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Everything posted by Axgrinder

  1. Newbie - Installation Problem

    I run OFF on Vista 64 and never had problems. Did you change the compatible settings of the CFS3.exe file to Windows XP SP3? That one usually screws people up in Vista.
  2. Mismatched skins

    Picaso would be proud!
  3. Interested in MP

    Good to have you aboard Mac! We'll see you again soon in the friendly skies over France.
  4. Interested in MP

    On TS right now if you want to get on. IP: Pass: pfalz
  5. Interested in MP

    Mac, Let us know what time zone you are in so someone can get on TS with you and get you squared away. Did you yead thru Duck's MP tutorial and do you have the correct IP and password for the TS server? Our only scheduled flights take place on Sunday afternoons at 2:00 pm EST. You are more than welcome to join in but I would practice flying in Hard flight model first to get used to the aircraft. Occasionaly someone will host MP missions durring the week in the evenings so you just need to check the MP forum from time to time. Do not be intimidated to join MP fights everyone here is just out to have fun we fly mostly co-op missions and work together to achieve mission goals. We also fly both sides, German and Allied so you will get to fly your favorite planes alot. As soon as we get your time zone we will get you sorted out.
  6. Here is what I came up with for Vasco's Dr1. It would be very easy for us to see at a distance.
  7. Two Blue Max Replicas on eBay: LOOK!

    I have pretty much forgotten all my German. It's been over 20 years since I've been back. I can still understand quite a bit when my mother speaks German with her friends or her family. I just don't speak it myself anymore. When my Dad was alive he wouldn't let us kids speak German around him. Go figure?
  8. OT What Job do you do?

    Duck, I can always tell on TS when you are dipping into the ingredients! This is me jealous!
  9. Two Blue Max Replicas on eBay: LOOK!

    I was lucky enough to spend fifteen years in Germany as a kid (Mom's German, from Weisbaden) so I learned a few things.
  10. Two Blue Max Replicas on eBay: LOOK!

    Frederick. He was the German Emperor that instituted the Blue Max medal. Prost
  11. OT What Job do you do?

    It's interesting how many artist we have in our midst. I wonder about the interest in flight sims by artists. I am a Graphic Artist myself with a BA in Fine Arts so I can appreciate objects and illustrations that are pleasing to the eye. I am also an Air Force Brat of 21 years as my Father was in the USAF for 35 years so I was introduced to airplanes at an early age. My earliest memory of planes were of P-80 Shooting Stars flying around base. So naturally I can appreciate aircraft from a sculptural point of view and with WW1 and WW2 aircraft the individual paint schemes are to me works of art. Especially German aircraft.
  12. Vasco's New Ride! - Maybe

    Thanks Vasco! Even though you chose already here is another one I was going to submit - but, to late. It still wasn't and isn't quite finished. As you can see some of the lines are still off.
  13. Vasco's New Ride! - Maybe

    I like the other one better!
  14. For those of you not flying MP, thanks to the hard work of some of our regular online participants, we now fly with personal skins that everyone can see in game. You guys that fly only offline don't know what you're missing. Here are some samples of some.
  15. MP personal skins pics

    Sometimes I'd like to!
  16. Vasco's New Ride! - Maybe

    NICE! You have my vote! Very clever Card motif!
  17. Custom skins...

    Duck doesn't make skins! I don't believe it
  18. MP personal skins pics

    THAT, is a good question. If anyone finds that info pass it along!
  19. Vasco's New Ride! - Maybe

    If Vasco doesn't choose it as his personal plane I will send it to you. This one was a quick one to do about 1.5 hrs. I've got a couple of other ideas in the works for Vasco.
  20. MP personal skins pics

    Doing skins for SP is a snap. Everyone does that already. It's putting in custom skins and having everyone in the MP game see them all as you do that's the trick. We want pilots to be able to use whatever skin they want in the game and have everyone online to see it in game. We're gettin' there
  21. 10-25 screenshots

    Great screenie!
  22. Check this out! Some guys cleaning out an old house found an old Browning Camera with film still in it. This is what they found when they had it developed.[attachment=35765:file014.jpg]
  23. Pearl Harbor Pics

    That's to bad these were around before. The story was good but even so the pictures are still amazing!
  24. Jasta 4 Online Campaign

    Vasco, I will try to get online with Duck or Stumper tonight to go through this install and test it out. I want to be A-OK for Sunday!

    STUMPER, Did you get the DV skin I sent you? If so, will it work?

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