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Everything posted by Axgrinder

  1. Just to let folks know, tonight, 9 p.m. EDT on some PBS stations the show "Birth of A Legend" will be on. It is the story of the development and history of the British Spitfire.
  2. shortcut for Mission builder

    Or you can right click the icon and send it to the desktop as a shortcut. That worked for me!
  3. Pic from tonights Vasco mission.

    I hope not! When Vasco cancelled I found something else to do that afternoon! It was my impression they were just for fun missions.
  4. one for the books

    Jees Duck! What else can go wrong?!
  5. new teamspeak players

    Duck and I have tried talking to them and they don't answer.
  6. Enhaced reality settings

    How much rum did you have when you flew single player?
  7. If anyone in is interested I will be available tonight for some MP games. I will be on TS starting at 7 pm EDT. I will run some fun good ol' shoot-em-up co-op missions. The kind I normally do! It's been awhile since I have hosted any sessions so I hope to see you guys on tonight!
  8. Axgrinders Mayhem 1/9/10

    Thanks PD! Mission building is fun - even though I still have problems with it every once in awhile.
  9. Anyone up for Vimy Ridge day 3 tonight? Post here if you are. If I get enough interest I will start the game at 7:30 EDT on TS. At least 4-5 players would be good.
  10. File Name: Vimy Ridge Missions File Submitter: Axgrinder File Submitted: 10 Jan 2010 File Updated: 11 Jan 2010 File Category: Maps, Missions, and Campaigns Four missions that recreate the Battle of Vimy Ridge from April 9 -12, 1917. Make sure you have Stumpers Sopwith 1/2 Strutters that are available on TS. Other wise if you just want to play these offline just go into MB and replace the AAA Strutters for the OFF default Strutters. Click here to download this file
  11. Vimy Ridge Missions

    I will ask Stumper if he can put his planes in the download area.
  12. I f you missed last night, you missed a good one! I have spent many hours building four missions that recreate the battle for Vimy Ridge. Duck, Firecage, Von Guber and myself flew the first two days of the battle, April 9-10, 1917. We flew out of Camblain, Mont St. Eloi and Etru. The first day was mostly recon work along the ridge to identify German position and strength The second day was Ground support for the Canadian forces on the lines. On the first day the Canadians put up a constant shelling of the German lines to try and keep their heads down why we flew up and down the lines taking photos. Unfortunately for us the main German pursuit Squadron in the area at that time was Jasta 11 based in Douai! Manfred and his bunch took great pleasure in shooting our BE2 recon planes from No. 2 and No. 13 squadrons down at will. We did have a flight of 1/2 strutters from No. 43 squadron as fighter/recon with us and they did their best but ultimately were no match for the German Alby's! The day rightfully earned it's monicer that is remembered in history as "Bloody April"! We lost nearly every recon plane we sent out. We did manage to gather some usefull intell. The second day found us doing a great deal of ground pounding to harass the German troops and keep them busy while the Canadians formed their troops for the coming attack on the ridge itself. Squadron No. 8 came in with their pups and used rockets to break up and destroy German tank units that were moving up to stop the Canadian attack. Se5's from No. 40 squadron provided air support and kept an eye out for the Hun fliers. Everyone was quite busy and the day went well for the Allies. The pups had a field day with the German tanks. For some reason early on the German fighters were no where to be seen so the Se5's joined in on ground attacks. Later in the day the Germans sent in a flight of Roland CII's to bomb and strafe our troops. This caught us by surprise so we had to turn our attention to them. By that time we were all low on ammo and fuel. While we were in pursuit of the Rolands, Jasta 11 showed up from the east at very high and ready to bounce us! We thought we were finished for sure! For some reason they stayed high and didn't attack. We were able to scatter the Rolands which allowed us to turn our attention on the Alby's. Lucky for us Manfred and his boys were not in the mood to fight. The Germans spent the day teasing us in the air. They would fly away back toward Douai then turn like they were going to attack then turn tail again back to Douai. Von Guber finally grew weary of this game and along with Firecage followed them back to Douai. As the Albs were making their final approach Von Guber and Fire Cage attacked the flight We believe they knocked a few of them down but we will never know for sure! Von Guber we believe was shot down durring the attack and Firecage was killed by a direct flak burst on his aircraft! To our credit we did manage to keep the Hun at bay while the Canadians formed their lines for the Vimy Ridge offensive. We will fly day 3 and 4 another time. Untill then here are some recon photos we managed to get back to our lines. In case anyone is interested I have posted all four missions in the download area of the forum. Attached image(s) Resized to 81% (was 1306 x 940) - Click image to enlarge Resized to 79% (was 1346 x 860) - Click image to enlarge
  13. Battle of Vimy Ridge online MP

    Allready there Grumpy! Hey Simon - You're right, but in the game tanks blow up better than people - call it poetic license!
  14. Vimy Ridge Missions

    That's to weird! I hope no one else has simiar problems.
  15. Vimy Ridge Missions

    I put the .xml files in the training folder inside the missions folder located in the main game files. The game may be locking up because you don't have Stump Jumper's AAA 1/2 Strutters. If not you can download the Strutter files from Teamspeak or you can open the missions in Mission Builder and swap out the AAA 1/2 Strutters for the games stock 1/2 Strutters. If you use the AAA Strutters you can play the mission online. If you swap them out for the OFF stock Strutters you can only play the missions offline. All the other aircraft used in all four missions are stock and should cause no problems.
  16. Battle of Vimy Ridge online MP

    Great pics VG! Glad to know I wasn't the only one to survive and bring some intell back to HQ!
  17. Beyond help

    Jeez Duck, that sucks! I hope you get your gaming PC sorted quickly!
  18. Thanks Vasco.

    Thanks for hosting! Good job as always.
  19. Version


    Four missions that recreate the Battle of Vimy Ridge from April 9 -12, 1917. Make sure you have Stumpers Sopwith 1/2 Strutters that are available on TS. Other wise if you just want to play these offline just go into MB and replace the AAA Strutters for the OFF default Strutters.
  20. Enhaced reality settings

    Shift + D turns off damage text up top! Red Dog, you must change the ViewUI.xml file in your hidden file called App Data NOT the Viewui.xml file in your OBD game file.
  21. Enhaced reality settings

    Most Excellent VB! Yes, downloads please when you get the settings the way you think they look best! Note: as far as damage and hit text at the top/center of the screen, I think there is a key command to turn those off and on. I think it's shift+Ctrl+D or something like that.
  22. 24 Sqn RFC Online Campaign

    Vasco, You keep doing what your doing! You run your games however you wish to run them. Don't worry, people will join your games. The style of games run by game hosts should not be an issue. If you want to fly FR do it. If not, don't. You as the host decides how much time and effort goes into your games. You should not have to put up polls just to see what the general pulic thinks. Players, please remember hosting takes time and commitment by the individuals who choose to run regular campaigns. If you want to fly FR do it. If not, don't. There are plenty of people out there that can and are willing to host online games that should suit everyones taste. And players PLEASE, don't post on the forum your dislike of the way a host runs their games, they do have feelings. Just don't join their games. There are enough hosts out there that I'm sure can run an online game you like. If not, and you are able, YOU host! Cheers Gents!
  23. Axgrinders Mayhem 1/9/10

    I f you missed last night, you missed a good one! I have spent many hours building four missions that recreate the battle for Vimy Ridge. Duck, Firecage, Von Guber and myself flew the first two days of the battle, April 9-10, 1917. We flew out of Camblain, Mont St. Eloi and Etru. The first day was mostly recon work along the ridge to identify German position and strength The second day was Ground support for the Canadian forces on the lines. On the first day the Canadians put up a constant shelling of the German lines to try and keep their heads down why we flew up and down the lines taking photos. Unfortunately for us the main German pursuit Squadron in the area at that time was Jasta 11 based in Douai! Manfred and his bunch took great pleasure in shooting our BE2 recon planes from No. 2 and No. 13 squadrons down at will. We did have a flight of 1/2 strutters from No. 43 squadron as fighter/recon with us and they did their best but ultimately were no match for the German Alby's! The day rightfully earned it's monicer that is remembered in history as "Bloody April"! We lost nearly every recon plane we sent out. We did manage to gather some usefull intell. The second day found us doing a great deal of ground pounding to harass the German troops and keep them busy while the Canadians formed their troops for the coming attack on the ridge itself. Squadron No. 8 came in with their pups and used rockets to break up and destroy German tank units that were moving up to stop the Canadian attack. Se5's from No. 40 squadron provided air support and kept an eye out for the Hun fliers. Everyone was quite busy and the day went well for the Allies. The pups had a field day with the German tanks. For some reason early on the German fighters were no where to be seen so the Se5's joined in on ground attacks. Later in the day the Germans sent in a flight of Roland CII's to bomb and strafe our troops. This caught us by surprise so we had to turn our attention to them. By that time we were all low on ammo and fuel. While we were in pursuit of the Rolands, Jasta 11 showed up from the east at very high and ready to bounce us! We thought we were finished for sure! For some reason they stayed high and didn't attack. We were able to scatter the Rolands which allowed us to turn our attention on the Alby's. Lucky for us Manfred and his boys were not in the mood to fight. The Germans spent the day teasing us in the air. They would fly away back toward Douai then turn like they were going to attack then turn tail again back to Douai. Von Guber finally grew weary of this game and along with Firecage followed them back to Douai. As the Albs were making their final approach Von Guber and Fire Cage attacked the flight We believe they knocked a few of them down but we will never know for sure! Von Guber we believe was shot down durring the attack and Firecage was killed by a direct flak burst on his aircraft! To our credit we did manage to keep the Hun at bay while the Canadians formed their lines for the Vimy Ridge offensive. We will fly day 3 and 4 another time. Untill then here are some recon photos we managed to get back to our lines.
  24. How things have changed

    I used to play the old RB3d too. Even with all the upgrades and patches I could never get mine to look as good as these screenshots!

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