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About MC.202

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  1. Oo! Oo! Mr. Kotter! Related question... Is it beneficial to run the Large Address Aware tool on the .exe? (Apparently LAA is another thing that doesn't work if the program is installed in Program Files or Program Files (x86).)
  2. I've got the same question as dtmdragon... So SF2 (or, in my case, SF2V) works on Windows 10 even if installed in Program Files (x86)? I'd like to add the Air & Ground War Expansion mod and I've read that Windows 10 "protects" anything in the Program Files directories, interfering with mods. Is that an issue, or no? Thanks!
  3. Howdy, all- After a while away from SF2V I've got a hankerin' to install it and the excellent AGW Expansion Pack on my Windows 10 laptop, but I've got a few questions, and I haven't been able to find any answers; hoping y'all can help me out: 1. Does SF2V (and AGW Gold) work with Windows 10? The only threads I've been able to find on this are over a year old, and there doesn't seem to be a consensus. Any required tweaks (e.g., run as admin, set a specific compatibility mode, set flux capacitor to antiframble on the Nvidia control panel, etc.)? 2. Assuming I can get SF2V and AGW Gold to run with Windows 10, is there any place I can download the pre-Sept. 2014 update for AGW Gold? I don't have SF2 or SF2E, just SF2V on disc. Thanks!
  4. Can I just say? THIS ROCKS LIKE A LOBSTER! Easy installation and no problems (touch wood). Would love to see user AAR posts on tactics flying some of the more esotoric aircraft, like the AC-119 / AC-123. In the meantime, my evening hours are now devoted to the air war over Vietnam...
  5. That is so sweet -- no risk modding! Thanks, S21; I'll be jammin' with my modded SF2V tonight!
  6. Hey, quick question: I have a clean install of SFV2 patched up to the latest version, and I'm ready to install the Expansion Pack and July update. But let's say for some reason something goes horribly wrong... is removing this mod as simple as replacing the modded default mod folder with a clean, backup default mod folder I have stashed away? Thanks!
  7. OK, total n00b question: Where do I get the program to unpack .7x files? Thanks!
  8. Just curious if this works with the December 2009 update to SF2V... the four-part Gold pack looks a little daunting, but this one should fit my needs for an "upgunned" SF2V. Thanks!
  9. Truly outstanding mod --the sky comes alive! Thanks, Cellinsky!
  10. So... How do I get my WOV A-4 canopies to open? My pilots are trapped!
  11. Nifty mod -- thanks! I like taxing with the top up... One n00b question, though: I'm running stock WOV with the Oct 08 patch; where do I put the A-4x_Ahitxxx files? I've just got standard A-4xx files. Thanks!
  12. Hey, this is a great mod! Thanks, Brain32!

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