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    Dallas, TX


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  1. S-300, S-400 and S-500 missile systems!!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S-300_missile_system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S-400_missile_system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S-500_missile_system
  2. Saab JAS 39 Gripen-C/D Força Aérea Brasileira Package

    A perfect feminist fighter jet.
  3. Iskander M, S-400 Triumpf , Battery

    I need S-300, S-400, Instituto Lula, MST machetes squad, MTST hordes, brazilian National Congress, brazilian Alvorada Palace, Granja do Torto, brazilian Supreme Court (STF) and Brazil x Venezuela terrain & campaingn. Thanks in advance. Lula's security convoy and Dilma's helicopter/airbus would be fine too...
  4. Crise entre Equador, Venezuela e Colômbia

    Lindo de ver seria os nossos F-5E chutando o traseiro dos SU-30MKV cocaleirolanos. Parece que recentemente alguns traficantes abateram um SU-30MKV a partir de teco-tecos ou usando mísseis terra-ar matando os dois pilotos, ou então caíram de maduros: http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/Venezuelas-Maduro-Confirms-2-Deaths-in-Fighter-Jet-Crash-20150919-0007.html Então, se até traficantes tiveram chance com o superavião, talvez nossos F-5 conseguissem abater alguns deles que tentassem invadir nosso território. Recentemente o Maduro e o Ovo Morales ameaçaram invadir o Brasil se a ladra, assassina e terrorista Dilma for deposta. O gordo da CUT está falando em espancar todos que querem tirar essa praga do poder. Peço que façam um cenário Brasil x Venezuela para simularmos os possíveis confrontos. Talvez isso até contribua para evitar uma guerra. Só não faço eu mesmo porque não tenho prática nenhuma nisso e meu tempo aqui é curto, muito curto.
  5. The political crisis in Brazil is evolving fast. The Communists in power are trying to establish a dictatorship of the proletariat as the Maduro's regime in Venezuela. Brazilian Constitution provides that the armed forces must protect the country against treacherous rulers and aggressions against the constitutional powers. Current Brazilian leaders are betraying the country and attacking the constitutional powers, this is a well documented fact. The conscious part of the population is asking the armed forces to intervene to remove off the power the said former terrorist Dilma Rousseff and his entourage of corrupt politicians. The unconscious part of the population is being maneuvered to physically attack and silence the conscious part of the population. The presidents of Venezuela and Bolivia are threatening to go to war against Brazil if the terrorist, thief and murderer Dilma Rousseff is removed from power. So, if Dilma fall, then we may have the following curious clash in the Amazonian skies: SU-30s & F-16s & etc vs F-5ES & Mirage 2000s & etc. Else, if Dilma manages to stay in power, then in 10/20 years we may have the following curious clash in the mexican border skies: SU-PAK FA T-50s & Chengdu J-20s & etc vs F-22s & F-35s & etc. I wrote this topic to ask if you can gently donate some time to make this what-if Brazil vs Venezuela terrain and missions that will be very useful to simulate future air battles with good possibilities to occur. Best regards.
  6. Post your videos HERE

    Tomcats ass kicked with nice missile duel at 1:05:
  7. I like to see an map from Israel to Iran with some nuclear power plants, uranium enrichment plants, air refueling routes and medium range balistic missiles with nuclear warheads that can strike both sides.
  8. Hello, Someone already make an F-35 pilot with helmet? If so give me a link to download it, please. If not here is an suggestion: Thanks in advance.

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