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Everything posted by Axgrinder

  1. mp game thurs 730edt

    Hey Griphos, Whatever happened with the BO60?
  2. mp game thurs 730edt

  3. mp mission, tuesday 830ish edt

    Back from vacation. I will try and be there!
  4. Multiplayer question

    OOOOO and I couldn't tell THAT from ypur voice on TS!
  5. 1.3 patch

    I'll put it on as well Duck. At least I'll be current and compatible with you.
  6. 1.3 patch

    This MP part of this game is starting to wear on my nerves! To much inconsistency! To many work arounds! To many problems!
  7. Looking Good!

    Cool! That's three of us i have seen with our logo now.
  8. OFF QC Lock-up

    Yep. 1 gig of ram. You will have to turn the sliders down.
  9. OK people new D&H aircraft are ready for you to download at the Doves & Hawks sight.
  10. ATTENTION D&H Members!

    Very cool Duck!!
  11. mp mission sat 7ish edt

    Game is down!
  12. ATTENTION D&H Members!

    Look in the forum in the Doves and Hawks aircraft post I put up. I have a link to my download site. The password resides there also.
  13. At work right now. Duck will be on tonight 7ish. I will try as well for a little while.
  14. Did you get the TSO to work?
  15. Try the steps I gave you with TS first. Then install TSO. See if that works.
  16. Teamspeak overlay WILL work with Vista. I use it with my Vista. Here is what you do: (a) Run as Administrator. (b) In the Compatibility tab, run in WinXP SP2 Compatibility Mode © Check "Disable Visual Themes" and "Disable Desktop Composition" only. (d) Click Apply then OK You're good to go!
  17. Need a volunteer

    Duck, I use Vista 64 Ultimate and I can get online using OFF Manager. I just use the CFS3MP.exe because for one it's quicker and that's the way most folks are getting on line. As far as Vista is concerned I just make sure everything is selected to run in Windows XP SP2. That's really al I have done different to my files.
  18. Need a volunteer

    The problem is Duck that most of the topics regarding getting online are already in this forum. Most of the problems people seem to be having joining MP need to be addressed here. I know it's frustrating for people but that's the nature of the beast when it comes to online sims. All we can do is chip away at the problems little by little and help individuals when and how we can. Again, I can't stress how much easier it is to solve the internet problems one on one using TeamSpeak!! If you seriously want to fly online you should get it. IT'S FREE!! All you need to get is a mic/headphone. You can get one for $20!
  19. Stumper, I was messing around with the N-17 file last night and found that i could only see the D&H logo in certain missions online. I took the three files I sent you and put them into the N-17_QC1 folder (Changed the name of files from SQD to QC1) and now I can see the D&H N17 in QC. I haven't had time to check if it shows up in MP yet. If this works changing the QC1 aircraft may be the quick way to get our insignia on the planes we fly. Then we should be able to put the files on the D&H site for our members to download.
  20. optional Damage model

    There you go Duck - the final word. I suggest we all go to Hardcore ASAP if we don't like it we can easily revert back.
  21. To all the members of Doves & Hawks: I think the group needs a logo. Here is what i have come up with. I have sent this to Stumper for his approval as well. The design is reminiscent of a WW1 aircraft insignia. The latin inscription translates to "For the love of the game" which I think describes OFF players in two ways. They love the game of OFF itself AND they love the game of hunting their opponent in the skies over Europe! I am hoping we can find a way to put his on our aircraft. Let me know what you think. Of course we wont use it without the permission of our fearless leader Stumpjumper!
  22. Doves & Hawks Insignia

    At work right now Stumper. That's where I have these fancy graphics programs to crank out a logo pretty quick.
  23. Doves & Hawks Insignia

    For you folks that prefer the allied colors, how's this!
  24. Doves & Hawks Insignia

    Stumper! I love the nose art! And the tally count is pretty cool as well! Now how can we get the D&H logo on our other members planes?

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