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Everything posted by daddyairplanes

  1. sweet! should only take me 2 days to download everything over here. just in time for my b-day. @Dave thanks for the heads up on settings. my lil compaq cant take all them high end terrain and effects mods
  2. thanks for the tip on decal level! tho not quite what i was asking it did make them look better. on that topic i wonder if the squadron markings are set to 0 then if im trying to add formation lights also i would set the decal level for that to 1 or 2 to make sure its above the lettering? also how advisable is it to adapt the squadronlist.ini(saved in the Mod Folder of course not the system)? i am more into the wars that could have been in Western Europe and have no plans to get SF2V but notice many of the squadrons listed are vietnam based units. give the squadron/tga relationship i am thinking of changing up the list to represent more european based squadrons and stateside and gaurd units that would bolster NATO. so long as the modded tga's stay in a folder available for that skin and the squadronlist stays in the mod folder i cant see a prob but would like a second opinion before i start tinkering
  3. i downloaded the snowynorway terrain to my SF2E install and its great but for one prob......i have no runways! tower aircraft shelters and fuel trucks are there but nothing else. is the weather there that bad or am i missin something here?
  4. @ eject the uncommented lines are the ones that work not the commented(//xxxxx.ini). they get commented for quick and easy change up as i understand it. that set me straight for therunways the game was looking for files in the desert terrian which i dont have.(SF2E only here) as for the trees i had noticed the same thing one time flying from an enemy airbase. was trying out the Il-76 and thought i had started in the forest! i have not noticed this with the friendly airbases and dont fly red air too often. myself i think this is a kicska$$ terrian and find myself doing my skin and WOE to SF2E conversion testing in the terrian since i got it working. hmm 3 months left here good time to figure out how to create a campaign maybe? hehehe
  5. welcome to combatace! as caesar said your member status has to do with your participation. theres alot of interesting topics going on in the forums always in addition to the downloads. plus when you run into problems in game the folks round here are very helpful at helping you figure it out, as long as you try to find the answer in the knowledge basse first! like with the military rank has its priviledge and the more you participate within the site the more you will be able to download. enjoy your time with us.
  6. Ethics Question.

    thank you much guys
  7. Ethics Question.

    curious since i have a similiar issue what about skins like the Euro 1 skins in WOE and transfering them to SF2E? im doing a project for mine with taking those skins transfering them and turning th tail codes and nums black for an accurate Euro 1 scheme in my SF2E with any appropriate unit. would that not be uploadable when im done? im not messing with the LODs just the bmp's and tga's
  8. well yet another question from yours truly. i copied the Euro 1 skins over from WOE to the F-4E_78 folder in SF2E. i was trying however to change the markings to low viz instead of the Vietnam era higher viz markings used. i was successful in turning the national insignia over (insigniaLV) but not so with the tail codes. i took the stock tga's from WOE used gimp to fill the letters in black then copied them to a folder to use as a decal folder for the particular F-4. i then changed that skins decal,ini to read F-4E_78\Euro1\D\F4_Sq_TailR etc as appropriate. however my markings are still showing as white. is there something i am missing here? also another thought i had would it be easier for me to use the F-15s codes instead and make the appropriate ini edit? i can make this work i plan to then change up euro 1 into SEA Wraparound since the main chainge was replacing the tan with grey. oh and i have the F-4 skin pack 6 that has euro 1 for the F-4C and D, but the markings are on the skin not decals. also i looked at the KB tutorial on making a new one but couldnt quite figure out how to apply it to changing an existing decal
  9. Stock TGA Question

    i appreciate your quick response. it was how i was saving the files in GIMP. i was doing how i do for ini changes x'ing out the box (yes bill gates i would like to save my changes) but when i went in and saved as tho little longer to do it actually worked. now i just hafta find the tail num's and do the same(dont tell me where they are thatll take some of the fun and learning outta it ) thank you much
  10. i'm assuming 2 weeks eta on the both
  11. NF4 1953 campaing

    afaik those two aircraft are not availble for download. they may be pending release with the campaign itself
  12. aaaaargh. 3 1/2 more months til i have internet reliable enough to d/l 616MB. or 3 weeks if i can actually get my wife to d/l and send it. as has been said you all suck!
  13. Recently added Snowy Norway to my SF2E install and after fixing a runway issue (again thank you wrench) noticed that they were pretty vacant. after trying advice to change the airfield.ini to xxxairfield_old.ini and tryin taking the said ini's out completly still no parked jets. however i got to thinkin about two things on the GermanyCE terrain. one generally the aircraft not in the arming pits are all some make of Vaark (choice of D, E, F, or EF-111). also i remembered a mission where i was flying a converted F-80 had bombed the runway and was havin lil fun strafing the mig-15s parked when two of them scrambled out of the arming pits and came up to chase me off! The question behind this post is what controls the parked aircraft in SF2? How does it determine what gets placed and whether the stationed aircraft take off or stay put? Have me a few ideas to play with but dont know where to look if if its even a good idea to mess with.
  14. SF2E help please

    check out the knowledge base for SF2 i would recommend a very nice thread on Converting older planes to work in SF2. if it was in Gen 1 it can be transferred to Gen 2. i also reccommend gettin Gunnys weapons pack for SF2. its saved me many a moment tryin to get the appropriate weapon converted over.
  15. As for the dedicated Weasel Viper they have it already its called the Block 52. Units flying that make of Viper spend the majority of their time training on SEAD with some training given to the other disciplines. Block 40/42 i believe are not HARM Targeting System compatable and focus primarily on precision strike. However even units flying the F-4G dedicated part of their training program to a2a even though the only time they were used in that capacity was escorting BUFFs on a strike against the Republican Guard late in Desert Storm. As for the RF-16 most proposals i've ever read about involved recon pods and maybe stripping down some gear to make it lighter and faster. At least the Isrealis if not others have converted some centerline tanks into recon pods.
  16. Aye! The Pride of Pakistan!

    the chinese have done with the old mig-19 what the rest of the worlds done with the mig-21s..... upgrade the hell outta them
  17. appreciate the response anson but neither changing airfield1-6 to 1-6_old, removing the airfield files from the terrain or removing the aircrafttarget.ini did the trick. thank you for responding so quickly tho
  18. first at wrench and derk ha ha ha ha at wrench your last idea there worked the snow blowers came out and i can see the runways now beforeand after thank you very much. however a new question how do i populate the airfields like in the stock GermanyCE terrian? where do i find this line and what do i need to change? as always i appreciate ya'lls help(and humor!) btw this sim kicks a$$ if no one mentioned it
  19. blackbird are they fps killing ya after reducing the bmps to 1024? someone think it was FC not sure told me to do that on the hi res skins to get them to work. i feel your pain on fps tho. i cant use widesky or 4 seasons on my compaq laptop w/o gettin killed on it. but i havent had much issue with aircraft doing that esp after resizing.
  20. Gunther Rall passed away

    the world won't see anything like the Luftwaffe's Experten again. RIP
  21. LIONS

    ezlead dont be sorry the bears beat the lions be sorry they lost to green bay! and afn didnt carry the game this week anyone got the highlights?
  22. should only need to copy your Gen 1 effects AB and sounds and paste them to your appropriate Gen 2 folder. not 100 percent sure on effects but ive transferred several birds from NF4 to SF2E with out much issue.
  23. Stryker ICV 1.1

    nice work ericj but you forgot all the cases of water lol
  24. Strange aircraft sightings

    here at kandahar get all kinds of traffic. tornado gr4, harrier gr7 until the Marines took over IL-76, An-224, contractor Mi-8 and 26, a DC-8 visits regular. Had Rafales pairing up with Mirage 2000 for a bit there some Sea Kings(you Tommies need some new gear seriously), hogs, though the one that made my eyes bug out was the day i saw a DC-3/C-47. not the turboprop upgrade the original piston engine variety. EricJ put perfectly when he said cosmopolitan nature yes Dave once again i've even see a C-5 take off every so often. but the noise they make, it doesnt sound like they're too happy bout it.
  25. cheered me up

    were police able to determine the caliber of biscuit used?

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