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Everything posted by tiopilotos

  1. Version 1.0


    SF2 Realistic SA-6 Gainful / 2K12 Kub SAM Pack 1.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This pack features the SA-6 SAM system. It is a mobile low to medium-level air defense system, designed to protect ground forces from air attacks. Following variants are included: 2K12 Kub (SA-6, 1967) - The first Kub version exported to Middle East and other Third World countries. 2K12M1 Kub-M1 (SA-6, 1973) - Upgraded version exported to Warsaw Pact countries. 2K12M3 Kub-M3 (SA-6, 1976) - Final modification exported to Warsaw Pact and some other countries. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New features: - More realistic search/track ranges along with search/track times for StraightFlush radar - Launchers can perform 360 degree rotation and now all battery launchers can point at the target - Corrected missile parameters - Fuze distances were increased and thus a hit is not a guaranteed kill. Also it has impact on the near pass with no detonation situation. With longer fuze distances, missiles will detonate sooner and there will be at least some damage if not a kill - Repainted missile skins - New launch effect and sound - Dramatically improved performance ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Known issues: - Due to game engine limitations mobile SAM batteries can not move with other ground units and thus offensive ground forces will be exposed to enemy air attacks. - Fire control radar can guide only one missile against a single target. Real SA-6 system could guide two missiles against a single target. - Missiles can fly longer at low altitudes as they tend to reach the Missile Duration time. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REQUIREMENTS: You must have installed any SF2 title which will feature the stock SA-6 system. I think that SF2, SF2E and SF2I have it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As always open readme.txt first to see installation instructions and credits. Lot of research and hard work was made to make this SAM as realistic as possible. Enjoy as much as you can this SAM and leave comments with your in-game experience in the support topic!
  2. Learn your callsign

    Jumping Falcon!
  3. Realistic SA-6 Gainful / 2K12 Kub SAM Pack

    Well it's not like the usual way where you just drop the sound file to sounds folder. Follow the instructions carefully... it's not difficult.
  4. Mirage 5DA - People's Air Force of Angola (FAPA) - 1982
  5. Realistic SA-6 Gainful / 2K12 Kub SAM Pack

    Glad you like it! I hope it is not overrated!
  6. Realistic SA-6 Gainful / 2K12 Kub SAM Pack

    Thanks Snail. An update with new missile and vehicle skins is also planned but don't know when it will be available. Near miss can happen but not so often as previously.
  7. File Name: Realistic SA-6 Gainful / 2K12 Kub SAM Pack File Submitter: tiopilotos File Submitted: 10 May 2017 File Category: Ground Object Mods SF2 Realistic SA-6 Gainful / 2K12 Kub SAM Pack 1.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This pack features the SA-6 SAM system. It is a mobile low to medium-level air defense system, designed to protect ground forces from air attacks. Following variants are included: 2K12 Kub (SA-6, 1967) - The first Kub version exported to Middle East and other Third World countries. 2K12M1 Kub-M1 (SA-6, 1973) - Upgraded version exported to Warsaw Pact countries. 2K12M3 Kub-M3 (SA-6, 1976) - Final modification exported to Warsaw Pact and some other countries. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New features: - More realistic search/track ranges along with search/track times for StraightFlush radar - Launchers can perform 360 degree rotation and now all battery launchers can point at the target - Corrected missile parameters - Fuze distances were increased and thus a hit is not a guaranteed kill. Also it has impact on the near pass with no detonation situation. With longer fuze distances, missiles will detonate sooner and there will be at least some damage if not a kill - Repainted missile skins - New launch effect and sound - Dramatically improved performance ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Known issues: - Due to game engine limitations mobile SAM batteries can not move with other ground units and thus offensive ground forces will be exposed to enemy air attacks. - Fire control radar can guide only one missile against a single target. Real SA-6 system could guide two missiles against a single target. - Missiles can fly longer at low altitudes as they tend to reach the Missile Duration time. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REQUIREMENTS: You must have installed any SF2 title which will feature the stock SA-6 system. I think that SF2, SF2E and SF2I have it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As always open readme.txt first to see installation instructions and credits. Lot of research and hard work was made to make this SAM as realistic as possible. Enjoy as much as you can this SAM and leave comments with your in-game experience in the support topic! Click here to download this file
  8. Just wanted to ask how actually works. In general optical backup helps radar operator to track a target in case of heavy ECM environment but how far the optical system can see targets in SF2? It is being used as an alternative track method which uses the same radar range values as the primary radar or there are parameters which limit the optical range? I guess a typical fighter size aircraft can be hardly seen from 15-20 km range using an optical system.
  9. Open data.ini for this object, set Exported=False and make sure that the nation name of the object is not appearing on other terrains.
  10. Lately I have been trying to use the same LOD file for three different missiles. Initially I repainted the existing BMPs so that the missile versions can be distinguished but an error occured. Because BMP filename is the same for all missiles, many times in game the later missile version appears with the skin of the earlier version. Maybe game engine can load only one skin between BMPs with the same name. In order to overcome this problem I decided to use different BMP filenames. I used a hex editor to change the BMP filename inside the LOD but then an another error occured. Missiles became invisible! (The inside LOD skin names match with the BMPs) Then I reverted back to the initial LOD file and opened it again with the hex editor. This time I just added a character before the skin filename (a different character for each missile version) and then I made the corresponding changes in BMP filenames so they can match. After that, missiles in game become black! Trying to solve this problem but no luck so far. Any thoughts?
  11. Skin problem

    Well I solved the problem by changing LOD names as well as the BMP names inside the LOD. Thanks.
  12. Skin problem

    Guys I tried changing just a single character but no luck. Game engine loads only one skin at a time. I have used Matra LRF4 and LRF5 rocket pods as an example. I copied LRF4 and created a new version LRF5. I simply renamed ini and data.ini, repaint the original LRF4 skin and changed Matra LRF4 to Matra LRF5 inside LODs using a hex editor. In game I had the same result, one skin was loaded for both rocket pods. You can check it and tell me what's wrong: http://www.filedropper.com/rocketpods
  13. Mirage F1CG by night Crossing the Desert Canyon
  14. Really good work Pfunk! ...and fast progress also! Some thoughts: - The modern greek F-4s (F-4E AUP) are upgraded aircarft with AIM-120 and modern A/G weapons capability. I suggest that they sould be used instead of Su-30MKG. - The area of Evros is the only constant piece of land between Greece and Turkey and thus is the only area which a ground battle can take place. In my opinion this area must have more target areas and ground objects than others.

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