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Everything posted by daddyairplanes

  1. proper protection would have helped ya know...
  2. we're workin on it. you were invited ya know biggie at the moment is the strike camera that was permanent in the port Sparrow well until they were deconverted and sent to Indiana. and the rails..
  3. hello, working up a skin for Spang EF-4Cs and noticed the weasel parts were missing a look through the data ini reveals the following mssg //er142 removed due to it's not fitting correctly at inner pylons & tailcone// bringing it back it is as such magic question is : is there a way to remove the pylons via hex editor? it never was a strong suite of mine and is weaker from a few years of non use alternate question is does anyone have the max file for the ER-142 "pilot", and would they be willing to post a new one sans Shrike racks? really great resolution would be one of our modellers doing a new fake pilot model for this, but i dont want to push it too far there any ideas?
  4. well its certainly better than the old but liking the wip so far (even w/o rails) i had just wished the Shrike rail was seperate from the antennae farm in yours
  5. well chit. forgot i left that in there i see your heavy ordinance and raise 64 troopers on a one way trip
  6. where you get the functional LAU-34s?
  7. what about making batch houses, with say the four houses in one row connected as one object?
  8. requirement on this one is to have Super in the name. Super Sabre is ok, Superfortress is ok, kicking off with l'Aéronavale ... fusil cabane doubling back for a visual confirmation
  9. my next hunt is to see if there were any instances of Shrikes inboard and out board, so far it only seems to be inboard with wing tanks in a defense of Germany scenario, i dont think they would need the wing tanks, so Shrike and CBU seems more likely than
  10. well of course the EF-4D got mod'd for it. but then they were un modded and the equipment loaded into the Gs make you wonder tho if there were a handful of Ds that could carry STARM in the 80s tho.... gotcha on the ARN. i thought there might be some pilot displays but that makes sense. double down on that for the EF-4C, which is why i didnt even ask about that
  11. interesting again, i havent seen in flight pics of Ds with Shrikes or Standard ARMs. was especially looking for them in Spangdahlem in the late 70s thinking there might be an earlier version of the hunter/killer teams like in the 80s. no dice tho
  12. aside from the EF-4D testbeds, im not aware of any D's that carried ARMs period. that was left to the EF-4Cs and the long noses (E and G). shoot, reading into things not many were equipped to carry Mavericks even with Joe Baughers site listing a half dozen serials as being Pave Spike and Maverick capable as for LORAN, i have nothing as far a manuals or pics. but in serial num hunting i did find out that the LORAN birds were converted from many Block 32 and nearly all the Block 33 aircraft if that helps any. cant find anything on whether they were converted at depot or on the assembly line, off topic (ish), didnt you have a launch rail for the Shrike somewhere in your bag of goodies?
  13. if there are significant differences, will you be doing a pit for the LORAN (ARN-92) Ds as well? i do not know if there was a major difference, but you got the reference material. catch is there were only 72 modified iirc
  14. oh thank you for bringing up such a painful subject. well youre at it why dont you give me a nice papercut and pour some lemon juice in it
  15. hey, dont you have some Weasels to be finishing before you go off on short nose Phantoms? j/k eagerly awaiting the D_78 pit
  16. forgot about that one, it would be a better choice
  17. if you want the herpes mod gone, then you may want to use the stock D_67, or the F-4D_71 in the download section (i believe its listed as Liberty Wing Phantoms or 48th TFW Phantoms) the skins will still work after being renamed (**_78 to **_67)
  18. you mean these can be removed via remove component? although i probably should have specified Shrike launch rails. but it was closer to my bedtime than i usually post as to fit, really those launch rails are the biggest issue i see. placement on the rest seems fine, although its an old model and could stand a touch up for sure @Nyghtfall thought that just occurred after first sip of coffee, should make the launch rails seperate from the antennae farm. then i could attach it as a weapon like i did for the Hound Dog pylons on the ODS B-52G (they were originally fake pilot too)
  19. thank you sir give me about a day to gather stuff up, particularly close ups of the ER-142 antennae
  20. i am curious how that holds things up. a decent external CD RW drive can be found on amazon for under $20. surely cheaper than trans atlantic shipping
  21. the folder i sent you has a tail num tga template set up for USAF tactical numbers. if it doesnt work for you let me know and i'll shoot you the font (USAAF_Stencil)
  22. once you get a system down, it doesnt take long to do much at all, from modelling to tga work getting that system down..... that is the hard part
  23. Two-Seater Tuesdays

    nostalgic nice, yes but gawd i want a new two seat Block 10 sooooo badly............... a CA native one of these would still be nice too, even if the RW crew makes em available now

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