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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. The Blitz - 70 Years Ago

    Its called a stiff upper lip and a good cup of tea... And no shouting at me I mean no disrespect... They have my greatest respect... for they took it when they couldn't shoot back...
  2. This is the same guy that wants people to stand on his planes and pay to use the bathroom...
  3. Hmmmm! Crumpets!

    Hmmm.... Fish and Chips... Crumpets... Bangers and Mash... Steak and Kidney pudding... Full English fry up Sunday mornings only of course... Bacon butty... Treacle sponge... amongst others to me its all great food... Its one thing I do miss in Vienna thought there is an Irish Pub that does most of the above quite well...
  4. Exp.3 rumors

    Whatever happens I will be happy... I have been since SF1 came out and its the Sim I always go back to as I can just do a canned mission if the old brain pan is a bit slow or failing that I can do a Campaign to give the old brain pan a work out... To be honest I like all the ideas that have been put forward... the 60's / 70's stuff as well as the Merc setup along with the F-1 etc etc... you get the idea... as the standard is pretty darn good... And Spinners what the heck where you thinking ??? Chillax indeed
  5. Russo I also offer my thanks for your Jet that I have had installed practically from the day you released it... it seemed unfair not to fly it... even though a few of my sorties ended up with me dead sticking my landings on Roads Fields you get the idea... As to the BEP... as Spinners calls it I like that I can't wait and have even prepared the bank balance...
  6. Global Conflict Blue

    From the limited amounts I have played of it... It is damn good as good as FC I would think... with the added advantage that you have limited weapons and you can mod your Aircraft loadouts.
  7. Now that pod looks fantastic on the old Banana Bomber...
  8. Okay I will admit I have completed the campaign under the dead is dead rules... and managed to bring most of the Squadron home... After action reports are in the SF1 Dead is Dead link... its there because I forgot to post in SF2... I flew the Tornado F-3 as my weapon of choice and I did manage to bag a few Flankers and Fulcrums with it... Okay advice time not sure where to begin okay as to SAM's I normally cruised around 10000ft and then when I got lit up by the glorious SA-10 etc it was Jam and head downstairs fast which thankfully the F-3 does rather well and then get under 100ft if you pick up a visual on the SAM normally it follows you down and you can start pulling up around 3000ft and the SAM mashes into the ground get below the 100ft mark and the SA-10 loses interest obviously be wary of Guns SA-13's etc... Dealing with Mr Flanker et al... nows where you need that old thing called luck... being brutal hope he locks up your wingmen and you take him out with a close in Radar IRM Gunshot whichever works for you. When he's sending Alamo's your way dont hold back on chaff etc as getting killed with chaff still on board is crazy. Do not be afraid of not completing a sortie if the odds are against you eg an SA-10 11 site covering the Target with Flankers and fulcrums standing around for you as well... you aren't going to survive too long also send your wingies home if you know there are Flankers or Fulcrums about... for me though it was a case of good luck and some serious thought in how I was going to win. This is the only one I have so far managed to win at I have tried it with other Aircraft F-4G (that though is looking for trouble) Havn't tried with the Falcon though but I think its next on the list... Problem with the Falcon is your a dogfighter not a long range shooter like the Eagle Tornado etc... for me in the Falcon I would fly my sorties wherever I could at low level I mean 200ft low level the threats down low though is the SA-13 its a mean SOB no warning and splash you are out of there... also the zip guns can have fun with you... Stay low and fast pop flares near hostile airbases just in case of mr sa-13 and if Flankers turn up force them down to come down to you do not go to them as their Radar missiles will kill you staying low also negates having to deal with Mr SA-10 and his mates... if you can give up the drop tanks carry a pair of ARM's when you get lit up loose one off and save one for your primary target and fire it when on run in might get the SA-8 you missed or the Zip gun and then make one pass and one pass only and get the heck outta dodge fast... The problem is balancing the threats to your advantage... Thats the way I did it and I love the F-3 for getting me outta dodge when required...
  9. FSX: How do you land the Piper Cub?

    True that bird is an interesting one to fly... but I must admit I never really got on with it. I prefer the Cub... and then for Tail Dragging they gave FSX the Grumman Goose... which I love just to stooge around in and not have a care about...
  10. 1 September

    Oh and just to make it more fun in Austria a Krapfen is a Doughnut...
  11. Defence Secretary Liam Fox has ruled out the UK sharing aircraft carriers with France as part of closer defence co-operation and efforts to save money. Dr Fox, who is in Paris for talks with his French counterpart, said such a move would be "unrealistic". The Ministry of Defence, like nearly all government departments, is facing a significant cut in its future budget. Dr Fox wants to save money in procurement and administration while prioritising front-line operations. He has emphasised the need for much closer working with key European allies, such as France. But at a press conference with French Defence Minister Herve Morin, Dr Fox dismissed suggestions the two could share aircraft carriers as a cost-saving measure. However, the two men said they would look at ways of sharing their respective fleets of A400M, a plane designed to transport soldiers and heavy equipment to combat zones. All British government departments, except international aid and health, are facing budget cuts of between 25% and 40%. Defence, although unlikely to be among the hardest hit, will not be immune. This has led to speculation that plans for two new aircraft carriers by 2018 - costing £5bn - could be scaled back. Ministers have said the UK's mission in Afghanistan will remain a priority, but Dr Fox has declined to rule out cuts in overall troop numbers across the armed forces. The Treasury has also insisted that the MoD must foot the bill for renewal of the Trident nuclear weapon system. Copied and pasted from the BBC News site...
  12. Entente aircraft losses

    Interesting list also interesting that the Camel has twice as many losses compared to the rest of the Aircraft... But thats also probably due to the Camel being used as a low level Ground attack as well as being shot down by other fighters...
  13. Woah! I did...something good!

    I havn't survived long enough to get anything near that... but I am playing Full DiD rules from the start out... So well done on that one
  14. First Flight for New HELLFIRE II Missile Design

    proof-of-principle (POP)
  15. Now that A-26 looks fantastic... (I know its supposed to be a B-26...) as to the rest they also look great... and as to how long we know the answer... 2 Weeks... and as usual those 2 Weeks are relative to the situation that you are experiencing at the time... and I know what you guys are like when it comes to the mod...
  16. What would you like to get in P4?

    Well Lou you only have to wait for 4 months...
  17. Its to do with the posting of the Yak-38 Forger...
  18. I think form my understanding he was asking for the Mig-21...
  19. Fore!

    Now thats what you call a smoking hot stroke... And here's he new theme tune... Sorry had to add that...
  20. What would you like to get in P4?

    Okay voted for a whole bunch of stuff... Must admit was a rather excellent Poll... there was only one thing missing as far as I am concerned and that was no Seaplanes... Apologies I put in for 8 options...
  21. Derk thats so wrong it could be classed as right...
  22. Hmmm its a concept that has been mooted since the RN where getting the new Carriers on a cost saving exercise but the new UK boats will definitely need catapults for that... as the French wont want to operate the F-35B...
  23. REVIEW: Armchairgeneral.com

    Anything for this glorious work... well within reason... and somedays reason does go missing like going for one more flight before sleep... and finding that flight is for 2 hours... and time slips away... this is one of the 2 Flight Sims I can say do that to me... its an amazing piece of work... Just can't wait to get flying again... and I have managed to get an old 3.4gig single core PC to set it up on...
  24. Looks like someones in for big heap of trouble in the old Sandbox...
  25. OT: Something like S.T.A.L.K.E.R

    The one I was meaning is S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 this is a new generation version it is beyond the original Stalker series of Shadow of Chernobyl Clear Sky and Call of Pribyat... Totally new... and due for release in 2012...

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