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Everything posted by daddyairplanes

  1. To explain: this is not for full aircraft, ships, or ground objects. this is for fairly simple items to be added as fake pilot items, or possibly as weapons if not complex. real world pics are required of what you are wanting I will kick off with a request for a chaff flare box on the F-16As it appears not to be in use by the new owners, but probably cheaper/easier to leave them in place
  2. requirement on this one is to have Super in the name. Super Sabre is ok, Superfortress is ok, kicking off with l'Aéronavale ... fusil cabane doubling back for a visual confirmation
  3. very nice, although these guys didnt have to cross the whole ocean to get to Michigan
  4. Humpday Heavies

    NKAWTG, even after retirement from government work
  5. in the spirit of the other themed days, post your big ones, your jumbos, anything bigger than a fighter sized breadbox. Wednesdays only (sorry bout starting so late, was at work until now
  6. SF2 sale?

    im not TW, i dont run the store. my point is that i spent $40 increments getting the parts i wanted most, then the next most and so on until i had it all. but that was buying each part instead of the whole box set the $100 edition is the box set, everything at once. actually saves money over buying each piece over time (it also wasnt available when i was doing that) you do you want to within the limits your budget constrains you to
  7. SF2 sale?

    she may be old, but she has frankly an even bigger third party support crew than DCS with over 5000 various mods to add to the stock games
  8. SF2 sale?

    to answer why get it in portions over the course of a year as you can afford it. maybe get SF2 Europe first, then Vietnam or North Atlantic to have carriers a few months later. etc etc its the route i wound up taking, and probably still would have taken as my mind and budget would have justified several $40 purchases over time rather than $100 at once
  9. there's tons of pics out there of Reserve birds with Eagle "kill" marks from the mid 70s. but for perspective, the Reservists had all done time over Vietnam, while the Eagle crews were just learning their jets as well as writing the book on how to employ them. they engagements i heared about the most were DACT between VF-202 out of Dallas and Eagles from the training wing out of Luke. not so sure about the Viper, unless the pilot did something incredibly stupid (like try to fight with stores still on). it was a revolutionary leap all around, for instance with Viper teams taking top place in bomb comps using just the basic computer and dumb bombs. well before they got "smart" with the Block 40s and 50s. the only advantage the Phantom had at the time was long range Sparrow shots, but she was on the way out the door when the Viper actually started using Sparrow capability and fully taking in the Arizona sun when they got AMRAAMs cleared hell, B-52 tail gunners got lucky at Red Flag when Eagles tried for a gun kill, and A-10s have some cool gun camera phootage of all the teens when they'd try to get into the Hog's element (low and slow)
  10. 95% of people on this planet period are just trying to get along and make life a little bit better for themselves and thier families its the noisy 5% of the others that screw it up for the rest of us
  11. actually for its original intended purpose (fly 250 miles from the base/carrier fast, launch missiles, kill bombers) it was quite well suited, and many of the short nosed Phantoms found themselves in interceptor roles in their twilight years now if you meant dogfighter, no. no it wasnt designed nor good at the turning fight. which is why the branch fighter weapon schools turned around and stresses fighting in the vertical, or keeping the speed way up during the engagement
  12. ok, so i'll quit clogging up the overall screenie thread with F-16s. over 4600 built. 43 years of service. over major 25 operators. there should be some variety here i'll start this show off mile high...
  13. the Battle of Topeka, in an alternate 1987...
  14. Which SF2 versions...

    which is what prompted the question
  15. have the F-4D_78? i know Israel and Vietnam would be off the list, while Europe definately has it. what about the original and or North Atlantic?
  16. Which SF2 versions...

    thank you Allen, that answered the question (Europe only)
  17. London Ontario, May '88 Dayton Ohio Jun '88. really, why did they change the Iranian flag to a Syrian one? watching the practice run on a Thursday, summer '88
  18. if your using my tail num template, a good way to do door numbers is to do tail nums first, then turn off the "AFxx" layer and save the three digit num as the nose number. the Tinker Phantoms i pm'd you last week have the decal entry for that so you dont have to dance it around so much
  19. i would venture to say no, as almost all were in training units or ANG units by 1984, and the focus was more on getting the next generation in, not upgrading the older one.
  20. Two-Seater Tuesdays

    those jetliners seem strangely familiar meanwhile, here's a pair of Phantoms based a little closer to your Michigan terrain (note to crew chief: 554 is missing two red stars on splitter plate)
  21. probably about time for me to get my own WIP thread. kickin off, who can guess where these two are stationed?
  22. happy scene unhappy scene (with little green blobs for extra anger)

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