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Everything posted by daddyairplanes

  1. helo's do re;atively ok in Gen2. i have the Hip and Hind D with 3 additional skins loaded on my main install of SF2E i kinda wanta more chow for my Phantoms and Eagles
  2. Effective today at approximately 1700 hours (PST)...

    congrats bro. would throw ya a healthy "tap" on the stripes there but i cant find the smiley for it so
  3. My quest to find a new (or newer) car...

    hell yea your crazy. should get a baseline Challenger then soup it up instead if ya gotta pick tween the two tho go with the Viper
  4. hey there is supposed to be a bermuda triangle type area off the coast of japan so why not?
  5. It's the End of the World!

    its the end of the world as we know it and i feel fine
  6. how is Column 5 doing?

    i was wondering if anyone had heard from him lately. i remember hearing he was having some r/l issues awhile back and got to wonderin how he was doin.
  7. and i thought i was nuts going for 5 on my new comp! thanks to you i know i can live the dream now
  8. just to make sure(dunno why the army don't beleive my memories shot) LOD's in game are off limits but bitmaps and tgas are ok? the core of my phantom project for Gen 2 is the Euro 1 scheme from Gen 1. i know i asked awhile ago but this topic got me wonderin again
  9. Dec patch dumped the Phantoms on merged installs. never did quite find oout why. i had gotten SF2V for Christmas so i was shocked to discover this. i solved my issue by doing seperate installs of SF2V and SF2E. after the problem with the december patch im waitin to see what all happens before goin with the new one.
  10. how is Column 5 doing?

    sorry to hear about the r/l but good to hear from ya in person
  11. looks as good as the one that flew us out of Kandahar
  12. Napalm

    sounds like you need to drop a cockpit in the A-1H and make it flyable. but why so much napalm?
  13. the pics showing whats going on in in the campaign editing portion of the SF2 Knowledge Base are not showing up. Dave said you might have another copy of it. tried sending you a message but no reply so ill try ya in here.
  14. sorry scratch that last should check my older topics first i guess. do you think your post could be added in the knowledge base since tholse orignal pics are gone? im sure im not the only one tryin to change up their campaigns in GEN2
  15. shooty bang films

    remake nah the f ups are what make em fun to watch. as for for favorite mess up the F-4 phantoms as migs in iron eagle 2. ya coulda done a bit more to change em up than paint red stars on em
  16. Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA - first flight!

    with india helping out this time it might have comparable avionics to the west. 187 Raptors is sounding even dumber now.
  17. A Request

    can we mod this?please? http://comics.com/pearls_before_swine/2010-01-25/
  18. went to look up the campaign editing notes in the Knowledge base and noticed all the pics that show what you are talking about have been deleted. makes it a little more difficult to add a carrier to SF2 europe tommorow while on staff duty and on a off topic note you realize our enemies will fear you current title more than evil arrogant imerialist american?
  19. Dave........Help!

    cool thanks dave
  20. Dave........Help!

    i was looking for the Gen 2 one but that should help for now. specifically i was lookin to park a carrier in the north see or baltic in SF2E.
  21. Operation Desert Storm

    the google is verrry powerful http://comics.com/pearls_before_swine/2010-01-03/ http://comics.com/pearls_before_swine/2010-01-06/
  22. Upload Quota Reached..

  23. Upload Quota Reached..

    you cannot download anything else until you bring back a shrubbery! sorry misread uploads youll hafta fight the black knight.

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