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About jorgemf1994

  1. Hey. Nice mod definetely, but I have a problem with it, I don't know if someone else. The problem is that when I choose Desert Duel in te campaign mode, the unit gap appears blank and doesn't allow me to choose which unit I want fly with. If you start the campaign this way it automatically places you in the 1st Dhimari Fighter Squadron flying the F-16. Can anybody help me? Thanks. =D
  2. SF2 Falklands Mod

    alguien me dice que es un archivo .7z? lo abro con el winrar y me dice que esta corrupto, alguna idea?
  3. Thank you for your interest cocas, this is my very first job and I'm glad that you apreciate it. For my 'Eledira' I was thinking in a generic 20mm machinegun not necesarily in a M61-A1. Thank you for offering me the other one, but I have to tell you that the SHVAK 20 mm is WWII technology and I was looking for something a little bit more actual, maybe a Gsh-6-23 of 23 mm. I need something like that because with the AA-2 removed the plane will need a good machinegun to be competitive in dogfights such as a rotatory tubes machinegun. The 800 bpm of the SHVAK have nothing to do against the 6000 bmp of the M61-A1 or the Gsh-6-23. Anyway thankyou. =D
  4. File Name: [Fictional] MiG-17PEV Fresco-C 'Abakarab' File Submitter: jorgemf1994 File Submitted: 05 January 2012 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft MiG-17PEV Fresco-C 'Abakarab' BACKGROUND HISTORY: During the mid-50's the Parani Air Force needed to update its whole fleet regarding to future conflicts with their neighbour the Kingdom of Dhimar. Contacts were made with the Soviet government and a license to build the SU-7 under the name of P-207 was bought. But the SU-7 was still in development and Paran needed a modern jetfighter to face an inminent war with Dhimar. They showed interest for the new MiG-17 which fitted very well in the Air Force needs and was been widely exported to the allies of the USSR. Instead of buying a license, they bought some MiG-17 squadrons. The soviets made a new version for Paran, the MiG-17PEV (Paran Export Version) which was basically a modified MiG-17F. It was called 'Abakarab' (Skorpion) by the Parani pilots. In this version the radar has been removed, the strenght of the wings have been enforced to give the aircraft more maneuverability, an the three 30mm cannons have been replaced by three 20 mm machine guns with 200 rounds each. The Skorpion showed its excellent quality in the conflicts against Dhimar where it shot down many US and Dhimari fighters. It was also very useful and accurate in air to ground missions. INSTALLATION: Just drop the contents of the folders in the proper SF2 folders in your computer. AIRCRAFT: This is a mod of the stock MiG-17F Fresco-C, but weapons have been replaced, the radar removed and the structure enforced. Thanks to ThirdWire for the superb models the have created. Thanks also to Wrench and the people from the India/Pakistan Mod for the panel of the HAL Type 77 used in this mod. I recommend to create a new entry in your NATIONS.INI file: [Nationxxx] Name=Paran DisplayName=Imperial Parani Arab Air Force Alignment=ENEMY PlayerFlyable=TRUE Mercenary=FALSE PilotNameList=NamesArabic.lst RankList=RanksRAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=SovietFighter Formation.Attack=SovietFighter Formation.Bomber=SovietBomber Formation.Transport=SovietBomber Formation.Tank=SovietTank Formation.MobileAD=SovietAD PilotTrainingStandard=POOR GenderRatio=0 DebriefSuccessMusic=DebriefSuccess.wav DebriefFailMusic=DebriefFail.wav DebriefKilledMusic=DebriefKilled.wav SpeechFile=USAFSpeech.cat SpeechTextFile=USAFSpeechText.str *THIS IS FREEWARE, ITS WHOLE OR PARTIAL USE IN PAYWARE PACKAGES IS NOT ALLOWED BY THE AUTHOR. Click here to download this file
  5. Version 1.0


    MiG-17PEV Fresco-C 'Abakarab' BACKGROUND HISTORY: During the mid-50's the Parani Air Force needed to update its whole fleet regarding to future conflicts with their neighbour the Kingdom of Dhimar. Contacts were made with the Soviet government and a license to build the SU-7 under the name of P-207 was bought. But the SU-7 was still in development and Paran needed a modern jetfighter to face an inminent war with Dhimar. They showed interest for the new MiG-17 which fitted very well in the Air Force needs and was been widely exported to the allies of the USSR. Instead of buying a license, they bought some MiG-17 squadrons. The soviets made a new version for Paran, the MiG-17PEV (Paran Export Version) which was basically a modified MiG-17F. It was called 'Abakarab' (Skorpion) by the Parani pilots. In this version the radar has been removed, the strenght of the wings have been enforced to give the aircraft more maneuverability, an the three 30mm cannons have been replaced by three 20 mm machine guns with 200 rounds each. The Skorpion showed its excellent quality in the conflicts against Dhimar where it shot down many US and Dhimari fighters. It was also very useful and accurate in air to ground missions. INSTALLATION: Just drop the contents of the folders in the proper SF2 folders in your computer. AIRCRAFT: This is a mod of the stock MiG-17F Fresco-C, but weapons have been replaced, the radar removed and the structure enforced. Thanks to ThirdWire for the superb models the have created. Thanks also to Wrench and the people from the India/Pakistan Mod for the panel of the HAL Type 77 used in this mod. I recommend to create a new entry in your NATIONS.INI file: [Nationxxx] Name=Paran DisplayName=Imperial Parani Arab Air Force Alignment=ENEMY PlayerFlyable=TRUE Mercenary=FALSE PilotNameList=NamesArabic.lst RankList=RanksRAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=SovietFighter Formation.Attack=SovietFighter Formation.Bomber=SovietBomber Formation.Transport=SovietBomber Formation.Tank=SovietTank Formation.MobileAD=SovietAD PilotTrainingStandard=POOR GenderRatio=0 DebriefSuccessMusic=DebriefSuccess.wav DebriefFailMusic=DebriefFail.wav DebriefKilledMusic=DebriefKilled.wav SpeechFile=USAFSpeech.cat SpeechTextFile=USAFSpeechText.str *THIS IS FREEWARE, ITS WHOLE OR PARTIAL USE IN PAYWARE PACKAGES IS NOT ALLOWED BY THE AUTHOR.
  6. File Name: [Fictional] PAC P-207 Fitter-A 'Korosh' File Submitter: jorgemf1994 File Submitted: 04 January 2012 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft PAC P-207 Fitter-A 'Korosh' BACKGROUND HISTORY: In 1960 the Parani Air Force requested a new fighter to replace their outdated Piranhas. Contacts were made between the Parani and Soviet government and a license to build the new SU-7 fighter was given to the Parani Aircraft Corporation (PAC). The designation of the under license built aircraft was PAC P-207 called Korosh (Shark) by the Parani pilots. The NATO gave it the name of Fitter-A. The new aircraft saw the combat for the first time in the war against Dhimar, and it proved that it was an excelent plane in both air to air and air to ground missions. It was produced massively and remained as the main Parani frontline fighter until the appearance of the PAC-221. When the new fighter appeared the P-207 carried out missions of reconaissance and light bombing until its retirement in middle 80's or early 90's. It's believed that a little amount of this aircraft were sold to India. As usual, PAC made some changes on the original design of the SU-7 to make it fit better in the Parani Air Force Needs. The P-207 was lighter than the SU-7, the radar was removed, the fuel capacity was increased to cover large distances over the desert, and the two 30 mm cannons were replaced by 2 20 mm machineguns with 250 rounds each. PAC also made the new plane capable of carrying up to 4 AA-2 Atoll making it the bes fighter aircraft of the Middle East in the early 60's. AIRCRAFT: This is a mod of the default SU-7 BMK. I have made changes in the weapons, characteristics and performance of the aircraft. Thanks to ThirdWire for the superb models they have created. Thanks also to Wrench and the people of the India/Pakistan Mod for the panel of the HAL Type 77 used in the PAC-207. This mod is compatible with SF2, however it could be combatible with SF1 (not tested). INSTALLATION: Just drop the contents of the folder in the proper folders of SF2 in your computer. You will need to create a new nation entry in your NATIONS.INI file: [Nationxxx] Name=Paran DisplayName=Imperial Parani Arab Air Force Alignment=ENEMY PlayerFlyable=TRUE Mercenary=FALSE PilotNameList=NamesArabic.lst RankList=RanksRAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=SovietFighter Formation.Attack=SovietFighter Formation.Bomber=SovietBomber Formation.Transport=SovietBomber Formation.Tank=SovietTank Formation.MobileAD=SovietAD PilotTrainingStandard=POOR GenderRatio=0 DebriefSuccessMusic=DebriefSuccess.wav DebriefFailMusic=DebriefFail.wav DebriefKilledMusic=DebriefKilled.wav SpeechFile=USAFSpeech.cat SpeechTextFile=USAFSpeechText.str *THIS IS FREWARE. ITS DISTRIBUTION IN PAYWARE PACKAGES IS NOT ALLOWED BY THE AUTHOR. Click here to download this file
  7. Version 1.0


    PAC P-207 Fitter-A 'Korosh' BACKGROUND HISTORY: In 1960 the Parani Air Force requested a new fighter to replace their outdated Piranhas. Contacts were made between the Parani and Soviet government and a license to build the new SU-7 fighter was given to the Parani Aircraft Corporation (PAC). The designation of the under license built aircraft was PAC P-207 called Korosh (Shark) by the Parani pilots. The NATO gave it the name of Fitter-A. The new aircraft saw the combat for the first time in the war against Dhimar, and it proved that it was an excelent plane in both air to air and air to ground missions. It was produced massively and remained as the main Parani frontline fighter until the appearance of the PAC-221. When the new fighter appeared the P-207 carried out missions of reconaissance and light bombing until its retirement in middle 80's or early 90's. It's believed that a little amount of this aircraft were sold to India. As usual, PAC made some changes on the original design of the SU-7 to make it fit better in the Parani Air Force Needs. The P-207 was lighter than the SU-7, the radar was removed, the fuel capacity was increased to cover large distances over the desert, and the two 30 mm cannons were replaced by 2 20 mm machineguns with 250 rounds each. PAC also made the new plane capable of carrying up to 4 AA-2 Atoll making it the bes fighter aircraft of the Middle East in the early 60's. AIRCRAFT: This is a mod of the default SU-7 BMK. I have made changes in the weapons, characteristics and performance of the aircraft. Thanks to ThirdWire for the superb models they have created. Thanks also to Wrench and the people of the India/Pakistan Mod for the panel of the HAL Type 77 used in the PAC-207. This mod is compatible with SF2, however it could be combatible with SF1 (not tested). INSTALLATION: Just drop the contents of the folder in the proper folders of SF2 in your computer. You will need to create a new nation entry in your NATIONS.INI file: [Nationxxx] Name=Paran DisplayName=Imperial Parani Arab Air Force Alignment=ENEMY PlayerFlyable=TRUE Mercenary=FALSE PilotNameList=NamesArabic.lst RankList=RanksRAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=SovietFighter Formation.Attack=SovietFighter Formation.Bomber=SovietBomber Formation.Transport=SovietBomber Formation.Tank=SovietTank Formation.MobileAD=SovietAD PilotTrainingStandard=POOR GenderRatio=0 DebriefSuccessMusic=DebriefSuccess.wav DebriefFailMusic=DebriefFail.wav DebriefKilledMusic=DebriefKilled.wav SpeechFile=USAFSpeech.cat SpeechTextFile=USAFSpeechText.str *THIS IS FREWARE. ITS DISTRIBUTION IN PAYWARE PACKAGES IS NOT ALLOWED BY THE AUTHOR.
  8. File Name: [Fictional] PAC P-221 Fishbed-C 'Eledira' File Submitter: jorgemf1994 File Submitted: 04 January 2012 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft PAC P-221 Fishbed-C 'Eledira' BACKGROUND HISTORY: In 1962 the Parani Aircraft Corporation (PAC) bought a license to the USSR to build their new fighter, the MiG-21, regarding to future conflicts with its neighbour the Kingdom of Dhimar. Due to the high construction price (too much for a recently defeated country), PAC decided to redesign the MiG-21 to make it fit in the Parani Air Force needs. They removed the radar, the IR missiles and all the armor, the 30mm cannon was replaced by a M161_A1 20mm machinegun with 500 rounds and more room for fuel was created. The result was a very cheap, light and maneuverable day fighter which was faster and capable of a better action range than the Russian ersion. It was very gentle and easy to fly for pilots with very few experience. Parani pilots gave it the name of 'Eledira' which means Stingray due to its shape. Its result in combat was so much better than expected and Dhimar was forced to buy more modern technology to the US to face this new threat. INSTALATION: 1. Drop the content of the folders in the proper folders of SF2 in your computer. AIRCRAFT: This is basically the default MiG-21 F-13 with some modifications such as the weapons and the performance. Thanks to ThirdWire for the superb models they have created. Tanks also to Wrench and the people of the India/Pakistan Mod for the panel of the HAL Type 77 used in this P-221. It's compatible with SF2 and could be compatible with SF1 but it hasn't been tested. *THIS IS FREEWARE, ITS USE IN PAYWARE SOFTWARE IS NOT ALLOWED BY THE AUTHOR. Click here to download this file
  9. Version 1.0


    PAC P-221 Fishbed-C 'Eledira' BACKGROUND HISTORY: In 1962 the Parani Aircraft Corporation (PAC) bought a license to the USSR to build their new fighter, the MiG-21, regarding to future conflicts with its neighbour the Kingdom of Dhimar. Due to the high construction price (too much for a recently defeated country), PAC decided to redesign the MiG-21 to make it fit in the Parani Air Force needs. They removed the radar, the IR missiles and all the armor, the 30mm cannon was replaced by a M161_A1 20mm machinegun with 500 rounds and more room for fuel was created. The result was a very cheap, light and maneuverable day fighter which was faster and capable of a better action range than the Russian ersion. It was very gentle and easy to fly for pilots with very few experience. Parani pilots gave it the name of 'Eledira' which means Stingray due to its shape. Its result in combat was so much better than expected and Dhimar was forced to buy more modern technology to the US to face this new threat. INSTALATION: 1. Drop the content of the folders in the proper folders of SF2 in your computer. AIRCRAFT: This is basically the default MiG-21 F-13 with some modifications such as the weapons and the performance. Thanks to ThirdWire for the superb models they have created. Tanks also to Wrench and the people of the India/Pakistan Mod for the panel of the HAL Type 77 used in this P-221. It's compatible with SF2 and could be compatible with SF1 but it hasn't been tested. *THIS IS FREEWARE, ITS USE IN PAYWARE SOFTWARE IS NOT ALLOWED BY THE AUTHOR.

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