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Everything posted by Axgrinder

  1. Windows 7

    I could be wrong but - didn't some players say that OFF MP does NOT work in W7? Can anyone confirm or deny this?
  2. I will be online tonight from 7pm - 9pm EST for 2 hours of quick co-op missions. Will be on the Black Haze TS server. I've got a couple of new missions to try and I would like to try other peoples missions as well! See you then!
  3. Axgrinder's MP Mayhem TONIGHT 10/20

    Yep, I liked them too! The last one made me feel like a Jap pilot going after American transport ships in Lahti! I'll send you what I've done lately. Maybe you can tweak them and make them even better. I did like the US flag skin!
  4. Axgrinder's MP Mayhem TONIGHT 10/20

    Stiffy, This one is pretty much geared time wise for the players on this side of the pond. Look for my afternoon games on Saturdays. They are geared for the European early evening time frame. Vasco's Volunteers are also during your time zone. See you then!
  5. That's weird Duck. I have a shortcut of MB that works fine. Don't ask me how, you know how OFF is!
  6. Jasta 4 Online Campaign

    Looks like good times as always V! But I couldn't pass up free tickets to a game! I don't get to go very often, mayb about 4 or five games a season. Did have a good time though even though the Bungles lost.
  7. Mission testing Oct. 18th

    Post your MP missions on the download site. We on the east coast would love to give them a spin.
  8. Jasta 4 Online Campaign

    Greetings Boys! I won't be flying today. A friend called me up this morning and asked if I wanted to go to the Bengals vs Texans game today. Heck yeah! Football and Beer on a sunny 60 degree day! See you next week!
  9. OK boys! This is the chance for you folks across the pond to join in one of my MP sessions. As always I will run quick combat co-op missions flying both Allied and CP aircraft. If anyone has any MP missions they would like to try on everyone this will be the time! I will be online and on TS (you know where) starting at 2 pm EST USA time. I believe that is early evening for you Europeans. I think 7pm. If I am wrong please correct me. Otherwise i will see you then!
  10. Game is down! Thanks to all who joined
  11. Good one guys! My other addictions include but are not limited to: WW1 Aircraft models Wargames (mostly aviation related) Flying Flight Sims Guitar And last but not least, My three kids! Oh wait! Did I forget to mention my wife? She goes on top of the list for putting up with my other addictions!
  12. Jasta 4 Online Campaign

    Don't get discouraged SRC, we all have bad days! I suggest you make a key shortcut sheet for OFF and have it nearby when you fly. You will quickly learn all the key commands you will need and not be distracted by playing Bethoven's fifth on the keyboard during a game! There used to be a nice one posted on the site but i don't remember where. I will see if I can find mine in the meantime maybe someone can post a link to the one that was on before. See you next game!
  13. Multiplayer wont work...

    I knew you would fix it! Now, if you haven't done so, go get a headset with mic! After that we will certainly see you in the game!
  14. European multiplayer

    Don't worry Stiffy we'll get you up and running! The main obstacle right now for you and other would be players is Teamspeak. It is impossible to participate in MP games without it. As far as your rig it sounds like you are running one that is similar to mine so you should be able to join eventually. I run a 4 gig intel dual core processor with a Nvidia 9800 1 gig video card. I have 4 gig of RAM and 4 gig Mghz. I am also running Vista 64 Premium with no problems! Once you get on TS one of the guys will sort you out quickly! Ax
  15. Jasta 4 Online Campaign

    Very difficult this go around Vasco! Lot's of aircraft in the air at one time combined with lack of situational awareness created lots of collisions. I could see this happening quite often in real air combat during WW1. Novice pilots combined with the confusion of the new discipline of Dogfighting most certainly took its toll of planes and pilots. Inept flight leaders didn't help either - namely myself I warned you guys! Great work V. Keep it up and we will soon double our online players!
  16. MP session for Wedsday 10-13

    I'll be there! What time?
  17. Jasta 4 Online Campaign

    OOOOOOO! Red-Dog, you're a brave soul!
  18. I will be on TS starting at 7pm EST to see if anyone is up for some Saturday night QC missions Axgrinder style! I have some new MP missions built for us to try along with some favorite standbys. Hope you can make it. I will probably fly until 10 or 11pm EST depending on the attendance and enthusiasim of pilots. This will be a good time for first timers to get sorted out and to get ready for Sunday. See you then!
  19. MP Missions Tonight! 10/10

    Congrats Dudley! We now have proof of a successful Recon mission!
  20. MP Missions Tonight! 10/10

    Teamspeak server for tonight: Password: pfalz IP address: Will be given on teamspeak
  21. mp sun 10-4

    Bout frickin time! Just kidding!
  22. OK guys! Here are pictures of the Dawn Patrol Fly-In held every other at the National Air Force Museum in Dayton Ohio. I have included pics from 2005 and 2009. I need to find my pics from 2007. I think they are on my computer at work. This year it was held September 25th thru the 27th. Enjoy! All of the planes are of course replicas and most are 7/8 scale with modern engines. but there are some very nice full scale aircraft with actual rotary engines. Seimens Schuckert replica (That's what they call it but it looks nothing like a Schuckert) 7/8 scale D7 Moraine Saulnier L Parasol Parasol with N17. 7/8 scale DH2 7/8 Italian Spad 13. Can you guess whose paint scheme? Hint: Fast Italian car Fokker EIII 7/8 scale Actual original Gnome rotary engine running! Nieuport 12 two seat recon plane. This actually came out BEFORE the N11 Bebe! Nice line up of assorted allied aircraft! Full scale D7 - Udet's of course! On taxi for take off. Full scale Fokker D8 on taxi for take off! Who's plane was this again? Duh! Full scale Dr1 ready for flight. Up, Up and away! WW1 German re-enactor on his post! D7 up close! Se5a preping for take off. Belgian N23. Anthony Fokker's trophy case! These following pictures are from 2005! N27 Curtiss Jenny Where have I seen this one before? This one has always been one of my favorits to show up to the event! Full scale Dr1 with a real rotary engine!! This is my all time favorite plane that has shown up to the Dawn Patrol. A full scale Fokker D8 with a rotary engine! I think this is a DH4 7/8 replica. I can't remember. There you go folks! Hope you liked em!
  23. I will be on TS starting at 7:30 est to see if anyone is up to some MP combat missions. I will run missions from 8pm till 10pm est. Hope to see you there!
  24. Thanks alot PD!

    He's tops in my book that's for sure!
  25. Thanks alot PD!

    PD has health issues in his family right now. We look forward to his return as quickly as possible. Being a member of the Boys of 60 I will miss his presence here and on the BO60 site! In the mean time let me take this opportunity to invite any of the Boys of 60 that have OFF phase 3 to join us on line for some WW1 MP games.

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