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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. The RN is to get its teeth pulled

    As an ex-military type I have severe issues with the muppets in the office... even so much that my boss sent me away for 3 days while we had the defence minister on base when I was in the Falklands, he was worried I might ask some questions... Problem is they will look at the short term and not the long term and as the boats are due around 2015 depending on if there are any strikes they get the software correct etc... I wouldn't be surprised if they where delayed heavily, well until the next election anyway... but you are right the UK press always want to paint a bad picture no matter what... just to keep people scared as they like to... half the time it freakin annoys me the other half it amuses me... Thankfully I don't have to see it everyday now as I am no longer a UK Resident...
  2. The RN is to get its teeth pulled

    Cannot use those as they would be accused of being un-environmental...
  3. The old Flying Porcupine... looking good when I get my PC setup here to how I want it I will have to prepare a WW2 setup for Wings Series...
  4. Happy Birthday Migbuster!

    Happy Birthday... youngster...
  5. Thats not too good... I am now wondering what my next one is going to be after the new update for NF4+ Maybe a recon campaign to make it interesting... I have been toying with a pure attack setup maybe with the Tornado... just working out who...
  6. Outstanding oh wise and ancient one...
  7. Say hello to my little friend!

    Why thank you kind sir and congratulations on your new arrival best wishes to you and your family have a virtual whiskey on me...
  8. Okay the second one is from a Radio controlled model... so the speed scale is going to be a bit messed up I think...
  9. What do you fly?

    Must admit for most of my flying I have been driving the wonderful Strutter about with RNAS 5 (I think gray cells aren't working too well this morning) up near the Channel... As I am trying to work out how best to fly it without spreading it all over the mud and back... So mostly British for me as well.
  10. Damn... now I am seriously intrigued loiter times height and speeds etc this is getting to be very very interesting... must have... repeat the mantra... Must have patience must have patience... Thanks for the update...
  11. Okay okay do we get bombs to drop on the trains and do they explode??? Having lived with British Rail in its many forms its the only thing I want to do to a train...!!! On a Serious note very nice...
  12. Many thanks just had a test flight at 4am with the RF-104G and it was great fun... So my thanks to all involved as I can understand the amount of hours that you guys put into this. :clapping:
  13. 3 questions.

    Thats a limitation from CFS3 unfortunately on the time acceleration if I remember rightly...
  14. Well SF1 was not designed to run on anything after Win XP... So its possibly everything but saying that quite a lot of software had problems with Vista along with the users. This was because Vista is very intensive on the PC so takes resources which a game could use instead. So he probably means the loading etc not the game play.
  15. Tiger Shark Eats Man in the Bahamas - 09/08/2010

    To that I disagree totally... We are not on the menu of any shark as we do not have the rich blubber on us that seals for example have. The majority of Shark attacks are sharks investigating us or mis-identifying us, we have hands to do that they use their mouths which is what causes the problems... If you are going to hunt a shark fine provided you eat it afterwards I have no problems with that but catching a shark and finning it and then throwing the 95% back into the ocean is what I disagree with and hunting them for sport is another.
  16. It's gone so quiet here...

    Must admit I am missing my OFF but for only another 3 weeks until I fly back to the UK to pick it up... I have built a special PC here just geared towards running OFF... For P4 and the Devs the fact that we know that they are working on it and don't want to release anything in case its stolen by others I can fully and truly understand... I will though devour any images they put forward and if I could pre-order I would as going on my year with P3 (okay 4 months off due to working in Vienna)... I know that they will be creating a masterpiece... So I am happy to wait though a little drop in message or even a pic would be nice... Patience is wonderful and sometimes we must be so to gain a good reward... Hope that makes sense... So I will be patient
  17. Oopsy Microsoft....

    As to the word Mad... I think as English Types I think its allowed Widowmaker old Chap... And as to this MS do like to mess up... they just forget to remember that we the paying public are the ones keeping them in business... Oh I forget sorry we aren't allowed to be thinking things like that... But this is PC gone mad... raving absolutely howling Mad... Next time why don't they look at a map...
  18. 3 questions.

    Welcome to the new guy... and the drinks are on him... Must admit once I have sorted my new life out I will be taking the Einnie up for a spin or 50 depending on how I do... simply because I like to learn the planes...
  19. Interesting... well guess what I will be looking at this weekend...
  20. Excuse me Marines. I have a question about this vid

    I found it interesting when I was a recruit back in the mists of time... as every time they came at me I gave them a different angle to work sort of reverse pyschology which sometimes didn't go down too well... led to me doing quite a few push ups as well as the odd run or 50... oh and never ever overtake the PTI on a run as they don't like it too much and they sulk a lot...
  21. Tiger Shark Eats Man in the Bahamas - 09/08/2010

    To answer your question when a shark is severely hurt or killed there is a chance it will regurgitate its last meal something to do with a nerve reflex. Also a shark is a tough animal to kill depends on what load was in the shotgun I suppose but it could be a mis-interpretation for we killed it then we would have released it into the sea...
  22. Tiger Shark Eats Man in the Bahamas - 09/08/2010

    True its terrible what happened to the man in this case but no-one knows if he was already dead when eaten or not... But think about the sharks for a few minutes (this is one thing that does annoy the living hell out of me). Tiger Sharks are the rubbish bin of the ocean... in other words they eat anything that comes their way. And to put the record straight approximately 40 000 000 yes forty million the, upper limit some think is around a 100 million, sharks are killed every year by man for fins or are caught in nets... and thats only an estimate most of this is for their fins for the market in Asia for Shark Fin Soup... the Shark is caught finned alive and thrown back into the sea still alive in most cases so for 5% of the shark they throw away 95% of the shark. So for every fatal attack by sharks roughly 10 worldwide we kill 40 000 000 (I am using the low figure)... somehow that number doesnt seem right the shark has a role in the ocean in culling seals and other animals... the problem is sharks aren't cuddly like baby tigers or have the smiles of dolphin, they are sharks from the moment they are born teeth and all. Most of this is down to Hollywood scaring us with the bad shark. I have been fortunate that I spent 10 minutes in open ocean with a group watching one of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen in nature and that was a blue shark that came up to warm herself after hunting in the depths. She was 8ft long and was swimming in the most effortless way possible that it was one of those am I scared or in complete wonder... for me it was definitely the later. So please don't hate the sharks they are only doing what nature meant for them to do, whereas man kills them for a $100 dollar bowl of soup... The following link explains it better than I can http://www.sharkattacks.com/sharksvictims.htm
  23. Happy New Year!

    Hope you have a good Rosh Hashanah and a peaceful new year...
  24. Stay low and fast in the Harrier... its the only way to survive. If running the Nato 4+ Campaign you are in for a world of hurt its one of the toughest Campaigns to fly due to SAM's and the fact against most Red Jets you can't run away... When I say low stay under 200ft and around 500knots but be aware around Airfields if there are SA-13's about as they really really ruin your day...
  25. Happy Birthday Wpnssgt

    Happy Birthday

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