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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Taken the plunge

    When you do receive it let us know how it works out... from a newbies perspective... e.g. setup etc... As I am interested in getting one in a couple of months once I have settled down here...
  2. OT: Something like S.T.A.L.K.E.R

    Apologies Herr Olham... missed that you wanted a Lan Player attachment on it... as Far as I know its single player... Also looks like a new Version of Stalker is under development http://www.gsc-game.com/ But for LAN Play it looks like Call of Pripyat has online play though... but don't quote me on that one...
  3. OT: Something like S.T.A.L.K.E.R

    I think there is one called Metro 2033... similar idea... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_Y1z66pKgY Also I have the first 2 STALKER games just waiting for the third one but I might be buying Metro 2033... Games by THQ Also at the End of October there is the release of Fallout New Vegas... if thats your style as well...
  4. REVIEW: Armchairgeneral.com

    Well done again and at least they listened which was nice as sometimes they don't listen... Must admit I add my 2 pence worth about 20 minutes ago... bit late I know but its the thought that counts... as when I viewed it a when it came out I must say I was disappointed with the screenshots and as they say a Picture tells a 1000 words...
  5. Derk thats enough to make the heart Warm nothing like a Tin Triangle to make the sky look right... shame someone parked an F-16 at the top of the picture (Seems to make the Picture unbalanced to me with the other Jets)... The Hunter at the bottom of the Picture looks great as well... thanks for posting
  6. At Peicemeal... Now thats a Flak Trap and a half be thankful there's no zipper guns in there... Other wise that would be a real bad day at the office... And at Wrench... Since when did you become a master of the force ??? I thought that was Jedimaster's job or is it a Jedi job share thing going on... ??? And at Fubar... That Yak looks good
  7. RIP Xbox 360

    I have tried the Xboxes granted for driving games they are hard to beat but give me a PC anyday for Flight Sims they cannot be beaten...
  8. Jump jets to fall victim to spending cuts

    Makes sense to me as it also means the RN can get a proper AWAC's now instead of a cobbled together Seaking... Also it does mean that the RN can go down the road and purchase the Superbug instead... or a mix of both... also due to the size of the carriers it seems crazy not to have catapult launching on it... Also its a good slap in the face to the Arms industry here designing kit for the UK military and then charging 3 times as much for it and offering poorer capability than what can be purchased cheaper elsewhere...
  9. I have been trying to use it for my past few flights over Vietnam... only problem is they know I am coming and send everything to give me a bad day... since when did 2 Spads require to be fired at by SAM's chased by the entire Mig Series from 17 to 21... and then have everybody shoot at you with everything they had... even on an Antiship mission as the Sea would self flush the effects away... no I couldn't even get close...
  10. Replacement of Swiss Fighter Jets Postponed

    But it depends on how much those legacy Hornets have been used in regards to flying hours Carrier shots and traps etc... because it could work out more expensive in the long run getting them fixed... Or they could go for the Gripen from a fellow Neutral...
  11. Torno that Tin Triangle looks marvellous... hmmm going to have to see if I can get it to fly in SF2...
  12. Taken the plunge

    Apparently some people can get motion sickness from it... at least that way you find out in the comfort of your own home... so have a bucket ready
  13. German miniature airport

    Okay.... some people have too much time on their hands... but looks good...
  14. Outstanding looks like I now have to get a new PC with Win7 and all that Jazz... As to the Mission editor now thats not what I was expecting... For one I am happy as I never could get on with the 3rd party missions editors... so Thanks in advance... So 2 Weeks ???
  15. UK Vanguards being stalked by Akula's

  16. I was starting one earlier this year but I have had to put it as well as a lot of other things on hold... RL got in the way and now me moving to Vienna has scuppered the plans for at least another few months...
  17. Happy Birthday Fubar512 !

    Happy Birthday...
  18. Two New Flight Simmers entered the world!

    Congrats... and there goes the sleep pattern...
  19. Another type of headgear

    interesting find I think...
  20. REVIEW: Armchairgeneral.com

    Outstanding write up... and its true OFF is addictive... and here I am with another 5 weeks of enforced none flying...
  21. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-11008466 NK Pilot tried to defect and crashed in China... Uncle Kim's happy paradise seems to be not so happy...
  22. Now that is real nice... that undisclosed Mod is looking good from that one short film... Also quick question what sort of frame rate hit does it get ?
  23. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/08/25/kaman_unmanned_cargo_win/ Looks like Kmax have won and Boeing lost... well until Boeing contest it that is...
  24. Okay with the laser pod make sure its mounted on your Jet then drop your laser guided bombs from about 4 miles out in a shallow dive from around 10000ft and you will most times get a hit on what your aiming at I would say about 80%... For targets you target them in much the same way as a TV guided weapon make sure you can see the target on the radar screen and take it from there... Laser guided Missiles around 10000ft again and about 6 miles... but this is variable on the missile of course...
  25. I would say its not rocket science but... anythings possible with those engines..

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