...
  10. Aw Man!..God bless you George!

    That was outstanding...
  11. The Red Baron...

    I was wandering the net and found this, most likely seen before but still made me chuckle...
  12. No Rambler don't have to wait just post your pilot and follow the rules at the begining... As posted in the first post... As to the hog still flying yeah taking hits is what its designed for but tangling with Migs etc isn't a good way to stay alive... unless you get them down into the weeds and the AI doesn't like that area too well... I also have 2 unconfirmed kills as well if you call Controlled flight into Terrain a kill a pair of migs came down from on high and couldn't pull out in time 2 smears in the grass... Also I do try and avoid being shot at saves on Hammer Time... but sending a pair of Hogs on a sead mission isn't exactly fair...
  13. OT - What's wrong with this picture...

    No they are all hiding in the Transporter
  14. Must admit the Flak is amazing especially when rolling in with an A-4 and you see all the tracer coming your way does make it interesting do you dodge and risk messing up your attack or do you just go to hell with it and stay on target... normally its stay on target but sometimes you end up with a few holes in the jet... its a 50 50 chance either way of making it or getting toasted...
  15. The Red Baron...

    Glad you liked it and I think your right... Herr Olham... And Tranquillo yeah tis one of those I love to watch...
  16. Missions 2 & 3 29th Oct Sortie 2. Well we got called on a strike mission to hit fuel tanks... different type of tank but they burn real good... 2 A-10 2 Mavericks BSU-49 Mk82 2 Rocket Pods 2 Winders ECM Pod Well off we go just me and 2nd Lt Dethelsen. It was only a short 20 minute flight to an Airbase the Commies had taken yesterday I ordered Dethefsen to hit the triple A in the area while I went in and hit the tanks shame he started out on the other side of the base... I loosed a Maverick at a ZPU-1 on my egress route and then hit the rockets to kill the fuel tanks got all of them in one burst. As I was coming off Dethelsen hit a KS-19 as I strafed the Radar setup killing the ASR Radar and the control hut with what was left of my rockets as the guns had gone quiet I made a quick second pass and hit the Ammo Bunkers and gunned the water tower whilst spraying the barracks area with my gun... We headed home and got jumped by a Mig-21 which Dethelsen killed with a winder though he took some hits... We where home after an hours flying Kills for me 4 Fuel Tanks 1 YPU-1 Building ASR Radar Shack Ammo Bunker Water Tower that 30mm does cut things apart rather well. Sortie 3. Longer flight this time as we where tasked to do SEAD up North. 2 A-10 2 Winders ECM Pod 6 AGM-65D 2 Rockeye 1 Tank Okay SEAD in an A-10!!! Well take off was smooth and join up was blissful heavy overcast at around 10000ft wasn't going to be an issue as we planned on flying there at 8000ft. Headed into the area to begin suppression and got surprised by a S-60 battery we both took out a gun but I took a couple of 57mm in the airframe and 1 in the Port Engine... That nearly ruined my day as I sprayed the gun site and got out quick we then hit the Airfield as planned but I stood off and loosed my 5 remaining mavericks killing quite a bit and 2nd Lt Graham hit a couple of guns as the raid came in behind him unloading onto the runway as I over flew the fuel area and dropped my Rockeye's well I needed to lighten the jet... and we steered out of there thankfully the Engine out situation wasn't too much of a problem. Well that was until a pair of Flankers came screaming down on us gunning Graham out of the sky with a heat seaker... But that Flanker died as I fired my 2 Sidewinders into him watching him pump out flares that did no good apart from aid the missiles into his engines. The other Su got wary of overshooting me as I was just about managing 250Knots at best so I stayed in the weeds and didn't plan to climb about 500ft to give him a chance he soon gave up and went in search of easier pray. Me I steered direct for home and after 45 minutes I arrived and put the bird down on the tarmac. Needs a new engine and out wing panels but apart from that she's okay. No word though on 2nd Lt Graham as I didn't see a chute he's presumed dead... My kills 1 M1939 2 BTR ZU-23 1 S-60 P-12 Zil-15 1 ZPU-1 3 Fuel Tanks 1 Su-27 Whats wrong with this picture... Oh thats it the port engines gone... Well looks like we are gonna need some hammers to sort this out... Also I was advised I was getting the Silver Star for yesterdays tank busting effort... dont know why as it was a team effort... I just killed more tanks...
  17. The Movie I've Been Waiting a Decade For

    When will the movie companies get round to providing good old fashioned movies like this instead of the schlok they produce nowadays ???
  18. Facebook Contest

    Nice offer...
  19. I'm all for the Police.......But

    Its called Health and Safety... it pervades everything. When I was in the military the gate guards wore combat's (camoflage kit) then Health and Safety turned up and stated they had to wear dayglo vests so that motorists could see them and wouldn't run them down As to this I agree with you sometimes all it takes is a call from a loved one to ease people, I know as I have seen it happen.
  20. What's wrong with this picture...

    He's not using a big enough hammer ???
  21. Holy #$&!

    At this rate I am going to need at least 2 new rigs... I see my spare room in my new apartment being more akin to a server room...
  22. Fifteen Years of Trying

    I remember Strike Commander... but my first WW1 flight was on the first or second version of MS Flight Simulator... where you could fly the Sopwith Camel and shoot down other aircraft... All wire framed... my next was Wings on the Amiga and that was a laugh a minute... okay feeling old now going to lie down in a darkened room to recover...
  23. Kiwi 18

  24. Ohhh you sure have that right must admit thats my only fault with NATO IV+ not enough flak... but saying that there are enough SAM's of both flavours to keep you honest... especially the SA-13 when striking airfields thats a killer...
  25. The more the merrier... and flying the A-10 is a tough prospect bit like driving the A-1... as you can't run from much but it does add to the fun... Also flying with the fuel on Hard makes you think more also for some of the later jets as you are based in Germany it isn't too difficult unless you are on a deep strike then its a balance between fuel and weapons...

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