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Everything posted by sitting_duck

  1. Christmas Eve

    Ok,,turkey is in the oven,,,so i got till around 8 to mess around so if anyone wants to play let me know,,, i should be back at work around 3ish edt....
  2. Merry Crhistmas!

    "I dont care WHAT your name is,,,get those f**king raindeer of my roof....". merry xmas all..

    cool...ill concentrate on dog fighting them
  4. planes....

    as soon as the holiday is over,,and business takes a nosedive,,,would like to think i can concentratr on the plane problems,,,and dogfight problems.. did it once before,,and damn if i cant read my own notes... but takes 2 ppl...cause what plays good for the host dont always play good for the joiners..and trying it here on 2 computers is a total pain in the ass. so anyone interested in working on it..let me know......i assume its a matter of trying something,,,loading the plane,,running a quick mission,,,and seeing the results... all i can promise is that it wont be fun...
  5. Lost functions with Hat in the Ring Install

    you must have had them disabled in your cfs3config then...
  6. planes....

    put it in writing...
  7. I can't start the game...

    ahh,,ok..thanks for that von paulus.... Doc60...if you could take screenshots of those error messages..(especially the cant save xml file one,,i dont think i have ever seen it before),,,,would like to see them...
  8. Is there a convergence option? If so,,,where?
  9. I can't start the game...

    funky problems there for sure.... just outta curiosity,,,are you running this in english? only reason i ask is last time someone had a quirky problem, found out they where from out of the country, and there was a setting for the language thing..
  10. http://forum.combatace.com/topic/44370-off-forum-pilot-maps/
  11. mp tues 12-22

    am on teamspeak,,but on away,,, will check in every so often to see if there are players...
  12. george... i have set up a lan too,,,and was amazed at the amount of lag between 2 computers networked....so pleaseeeee dont take that as an indication of how the game really plays in multiplayer. there are some inherent problems with mp dogfights that do not show up in mission play. but in all honesty, if there was one aspect of mp that did show lag,,its being behind a pilot that is shooting an enemy in front of them,,,,from your perspective,,his aim is way off,,,but from his perspective he is shooting accuratly,,,just a natrue of the beast, and it doesnt show up all the time. hope to catch you in the air
  13. Christmas Eve

    Ho ho ho,,,,,sorry,,ill be cooking up a storm,,,,,, but...will be on tonight...arount 730-8...depending on how soon i get my act together...
  14. ts3

    just curious...do we all have to be on the same versions of ts? noticed ts3 is out,,not sure if i should get it or not.
  15. I can't start the game...

    go to workshop... this is an old pic,,but you can see the Graphics Config link..(just to the left of the yellow arrow) click on the config link,,and set your settings.. here are the off recommended settings,,when you are done,,be sure you do file exit,,and dont just x out of the window http://www.overfland...ds.com/Tips.htm that should work,,if it doesnt,,let me know,,and ill send you my config file
  16. Grounded until further Notice

    merry xmas Enya - Oíche Chiúin - Oiche Chiuin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uy6ba_M6zww
  17. Out of action

    yep,,,look forward to seeing you back in the air,,,
  18. ts3

    ok...so the jist is,,dont get it....
  19. olham,,,where did you go to for that sat pic,,,its pretty cool
  20. damn,,,,i hope my xmas present wasnt in that truck.... ovs..cant belive u drove thru that storm,,,,
  21. game crashed

    hmm,,,not sure i agree with you on that... all the files for off dont get installed on the drive you specify,,,,and the ones that are going to end up on your c drive no matter where you install off are important. i dont use windows explorer,,so i can show 2 directory trees at once... on the left you have the files that will always get installed to c (unless you installed windows to another drive of course), and these are the ones you have to make sure get removerd after you uninstall off.. on the right is the obd directory, which i put on d drive.
  22. offdirectory.JPG

    From the album SittingDuck

  23. Quick scenario problem

    pm BH Dutch,,,,or axgrinder...they know how to change the spacing on the planes. Im sure they will be glad to email you corrected missions. it happens to us all the times in mp unless we fly the modified missions. The devs just made the planes too damn close.
  24. new patch

    God was bored one day,,,,,and he was loooking down at man,,,,and he said to an angel,,,,,they look too happy,,what can we do to piss them off,,,,,,and the angel said,,,hey,,i know..how about creating snow???? anyways,,im trying to square away a few things here before i have to go home to avoid a storm,,,,,if anyone is around,,,would like to see if the new patch causes mismatches...i have NOT installed it yet. flurries have started, so im outta here
  25. new patch

    lol..ok,,thats great...but wht if one of you doesnt?

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