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Everything posted by tiopilotos

  1. Impala en route to target While flying very low to avoid radar detection, a FAPLA mechanized infantry saw them passing very close and transmitted the information to all friendly units operating in the area Impala formation realized that enemy unit detected them and changed route Rocket attack But SA-7 gunners were already informed about possible air raid and they were ready... when Impala made its attack a SA-7 gunner fired a missile... Missile tracking and getting closer to Impala... Impala was hit and crashed shortly after!
  2. That happens with every single aircraft when flying in the map border (the wall as Menrva said). It has to do with the game engine not the Flogger-A.
  3. I set IAS/TAS 0.488 because I made simulations for 22 km altitude because that's the max alt the missile reaches before diving to target. In SF1 the ASM function is not present so I'm not quite sure how you will simulate the missile. As far as I remember cruise missiles in SF1 use radio command or semi auto command. These types of guidance don't use loft, so you just fire the missile from high altitude and you hope that there will not be mountains between missile and target. Send me your copy of Kh-22 missile and I will make some tests using both ASM and semi auto command.
  4. I think these values are quite unrealistic. Let me explain some things taking into account the russian wikipedia: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Х-22 1. IAS/TAS Ratio has to do with the flight altitude, 0.86 is 10,000 feet (3000m). Maximum range for initial Kh-22 was 300 km when fired from 10-12 km altitude. Shortly after launch the missile climbs to 22 km (75000 ft) and at that altitude accelerates to 3700 km/h (3.5 Mach). So, reaching 585 km at 3000m level flight is even unrealistic for later variants Kh-22M/MA. 2. Maximum speed in your graph is 1447 m/s which is 5200 km/h at 3000m alt. Maximum speed for Kh-22M/MA was 4000 km/h at 22000m. I guess we all know that a missile can fly faster at higher altitudes due to thinner air. So according to this graph the Kh-22 should fly at about 5500-6000 km/h at high altitude! 3. Sonic speed must be set 343 m/s when the missile flies at surface level. The higher the altitude the lower the sonic speed. This changes at 18 km altitude. Higher than 18 km sonic speed starts increasing. This is my effort on how to tweak this missile: However keep in mind that the missile simulator tool calculates speed, range and time for level flight. So at this graph you have a missile reaching 300 km at 0.488 IAS/TAS (22.5 km) altitude. Practically game range should be shorter because Kh-22 is being launched at 10 km alt, climbs at 22 km alt and then at a certain distance from target starts diving. In general, determing the correct values for ASM missiles is more difficult and you need to test missile's performance in game again and again because flight profile of ASM missiles is more complicated. Personally when using this tool to determine values for surface to air missiles I test missile's performance in game again and again. Then according to what I have seen in game I keep working using the range tool until I have achieved the best combination between real values and realistic performance. Unfortunately it's an extremely time consuming process.
  5. Any modder who deals with ballistics should use the missile range simulator which can be found here: https://combatace.com/files/file/10592-missile-range-simulator/ I have spent much time testing and trying to determine the best values to ensure that missiles will perform as realistic as possible (always taking into account game's egnine limitations). As for Kh-22, I suggest to use the real values in terms of diameter, weight, booster acceleration/time, sustainer acceleration/time etc and then after many simulations you can determine the combination of which subsonic and supersonic drag values best fit with weapon's profile. As far as I remember stock Kh-22 is capable of destroying ships at 400 km when fired from high altitude. The improved Kh-22M/MA had 600 km range according to wikipedia. As for the hit chance I'm not quite sure what values must be changed for ASM missiles.
  6. Mig-21SM Cockpit view... can you spot the other aircraft?
  7. Obviously you're turning from terrain modder to general modder
  8. Didn't know that there was a SEAD variant carrying the Kh-28 missile although according to rusian Yak-28 wiki it wasn't introduced in service. An another interesting thing there, is that Yak-28R and Yak-28PP were considered more effective than Mig-21R and Su-24MP respectivelly!
  9. There was an electronic warfare version of Yak-28, the Yak-28PP deppoyed in 1970. According to wikipedia it was the first ECM soviet aircraft. It would be interesting if someone knew operational history of this specific variant outside USSR. I guess it must be operated by soviet forces in DDR in the 70s.
  10. I guess you already know that this light sim has a number of game engine issues so keep in mind that even though you have found the perfect sounds that doesn't mean that you will experience the same sound quality in game. Long time ago I made this mod: It improves the stock AAA sounds for a number of guns (ZPU-2/4, ZU-23-2, Shilka, Oerlikon, Gepard etc). When time allows I will update it adding more guns. However the game engine can produce only mono wav sounds. So some pretty good stereo gun sounds I have found were downgraded to mono format. Now concerning the appropriate sound for each gun, I guess you should search and find which is more suitable for each one. However there's also something else you can do. Suppose that you have found a sound for a 800 rpm gun and you want to make it sound like 1000 rpm. You can use a sound edit software and speed it up 25%. (800 rpm + 800 rpm *25% = 1000 rpm) That's an easy way to make it sound at the desired rpm without spending much time looking for a new one. However the modified sound probably should sound less realistic.
  11. West of the Suez Canal on July 1970 EW Radars detected low altitude intruders. Fire control radar started tracking... In range... PUCK! V-601P 5V27 follows the engagement path... Missile gets closer and closer... Missile on channel 1 exploded and the aircraft was just hit. After that the intruder turned back and left the area.
  12. Updated SA-7 pack is available! Launch! Moments before being hit... Boom A second missile getting closer... Second missile hit the burning airframe with a third one coming... 3 out of 3 for SA-7 !!!
  13. You don't have to do something to make SA-6 site functional. SAM sites are generated randomly taking into account limited nations.ini and SAMs userlist. SA-9 is a launcher-vehicle classified as MOBILE_AAA which means that you can place them (via mission editor) wherever you want and they will be functional in any case cause they are not dependent on fire control radars like the SA-6. Systems like the SA-6 (or SA-2, SA-3, etc) have a central fire control radar (like Straightflush for SA-6) and 6 peripheral launchers. Sometimes placing SAM elements (SAM radar, SAM launchers) the one close to other via mission editor doesn't work and you will end up with a non functional site. I suggest using my SA-6 mod which includes all the known SA-6 cold war versions along with updated userlist.
  14. The upgraded AA-7 (R-24) should be similar in performance with AIM-7F which was an effective missile for its time. So even if they didn't operate the AA-10, they still had a good BVR missile.
  15. Quite interesting that turkish Mig-29s were modified to use AA-7 apex.
  16. Classic 70s IDF fighter bomber Cenepa terrain coming Typical SAM site installation somewhere in Middle East
  17. Awesome Sophocles! The F-5A pack will be a must!

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