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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. A General's Honor Restored

    Flaming politicians and the media that rules them...
  2. Woods to Divorce

    Err who we talking about again here...
  3. Microsoft Flight Sim Discussion

    Me I love the old Prop heavies and if its got a boat shaped hull attached even more so I have the Catalina and the Hu-16 addons, also the older Jetliners like the DC-10 and also some of the smaller newer jets like the Embraers... Along with most of the Turboprops. I rarely fly for over 2 hours but I do use the speed increase as of FSX it runs to x16 with the Autopilot if I am flying an Airhauler flight... But as far as I am concerned if it has wings and an engine or 3 I am happy... As to Autoland I must admit I found it by accident...
  4. # sigh # If Only

    I see your art of the subtle is getting to brick through plate glass window level on getting a Snipe in to OFF... It should be in just because of your persistence you are planning on wearing them down...
  5. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-11057330 The RN is undershipped or so this think tank says... hmmm might be more interesting if they told the RN what they didn't know...
  6. ravenclaw_007 That Bucc is a thing of sheer beauty... makes me want to go find one and hug it but there are none in Austria...
  7. New MSF(S)?

    Me thinks it looks like they got rid of everything that MSFS was good for... but we will just have to wait and see...
  8. Iran unveils first bomber drone

    Also did you know that the average speed of the Iranian Navy is twice as fast as the USN... http://www.presstv.ir/detail/139770.html I wonder if thats in running away... laugh I almost fell out of my chair... :rofl:
  9. Should the new MOH be banned?

    A game is a game is a game... but some people do not see that they think it will corrupt the youth etc etc and then say its okay to build a mosque at ground zero stating that it is there human rights that will be corrupted... etc etc etc... sorry not trying to get political but somedays certain groups of people infuriate me...
  10. Microsoft Flight Sim Discussion

    Must admit I have an updated CV580 as well as the baby CV240 in my collection and I love using them for the Air Hauler Addon I have... they are good birds to fly... And I am with you on the 737-whatevers... I don't fly them at all... But I love flying old world props and CalClassic is a good site to get airplanes of vintage from... Also I prefer flying in the Mountains (Nepal or similar) or over Alaska so some of the little planes have a few problems also as I use real weather icing can get to be an issue... I still remember my first full VFR Flight in 2004 (I dont count early than that as the weather wasn't too great until 2004) god what a nightmare JFK to Seattle with a fully laden DC-10. Take off in heavy rain climb up to 35000ft and then landing through a snow storm with a full automated ILS landing had to otherwise no way was I landing that bird... It was rather how should I say this FOGGY!!! I think I could just make out the field at around 2000ft forward and down vis... for my first autoland it went pretty smooth... The DC-10 was an SGA one I think... been a few years... but ever since then on flights if the aircraft has autoland I set-up for it just in case most times I run the ILS in and land manual but there have been times landing in fog that its come in handy...
  11. Iran unveils first bomber drone

    I would love to meet his speech writer or does the Jacketed one do his own Speeches... either way they contradict themselves... I am sure he's just confused... and as has been said makes The Dear Leader somedays appear normal... if thats possible
  12. I vote 3 as well... as it could define your pilot as some one who is feared by all or a gentleman...
  13. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-11029903 Found this on the BBC... its an interesting graph just roll the mouse over the bars and it gives you details...
  14. Microsoft Flight Sim Discussion

    Okay I use FSX but I have owned MS Flight sim since the mid 80's back when there was a WW1 simulator in it... As to what addons I have quite a lot ranging from about 150 Aircraft give or take 20... I have a freight mod forgotten what its called now... Best advice I have on the old Jenny but its been awhile is I find a slow increase in throttle and make sure your counteracting with rudder until you reach full power you should find though that you can take off with around 80% power... Also remember that if there is any wind involved unless its straight on is going to give you problems... With the old Tail draggers I rarely use full power on take off once in the air at about 30feet I generally find I am at full power then so there is no issues... Only time I have problems like above is when taking off at altitude...
  15. 70 Years ago... Battle of Britain

    70 Years ago... Churchill gave the first speech quoting the the Few... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-11026119 http://www.winstonchurchill.org/learn/speeches/speeches-of-winston-churchill/1940-finest-hour/113-the-few May they all soar of glided wings and enjoy the peace eternal and may their sacrifices never be forgotten no matter where they came from...
  16. Welcoming home the Boys and Girls

    Cheers for bringing back a good memory... I had that one once a long time ago it seems now my girlfriend at the time welcoming me back from a not pleasant place... damn that hug I got seemed to go on forever... To all the troops going home may their loved ones give them peace...
  17. http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675055330_United-States-A-4E-Skyhawk_USS-Hancock-CV-19_Vietnam-Carrier-Air-Strike_F-8D-Crusader Whilst wandering the web as you do looking for something and nothing I came across this video footage of A-4E's and F-8's landing on the USS Hancock. That F-8 looks like it wants to eat the deck on landing...
  18. Now they wouldn't be of a say brownish explosion with a hint of yellow... Someone was gonna ask...
  19. We have the worst..but whats the best commercials?

    He's getting retrained...
  20. Glad to have you with us... So it looks like the marines are now going to be represented too... There's also a thread that for SF2 but I will admit I post mine in here... no matter if its SF2 or 1
  21. Black Prophecy

  22. And to the Wrench them spads look damn fine... If I remember back into the dawn of time when I started building kits the first I built was a Spad and then a Scooter...
  23. @ modders

    Possibly the A-10C... maybe...
  24. RIP Bill Millin

    May he rest in piece... and play the pipes where ever he is...
  25. Defecting Korean in Defective plane...

    Possibly a Mongol as there are reports it was a two seater...

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