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Everything posted by Gunrunner

  1. I know I'll regret making the offer but... is whoever working on NF5 interested in, let's say, Thunderflashes (hey, I like it and it's the least likely to interest others), for a start ? It seems I'll have enough free time to finish/update them, and if I don't I have everything in good enough order for someone else to take over.
  2. Or can anyone give me the name of the AN/ALE-40 launchers to remove them for a GR.1 model (the AN/ALE 40 were fitted starting with the GR.1A in 1983).
  3. No trouble Sundowner, that's what retirement does to you.
  4. Thanks Wrench, found it ! In case anyone wants to know without searching, the ModelNodeName are Flares_01 and Flares_02.
  5. Thanks Sundowner, but it's the ModelNodeName I'm searching for, and apparently it's not the same as the SystemName, I'll check if I haven't mistyped it.
  6. Uh ? Why not simply buy the SF2 Exp 1, which is the Suez add-on for SF2I ?
  7. Stupid anti-virus question!

    AVG was good once, but the company behind it has been known to delve into some shady practices lately, plus AVG is getting more and more false positives. Avast is... complete crap, uses resources, has a fair share of false positives and useless interruptions, plus is known to fail to identify known threats long after others have implemented them. And frankly, unless you are a fan of porn sites, warez or have senior moments and click on any shining, glittering banner telling you you've won a cruise or that a long lost friend you've never heard of wants you to read the virus.pdf.exe attachment, you're safe enough with MS Security Essentials, it's also one of the most discrete and least resource consuming of the current crop of AV. One downside though, if you are playing Strike Fighters 2 with a heavily modded install, think of deactivating it before playing, as while it doesn't interfere with gameplay, the real-time scan does introduce long loadout delays (I didn't experience the same with other games, but the number of files is an important factor). However the best AV is using your brains and good practices, most viruses and malwares require active/willfull participation from the host to be a real threat, so remember, think before you click, the best AV software can't help against terminal user stupidity.
  8. Films

    And that's about it, unless you add Air Force Bat 21 (1988). Danny Glover, Gene Hackman The air war in vietnam was not as much an inspiration as the ground war and it's consequences on those who fought it.
  9. To my knowledge the single-tone grey scheme is something "new", apparently sometimes in starting in August June 2008 (some references say 2007 but not backed up by photographs so far 3 planes, replaced at Kandahar by 3 others in August 2008) to go with small upgrades to serve in Afghanistan, prior to that the 2-tones grey scheme was is still the standard. Apparently after a very quick search, I can't find references to SEM others than those of the 17F to use the single-tone scheme and only 6 (n° 1, 8, 17, 24, 31 and 51 are confirmed so far) of them are confirmed as using it, those based at Kandahar. I'll continue searching and post more when I find more, it's easier and faster to search for this in french. Update : The changes for Afghanistan I could confirm are only the ability to use the EGBU-12/GBU-49 INS/GPS Paveways, nothing seems new other than that, the use of the Damocles and Standard 5 work was done earlier AFAIK. Update bis : Apparently the 6 planes once using the single-tone scheme are using the standard 2-tones scheme now. Concerning the 2-tones scheme : From what I've gathered so far, it did correspond with the SEM upgrade, so planes started receiving it in 1993 and the last one received it in 1997. So, no Super Etendard wore it before being upgraded. The Etendard IVP however started using it in 1993 before being replaced in 1997 by the Standard 4 SEM.
  10. Has TK hard-coded graphics parameters relating to horizon distance, clipping etc... since the May-2011 patch ? I can't seem to change these parameters at all, I used to be able to have skyscrapers showing on the horizon while flying at 10k ft or more, now at less than 1k feet, right on top of the city I can't get them all to show, whatever settings I try. Any clue ? It's extremely irritating after getting used to having good (if somewhat unrealistic) viewing distances to suddenly be reduced to being a myopic flying mole.
  11. Oh, shiny ! Thanks a lot Baltika ! The only thing I missed was "ObjectsFade=FALSE" as it's not a line in the original FlightEngine.ini and I couldn't find the parameter name on TW's forums. And yes, the fade effects are nice and a quite elegant solution to the problem, but the distances are far too short especially with modded installs (skyscrapers). P.S. : Oh, options.ini, damn, I'm an idiot. -_-
  12. Damn, and all that thanks to the whiners modding and breaking and then blaming TK rather than themselves... Thanks for the confirmation. Well, I'll survive, but that's a disappointment in 3 major cases : 1) Mipmap distances leading to a sensation of crappy graphics 2) "cheat" buildings in cities (true buildings can be seen from farther) 3) large structures composed of a lot of small structures (most airfields disappear beyond 8nm because of that even though they should still be visible) I guess he'll gradually push the limit further to follow hardware replacement and his own code optimizations, as usual, it's just tedious to be held back because of people not understanding that using their own settings is their own responsibility.
  13. Those evil videogames...

    Hey, maybe they hope to get some money to licence the use of the island ingame and thus help alleviate their debt problems...
  14. Or, alternatively, you can make use of Windows Junctions, it's far cleaner and universal. 1) Install the Link Shell Extension, the manual is clear enough. 2) Move your files from their old location (OLD) to their new location (NEW). 3) If necessary, delete the OLD folder. 4) Right-click on the NEW folder, select "Pick Link Source". 5) Go to to parent folder where your OLD folder was, right-click on it, select "Drop Here...", "Junction" It will make it absolutely transparent to the system, with no problems for installers expecting the default path. Of course that can be done faster from the command line without having to install a shell extension, but the potential for errors is greater. Oh, and 25Gb, tsss, I'm nearing 280Gb.
  15. So, let me get this straight... You're ready to shell out hundreds of dollars worth of hardware to get a few more FPS when it's already good enough, but you don't want to pay 30 dollars to get the better game... And you do realize that SF1 mods are easily ported to SF2, provided you pull your fingers out of your backside, right ? Besides, almost no one's releasing for SF1 anymore and most SF2 releases are updated, upgraded and full packs rather than bits and pieces as it was for SF1, so instead of having to get the plane, the updated FM, the updated cockpit, the skins, the variants... you get everything in one package without having to ponder whether this release has the latest FM, or whether to take the FM from that one but the avionics from this one.
  16. Nuclear disaster close call

    *reads the thread* *reads the article* *reads the french news* *thinks on the incident and what the site of Marcoule is* *takes another look at the thread* *searches for anything to say without sounding condescending or offensive* Oh yes, I've got it ! No comment ! Seriously guys, overreact much ? I mean, sure, nuclear security in France is not perfect (as everywhere else) but we've had far closer calls with much less publicity and you worry about that ?
  17. AFAIK, it's part of the LOD, you won't find it in the INIs and wouldn't be able to edit it without the original 3DS File.
  18. Damn, sorry, there was supposed to be a smiley in the first line, didn't mean it to come out as rude, just jokingly. -_-'
  19. Sorry, but... are you on drugs ? The only single-seater ever planned on the Lansen series was the J 32A day fighter, cancelled in favour of buying Hunters. True, only one of four A 32A in a flight was used with both radar and navigator, that doesn't make it a single-seater, all planes were dual-seaters.
  20. To be fair the nomenclature is sometimes quite confusing if not confused and has a lot of exceptions and peculiarities.
  21. Wrong Spinners, even though the 12th slot for the F- series was indeed attributed to the interceptor variant of the A-12/SR-71, FV-12 is not a F- series slot, but a V- series one (like OV-1, OV-10, MV-22, AV-8 and a few others). Thus FV-12 is free and was indeed reserved for that program.
  22. File Name: A-4G Skyhawk (VF-805) File Submitter: Gunrunner File Submitted: 01 April 2011 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft A-4G Skyhawk (r1 - 1976 - VF-805) This mod should ultimately cover the whole VF-805 career of the Australian A-4G, however since it started for a very specific project of mine, it will be released as-is and updated whenever (if ever) the rest is done. For that reason, if you have an interest on the topic and are willing to correct or complete the set, do feel free to do so, it's a safer bet than waiting for the next release. It has been built with/for SF2, it requires Thirdwire's A-4E and A-4F to work, there should be no other prerequisite. r1 includes only the mid-70's skin, as my project focuses on the year 1976. The skin and decals are as correct as I'm willing/able to do based on Thirdwire's skin. All plane and serial numbers are correctly paired and historically correct (all planes crashed before 1976 are not present). The only inaccuracy is the fact that some of the planes present were affected to VC-724, however, in case of conflict and to cope with attrition they would have been transferred to VF-805, hence their presence in this mod. Gunrunner Grey areas : - On most pictures the A-4G in '76 had the area surrounding the gun muzzle painted black, on some, a square area on the fuselage was painted black and on other, nothing was painted black at all, no text gives any reason for that or precise reference, therefore it's been left as stock. - Likewise, most sources claim some A-4G were not fitted with guns, without providing the serial number of those planes or whether this was a temporary or permanent change; Moreover, I couldn't find photographic evidence of a gunless A-4G. - The current INI is a hybrid of A-4E and A-4F, uses an A-4F cockpit with A-4E avionics, I lack sources and will to do any better at the moment, it will have to do. Optionnally, you can add VF-805 "Checkerboards" to your SquadronList.ini, however it is only a nicety and the skin doesn't rely on it. [squadronxxx] Name=RAN_805 DisplayName=805 Sq. "Checkerboards" Nation=AustralianNavy TO DO : - Replace the antennas by accurate ones. - Have missile rails for outer pylons use with Sidewinders. - Add the late 60's VF-805 skin (without checkerboard). - Add the early 70's VF-805 skin (with checkerboard on the rudder). - Add the late 70's VF-805 skin (grey camo with knight). Licence : See the CA Freeware Licence Agreement : http://combatace.com/topic/55729-freeware-licensing/ Credits : Thirdwire for the A-4E model, original skin and INI. Wilco for the angled refueling probe replacement and landing lights. The CA community for years of fun and great mods. Click here to download this file
  23. A-4G Skyhawk (VF-805)

    Version r1


    A-4G Skyhawk (r1 - 1976 - VF-805) This mod should ultimately cover the whole VF-805 career of the Australian A-4G, however since it started for a very specific project of mine, it will be released as-is and updated whenever (if ever) the rest is done. For that reason, if you have an interest on the topic and are willing to correct or complete the set, do feel free to do so, it's a safer bet than waiting for the next release. It has been built with/for SF2, it requires Thirdwire's A-4E and A-4F to work, there should be no other prerequisite. r1 includes only the mid-70's skin, as my project focuses on the year 1976. The skin and decals are as correct as I'm willing/able to do based on Thirdwire's skin. All plane and serial numbers are correctly paired and historically correct (all planes crashed before 1976 are not present). The only inaccuracy is the fact that some of the planes present were affected to VC-724, however, in case of conflict and to cope with attrition they would have been transferred to VF-805, hence their presence in this mod. Gunrunner Grey areas : - On most pictures the A-4G in '76 had the area surrounding the gun muzzle painted black, on some, a square area on the fuselage was painted black and on other, nothing was painted black at all, no text gives any reason for that or precise reference, therefore it's been left as stock. - Likewise, most sources claim some A-4G were not fitted with guns, without providing the serial number of those planes or whether this was a temporary or permanent change; Moreover, I couldn't find photographic evidence of a gunless A-4G. - The current INI is a hybrid of A-4E and A-4F, uses an A-4F cockpit with A-4E avionics, I lack sources and will to do any better at the moment, it will have to do. Optionnally, you can add VF-805 "Checkerboards" to your SquadronList.ini, however it is only a nicety and the skin doesn't rely on it. [squadronxxx] Name=RAN_805 DisplayName=805 Sq. "Checkerboards" Nation=AustralianNavy TO DO : - Replace the antennas by accurate ones. - Have missile rails for outer pylons use with Sidewinders. - Add the late 60's VF-805 skin (without checkerboard). - Add the early 70's VF-805 skin (with checkerboard on the rudder). - Add the late 70's VF-805 skin (grey camo with knight). Licence : See the CA Freeware Licence Agreement : http://combatace.com/topic/55729-freeware-licensing/ Credits : Thirdwire for the A-4E model, original skin and INI. Wilco for the angled refueling probe replacement and landing lights. The CA community for years of fun and great mods.
  24. @PH, the Aussies used their A-4G primarily for fleet defense purpose, going so far as not to adopt the A2G improvements of the A-4F their A-4G were based upon. The Argentinians also used their Skyhawks for A2A duties although with more emphasis on A2G than the Australians. Finally, the Skyhawk served as a fleet defender in the early 60's on some of the smaller ASW carriers of the US Navy. It is a fair match, the Sabre has better guns, acceleration and high altitude performance, the Skyhawk has better low-level, low-speed handling, better armor and twice the AIM-9 payload. Keep in mind that Aussie pilots had far more training and flying hours than the Indonesians. Plus the Indonesian recently converted from MiGs to ex-Australian Sabre.
  25. ca. 1976, VF-805 A-4Gs from HMAS Melbourne supporting UN Security Council Resolutions 384 and 389 by providing CAP against Indonesian Sabre Mk. 32 and OV-10F over East Timor.

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