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Everything posted by daddyairplanes

  1. giant cow issue

    i suggest napalm. followed by the steak sauce of your choice
  2. not to hijack but to specify one that has issues with AS missions in sf2, how about NorthCape? i can load an antiship mission but not the ships to target. i recall something about the water tiles in SF2. just not where to find them and if this will fix that specific issue. and at wrench.. why can't i run anti ship against the sand ships on the nellis ranges?
  3. €F 2000 50 Jahre JG74

    wow! viel danke
  4. hi all again. im wondering what might have to be changed on airfields for older terrians. specificall i'm looking at EuroWW2 with the static aircraft on the airfields. i played with it sometime ago escortin B-29s across the Channel with Sabres in 1950 but it was interesting to see Hurricanes in the revetments on coming home! im wondering if the is something to edit in the target ini besides removing Hurricanes, Bf110, etc to get random period aircraft to show like in stock. no rush i wont be getting back online before monday. i was thinkin of tinkering with that terrain whil deployed comin the end of the year. nothin but time there! TIA
  5. ok thanks Kevin. not deployed yet but its coming. gotta have something to do while im gone. ini editing sounds like a good pasttime to me
  6. Skin StartDate

    damn i thought so. i tried i before with my F-4E_78 and sure enough auto plugged the right skin for the era(SEA from 65, SEA wraparound startin in 79 etc) but everything was still available if you looked for it in the lopadout screen. thanks for your quick response. and sir be watchin your PM next week. sendin you a sampler of my stock F-4 mod. now that patch kinks are worked out think im bout ready to upload it!
  7. nothing to offer in way of help im afraid, but thank you sir very much for your work on some C/D model vipers! it seems from most research i've done not many USAF units flew the A/B models before the C came out. much of USAFE i believe upgraded straight to the C so this is greatly appreciated!
  8. Skin StartDate

    can you set an end date? like with Phantoms, where you dont really have SEA after 1984 yet a mix of SEA Wraparound, Euro 1 and Hill 2 thru out the 80s. in the loadout screen you have options to pick any skin by my experimenting tho it will pick the right one for the era based on year? or am i just nitpicking here?
  9. sorry bout not responding sooner internet is a every few day thing with me right now. the glow disappeared after i changed the skin slightly. in case of my USAF Phantoms the middle slime light i decalled in was glowing even tho the front was the same decal. after removing the red stripe from F-4x_xx_1 (which i wanted gone anyhow as its a post vietnam mod of mine) no more glow! for others try say putting some silver paint chipping or a black mark in the black portion of the skin. i mostly fly Phantoms in Germany after 1973 so thats where im noticing my issues. as for the navy Phantoms and decals the decal ini seems... different. RL has kept me from lookin at the old decal ini but it dont seem right to me. since when did the USN have rudder stripes? and i will mention once again for those that are awaiting SF2 Tomcat.... look at the squadronlist.ini pretty sure VF-1 and VF-2 were straight Tomcat units. would be nice to plop VX-4 decals on the Phantom also tho. Stock Black Bunny phor me Baby! (like how i tie both birds in there?) mission wise anyone notice how the mission now fails if you hit the target but get your butt shot down in the process? or how you can hit and destroy a bridge or runway yet its still counted as a fail? finaalyy...(sorry i did say i have limited internet time lately) tho OT what is the mesh name for the fin top on the F-16 Netz? i think i could get a decal pack going similar to my long worked on Phantom package for all USAF and Nato units but it would be nice for the units color stripe to show. thank you all sorry but i wont be responding again til monday.
  10. speaking of back on topic i've heard bout the isrealis missing decals anyone else missing decals for the USN? also while adjusting my Phantom mod i had some of my 3rd party and personally rearranged sock decals glowing. however after making an adjust ment to the skin itself the glowing stopped. any input on this?
  11. both for the general knowledge out there, and as a helluva what if, what if the Luftwaffe was reborn in 1948-9 time frame in response to the Berlin Blockade? in my mind's eye i see them being refitted with many of the late war German birds minus swastikas of course! however how quickly was the aircraaft inventory of germany smelted down? i know Wrench has a Luftwaffe Spitfire in his site for such a possibility but it would be quicker to get the pilots up to speed defending the homeland if they just had to get current again in their old mounts. FW190s for air support/tac strike, Me262 for air defense. would be interesting i would think! how about you guys?
  12. ummm, i use a Compaq Presario C700 windows vista svc pack 1. straight outta the box since Dec 09. I will get something newer when i go back to the middle east next year but until then.......... my original reason for coming back to this thread was to point out that in the new squadronlist.ini there are several new USN units including VF-1, VF-2, VX-4.... wasnt there something mentioned about a SF:Tomcat somewhere down the road?
  13. well to answer my question from earlier he did change the squadronlist ini also. changes up a personal mod of mine once again andthe NATO Fighters guys want to take note. it adds a lot of belgian, german and french units in game stock and the point of divergence from the last pach seems to be #288. for the general info out there
  14. i pull up another image with the color i want and use the eyedropper to copy the color. if you click the square showing the color in use you can tweak it a bit with an editor that comes up. as for just creating a color i am not so sure but those are the methods i myself use
  15. The Internet Is A Poor Babysitter

    who said it was a typo?
  16. Osama and Facebook...

    its a mode of transportation with wings and some engines but thats not important now...............
  17. ok so heres my stats....Compaq Presario C700 laptop, stock graphics card, Pentium Dual core, Vista Svc Pack 1, usually get 8-15 fps on me graphics and 30-45 game depending on aircraft, mission, where i am etc. i am 98.5 percent done with a mod i've been working on for the last few years and did ALOT of work on in the evenings during annual training in texas these last two weeks. it involves decals for every USAF Phantom user and even changes up the stock SEA skins to allow the decals. However to make it work i have my own squadronlist.ini with all the Phantom units in it. question 1 IS the squadronlist.ini any different? (are there new units even amongst the French or Isrealis that you havent noticed before?) question 2 Is this patch worth it at this time? or should i wait a bit until the new cat extractor? (god bless the old one, wouldnt have been able to add the Texas Reserve Squadrons while in El Paso with out it)
  18. Summer Movie Time

    what no Hot Shots? that movie is winning! seriously though if we're including DVD sets gotta find me a copy of old Baa Baa Black Sheep. Otherwise I'll agree with Memphis Belle and maybe By Dawns Early Light.
  19. Weather Girls

    i'll ignore the weekend there and like how its lookin wednesday!
  20. shrapnel, anyone?

    from what i understand it will likely be there a long time. look at 80 yo guys who set off metal detectors with shrapnel in them. and the John Connelly (Gov of Texas when Kennedy was killed) only had the bullets lodged in him in 1963 come out after his death a few years ago. Good to hear your still alive after such an accident. However no lottery tickets for you, you've used up your luck bud!
  21. Another WWI vet gone

    if they are correct about him being the last, World War 1, the Great War is finally over. RIP brothers.
  22. for the same reason tim "the tool man" taylor needed to put a jet engine on a lawn mower
  23. F-4K Phantom II, Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm

    outstanding Kevin. just historical admin notes... 43 Sqn and 111 Sqn used the FG1 in the RAF. they also recieved the RWR box and in fact by the mid 80s the only real way to tell FG1 and FGR2 apart was the "traffic lights" on the nose gear door and the serial number. Barley Grey came in at around the same time as the Marconi RWR so that skin maybe historical may not be. I havent seen any photos myself. still good work!
  24. The "I'm not going to watch the wedding" thread

    prob wont watch it but only cause i'll be on my way to my two week training. we Yanks spent all that time breaking free from the Crown just to be fascinated by it centuries later. besides pricess Kate looks to be a cutie esp with the British taxpayer buyin her wardrobe!
  25. How to...

    umm in theory the same as adding friendly aircraft. however it may take more than just that given the confusion it could create. i believe Suhsjake was working on a Red flyable campaign for the NF series sometime back. he may be a good one to ask if hes still active. otherwise look in the Knowledge Base the is a thread on adding aircraft to a campaign and give that a try. hope this helps

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