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Platinum Rogue

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Posts posted by Platinum Rogue

  1. The '105s were updated with a LORAN-A based system, but the data I dug up points to that system not being used at all in SEA. In fact, it states that all Thuds so-equipped where sent stateside to ANG units!


    Maybe because the Thud was being withdrawn from front-line units by the time LORAN was ready to be fitted, no doubt the aircraft had been scheduled to receive it some years previously, bugdets set aside etc... so they had to go ahead and fit it :rolleyes::smile:


    The TISEO set was contolled by the WSO, as I mentioned before. I remember reading somewhere that Sony manufactured the display heads for it, and even went as far as mentioning that in their domestic (Japanese) ads, which caused quite a stir at the time. Also, one forum member (Crab02) was creating a TISEO-equipped F-4E until he discovered that it was a back-seat only system.


    That seems a pity since you can already operate a variety of WSO-controlled systems form the front seat of the Phantom. LGB/Maverick for example. Not forgetting many of the very popular 2 seater add-on aircraft that feature them too.

  2. My copy arrived in UK yesterday (30th May) having pre-ordered from America via The Software Castle on e-bay.


    Including postage that's only about £19.99, a bargain when you consider what it will cost when (if) it ever becomes available in UK shops.


    First impressions are it's a cracking game - fight models seem about right - not that I'd know what an F-15 or A-10 handles like. ;)


    Next stop the Hunter and Harrier :)


    Hey Vorlon, do you have the link to the ebay shop you got WoE from please?


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