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Everything posted by daddyairplanes

  1. change the scale of the decals on the tail first. it will take time to do however, making an edit then loading to see how it did.
  2. need a peek at the decal inis my friend. also the insignia decals can go it looks like as they are on the skin already.
  3. just got done readjusting the filenames in my Phantom mod to suite the new patch. two rounds of editing inis and renaming tgas in 3 days arrrgh guess this means the sharks mouths will hafta come out a lil earlier than planned. do like TKs new loadouts better tho, all minus the Falcons
  4. not much noticeable for me as i dont have DLC11 (yes i know blashemy!) but i reconfigured my Phantom mod for the new data ini's and squadron list. Japanese SQNs in AUG11, Swedish in SEP11. new campaign oppurtunities in Dhimar? with two turns of updating my personal mod in the last 3 days i think i know about a tenth the frustration you guys on say NATO Fighters experience!!!!!!!!!!! btw anyone try out flyable F-84Fs or F-104Gs since the patch?
  5. just need a B model and the Saudi Tiger Force is a go..........
  6. So since we are near the end of Aug anyone heard the latest on these?
  7. most USAFE F-4E's had gone home by 86, but many Germany based units had ANG support covering their sectors while the unit converted to C model Vipers. particularly Rammestien at the time as Hahn and Spang had already swapped out i believe.
  8. WWII and immediate post war please. course you know by now i just really want a berlin airlift mod going. need templehof, tegel and C-54s to get started with it though!
  9. 9-11 What did you do in the moments of the attack?

    i was stationed in Germany at the time workin in the kitchen. while i was cutting onions for dinner(for me in Bamberg it was about 3 in the afternoon when it happened) a KP came in and announced that the third plane had hit the Pentagon. i had heard nothing of the Towers yet so i was very confused. after watching TV for about 5 mins and figuring out what happened i shot a call to my wife. see, USAEUR was very well versed about bin Laden at the time with the Cole bombing and other previous acts and we figured the next attack would come in Europe, not the States. my wife was shopping for her birthday meal and cake at the commissary that afternoon, which i was supposed to make after work that night.given my DFAC was in the center of base and on the other side of the commissary wall was the city of Bamberg, i told her to get to my work NOW! spend most every year now tryin to make her birthday cheerful enough to forget its also an anniversary.
  10. i know that. but maybe next time there is some major maintenence to the site..... but it works fine now too. just tryin to see things work more gooder. and i now see it'll be at least 40 to get my stuff pinned
  11. agreed slarti it would do well for the most downloaded/popular files. of course now i gotta figure out how to slip Dave a 20 to pin my Phantom decal mod! this of course does not change my opinion that its time to organize the Gen 2 aircraft and skin sections!
  12. i believe the answer is yes to all questions. however i would suggest taking a established campaign like NF4+ and comparing notes so you can get yours running. i also reccomend the Knowledge Base as a source of useful info.
  13. 72 years ago...

  14. was looking thru my folders the other day and realized i have had this bird in my Gen 2 install for over two years. popped it in without much conversion(gasp! i forgot to add a userlist)and it works quite well. is anyone working on a conversion to Gen 2 standard on the ol Hip? if not with permissions an a lil time i can knock it out. just need to tidy the skins up a bit, change numbers from on skins to decal(so theres not a whole flight of yellow 283's) and make a userlist(that will take a while, even the US Army used em!) what do you all think?
  15. Marc Fighters Mi-8

    as i said, with permissions.... would you be in touch with him? i understand there is some issue with the Flanker as well tho i aint touchin that one. but this would liven up many a campiagn in Europe and the Middle East if it's a go.
  16. as someone who finds himself in lands where the locals dont like red white or blue, wave that flag! open discussion is good yet i have a healthy paranoia about what our "competitors" use for intel!
  17. 9 months after the Lightning F1 hooked up with some unknown bird from SWOTL?? looks like an interesting point interceptor from the 50s tho. on paper in RL of course
  18. most USAF tactical fighters as general design philosophy do not use internal jammers but bolt on pods instead. i believe this has only changed with the Mud Hen(F-15E). the US Navy and various other world airforces took different lessons away from VietNam and the Arab-Isreali '73 rematch and mounted internally as space and tech allowed.
  19. the KC-10 could defineately use some gen 2 love.
  20. Veltro, any chance of a Rocket J Squirrel?
  21. well this one answers my thread on whats the code based DLC. not a campaign modder tho thats due to interest rather than ability. if/when i get the interest i will go forth and learn(with a lot of questions to all you who went before ). that said i agree with Stary that all the DLC so far seems to be for those who have NO modding skill what so ever. in Gen1 this was honestly yours truly, but some some reason i've been pickin it up in Gen2. there is also so much here on site that with a little refinement you can get what you want(just give the proper credit! ) when i get mobilized and have abit more steady income i will buy the F-4EJ and Mirage 5BA as to support TK, not because of need in game. on a final snotty note, whats wrong with laptops? if you picked up the repackaging of the E-3A from here, i did that on a laptop thank you very much!
  22. Hurricane Irene

    i know/ i was at Dix for training til last night and the planes were takin off steady thursday night gettin outta dodge. raced the storm home to NC last night as the last three days of training got cancelled. wonder what happened to the B-17 that landed in the area on thurs.... and to gepard, with a hurricane there is no such thing as weather proof. if a Cat 5 were to hit the Pentagon it would be badly damaged. hope it weakens signifigantly before hittin Jersey and NYC
  23. Discovery Wings

    loved the series although it was going since the 80's. the new shows on Military Channel are good but cant replace those old classics. thank you for sharing!
  24. well i got a chuckle on watchin my F-86 taxi past static Hurricanes! but agreed not too ideal for Gen 2 though i would love to see it redone.
  25. Nobody noticed it's MontyCZ birthday?!

    happy bday

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