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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. I GOT IT! my OFF CD

    I will admit I spent a while learning to fly these crates... I gave up on the dogfighting one sunday and spent an hour just doing touch and go's followed by another hour of navigation etc... and then I started to get back into the dogfighting... and I am a 20 year veteran of flight simulators... also be prepared to be shredded from nose to tail a lot...
  2. Plane Sunks in Rio de Janeiro

    Looks like an early bath for someone...
  3. Don't Be this guy....

    flaming idiot... someone take him out back and give him a non-PC kick in the happy sacs... glad this guy gave him a dressing down...
  4. We come in peace...

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-10947856 Brazilian Air Force to record UFO Sightings.
  5. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-10940297 The Russians have parked SA-10's or S-300, depending on your choice, in Abkhazia which Russia granted independence to after the short tussle with Georgia 2 years ago and now advise that they have place SAM's there to protect Abkhazia Air Space...
  6. I was lucky to be able to catch some of it in my lunch hour or two... They closed part of the main ring road in Vienna... Good time had by all... You know with stuff like this happening a place like Vienna could grow on you...
  7. Yesterday in Vienna it smelt like burning rubber...

    Must admit MotoGP is fun but I prefer the WSB maybe its because I started watching WSB back in the early 90's...
  8. Deus Ex 3

    I hope that this is a lot better than 2 as 2 for me was a serious let down... The first one had a fantastic story and lots of playability also seemed to take forever to complete it the first time round... the second one was more a case of completed before I had started and the storyline wasn't great I agree with Jedi the graphic levels are damn good now so lets concentrate on the story line...
  9. Okay dont Quote me but I do know that some of the SF1 Sound packages work in SF2 as its all the same file format (as far as I know). I have a few of the SF1 Sound packages in my SF2 Nato IV+ folder... Also welcome to the madhouse... and the new guy buys the drinks...
  10. Chinese fighter jets train over Tibet

    Some good pictures there...
  11. Da Russians are coming...

    Apologies... the comment about "Da Russians are coming" I made was tongue in cheek or a lightweight joke... The fact that the Russians have stationed SA-10's in what is disputed territory even if it is a defensive weapon also allows the Russians to check Georgian Air Space with the search radar part of the unit... Also depending on what version is being deployed the missile can easily reach into Georgia... If I was a Georgian I would be unhappy about that SAM System being there...
  12. FSX: How do you land the Piper Cub?

    Once you get used to flying it its a good little plane to fly around... just remember on landing to use your rudder as well and make sure the power is off on the engine... glad you managed to land it... I use it for flying around on any new scenery that I have...
  13. A little pass WWi but enjoyable

    Oh I have been there... I have 99 more take off's than landings... shame the 99th is the one that screwed me up most of mine where non-static line watching the world from 24000ft on a HAHO Jump is a very pleasant place to be very relaxing as well... HALO's on the other hand are for the adrenaline junkie well it was for me. Good Vid as well...
  14. The Official Chuck Norris CA Thread

    Chuck beats up on the annoying guy...
  15. Full effects

    For me its a two seater as I am still stuck playing full DiD rules in 1916 and thats a Sopwith Strutter... I like it as back then I at least have a chance and I suppose I am an Attack pilot at heart...
  16. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-10922843 Made me laugh that he took a beer...
  17. Uh,,,no it's not....

    I remember swimming with a Blue Shark of Acension Islands (well it was a few miles out actually about 30 miles out) back in 1997 and it was one of those moments of wonderment well it was for me... another guy stated he didn't know if he should change his underwear or be amazed moments... such a Beautiful creature and how can you get it mixed up with a Sand Tiger ???
  18. What's wrong with women these days?

    Next question...
  19. FSX: How do you land the Piper Cub?

    Do not use the brakes until you have slowed right down as the brakes will flip the plane over every time on landing...
  20. FSX: How do you land the Piper Cub?

    Okay when landing the piper I have found it best to keep back pressure on the stick when the wheels touch... Also I do land it gently and aim for a 3 point landing also killing the throttle just before landing helps... Best advice though is practice practice practice...
  21. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/industry/defence/7931465/RAF-to-shrink-to-World-War-One-levels.html Looks like the UK will not have a military left to fight with at this rate... even though these cuts look are only a possibility it is still a complete mess... The RAF are to take the brunt of the cuts... by possibly losing the entire Strike force of Tornado's!!! Oh and losing about 40 more Eurofighters. The last time the RAF had these numbers it was 1914!!! Also looks like a lot of programmes that have cost a lot of money ie Nimrod MRA4 and thats Billions could get binned as well. Politicians want the military when it suits them and even then don't fund them correctly, doesn't help that the politico's try and force the military to buy equipment that isn't up to the job... ie AH9 Wildcat why when we could have a fleet of SH-60's/H-60's for half the price or even get twice as many for the price... Type 45 get 2 Arleigh Burkes that work for the price... because it saves jobs here. What about the people given the equipment trying to do the job first of all!!! Or even build the kit here... And then when the military is no use anymore shove it back in its box and be surprised when the next time you require it that it can't do the job!!! Sorry Rant mode off... Just this sort of thing annoys the hell out of me...
  22. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-10928024 Looks like 8 people on board in really bad weather.
  23. I think for that one its a create it yourself job...
  24. I raise a to the next 500
  25. 10 days leave

    Have a good Holiday... hmmm Herr Olham and the old Chap Widowmaker on leave at the same time... Spies me thinks or something more going on...

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