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Everything posted by sitting_duck

  1. Netwoking OFF

    view the sticky for mp sessions in the mp forum. once the host computer has a game up and running (and i highly suggetst you host a mission, and not a dogfigtht), then the other computers should be able to join either thru the hosts external ip (whatsmyipaddress.com), or the hosts compters internal ip (start>run>cmd>ipconfig) if you have vista,,getting to cmd is different. good misson to start out with is pds trainbusters,,or zepplins over paris...they are both in the downloads sections here. put the xml files in your missions\historical folder note: if the host is going thru a router, you may have to forward the ports. info for ports is in sticky, but as all routers are different, there are not proceedures there. if this is the case, post whatever router you have, and will look it up for you
  2. Want to test an Air Raid?

    lol..nope...i was in bed by that time... maybe some time tonight?
  3. that sounds to me like its treating your z axis as a button or key..., and not an axis. so, if you are in chase view,,,watching your plane from your six, and twist to the left and hold,,,you probably see your rudder move a bit,,then go back to center.. dont have vista, but im sure somewhere in whatever vista has for a control panel,,,there is a game controllers icon, and hopefully there will be a test, or calibrate tab somewhere. Or, if you look at the screen shot i put up for the sensitivy and null zones,,there is a calibare button. This takes you to the same place as control panel does. usually there is a gui for your axis, so you can see the little "meter" go up and down as you move the axis back and forth. If you find all this, and the movement on the axis repsonds thru the whole range of motion on the gui, at least you know its not the controller... as far as what you said about the sensitivy and null zone adjustments,,,(ie,,no or little change) if you make radical adjust ments for that axis (ie,,both to the far left), play the game and see how it responds,,and then make radical adjustments the other way (both to the far right), and you see no change in how that throttle responds,,,it would indicate to me you dont have that axis bound to the z axis in the game,,(if that made sense) and,,,just to be sure,,,when you make your settings in the bhah contols section,,your have to save as "mine",,,,but by default,,i would think it would pick up the rudder twist by default just fine.
  4. Increasing OFF Performance

    ok,,,getting into areas that i dont know tooo much about,,but, does not sound right that off is chewing up that much ram........ when you close that temp file/application (not sure what it is), are you doing that under applications, or under processes?. i have never seen a ~xxxxx.tmp running in my taks manager, that i can remeber. lol,,if i have,,im sure i stopped it right away... would be interested in seeing if anyone else has noticed that type of application in thier task manager... i would run msconfig,,,and see whats in your startup,,, as far as the disk1 disk2 goes,,,seems like you are correct,,,,it works with either. lol..thats throwing me a little, cause i am almost positive way back when, it only worked with disk2...
  5. Custom Skins Missions

    well..fiqured out how to make the ac planes flyable,,,now all i gotta go is figure out how to get the various skins in there........
  6. not sure if this is going to help you... when you open up the controls section in bhah,,,,there are two tabs on the left,,,( i have NEVER seen these,,,guess they blend in with the background too much).... the upper tab is assignments,,,this is the default view,,the lower tab is sensitivity,,,and you can edit how your axis respond to movement,,and you can edit your null zones... could be the null zone for your z axis is set to high,,,(ie,,,allows too much movement before it kicks in) in addition, you might want to look at the last post in this thread...http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?p=249818
  7. nullzone.JPG

    From the album SittingDuck

  8. nullzone.JPG

    From the album SittingDuck

  9. Track IR investment Tomorrow

    yeah,,get the hat clip for sure,,,, if for some reason you think you want the other clip,,the one with the 3 leds,,,ive got one here someone sent to me,,,its yours if you want it. there is no way in hell ill ever wear it,,,too big,,and another cord attached to my head would put me over the edge.. post office did manage to crack a piece,,,but its nothing that cant be fixed with some super glue
  10. European Evening MP session

    sounds great... let me know what day you think it will be, so i can try and clear the day/night...
  11. just when you think you have heard everything huh.... cnt+q, and i belive cntl+shift+q supposedly kill the game completely,,,,but should not be used if you are running campaign, as you loose your claims if any are made..... not sure how you exiting the game, and have no idea why it says it is still running,,,,but maybe try exiting this way,,see if it resolves the problem.....
  12. Increasing OFF Performance

    ive always recommened these for slower computers....http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=44430&hl= but dont consider yours a slow computer by any means... if you do try them, the disable write only index and write only vertex buffers for ati still applies... and,,,while your in overides...disable sound,,,and see if that improve anything,,,, and make sure your resolution in cfs3configs is set as high as your monitor will take but that system should play bhah fine,,,
  13. Can't Run the Game :(

    thats odd,,,you should not have gotten that far with disk one in there...... i took my disk out,,,and started the game,,,as soon as i heard the "contack...clear",,i got a message telling me the disk was missing,,put it in and restart the application...and this is before the initialising screen come on. i know ive asked this before,,,when you uninstalled,,did you uninstall everything...cfs3 and bhah, and start all over again? seeing as how you said your cfs3 play sluggish,,,maybe thats where the problem is. know youve done this several times,,but if you have been installing bhah over the same cfs3 install, i would consider uninstalliing everything, cfs3 and bhah ,(and dont forget about the other folders for both cfs3 and bhah) I would not intall bhah untill cfs3 is running fine...if you have a problem with cfs3, good chance you might have a problem with bhah....
  14. Can't Run the Game :(

    still just guessing here,,,,,, are you using the cd2 from cfs3...,,or do you have that exe we arnt suppose to talk about? and there is another exe in there,,,cfs3mp.exe...would be interested in knowing if that gives you the same problem...
  15. OFF BHaH problems

    how did you copy your cfs3 files needed from bhah,,,from an install of cfs3, or did you just tell it to copy the files from the cfs3 disk? if you use the disk method, it has to be a copy of cfs3 that is patched to 3.1 already... if the version of cfs3 you have is 3.0 on the disk, then you have to install it,,upgrade to 3.1, then intall bhah and have it copy the files it needs from the cfs3 install.. and,,if you got the files for bhah from a cfs3 install, you will need the cd in there.....(just like you need it for cfs3)
  16. How Do I bind a throttle conrtol?

    im curious too....lol did a google on this,,and it came up with nothing.... going to assume from vasco's post, that you have a utility running in the background for this joystick... and not sure if you are trying to assign throttle for the game thru this utility, or thru the "controls" section of bhah..... I opened up my controls section in bhah, and from the "event catagory" drop down selected "axis", and under event scrolled to the bottom and found the throttle axis...when i dbl clicked it,,,and it asked me to asign an axis,,,i moved my rudder, and naturaly it told me that axis was already assigned,,so i just hit cancel.. is this the way your are trying it? and if so,,when you move the throttle,,,does it say you have assigned throttle to this axis,,,and you say ok,,,and save etc,,etc,,but it just wont take? if so, im curious,,,when you assign the axis to throttle,,,it will show something like "throttle slider", or "throttle axis" assigned to throttle.....if you close the game,,,and restart,,,and go back to controls...is the assignment you just made still there,,,or did it dissapear.... and, wondering if maybe you have to disable,,or kill the logtech utility,,,and make all your assignments thru the bhah control section.... so damn vasco,,,how have you been doing throttle,,,,the keyboard????
  17. mp tuesday 9-22

    will get on teamspeak around 8ish edt to see if anyone want to do any flying... have to call it a nite,,,
  18. Can't Run the Game :(

    is your cfs3 installed, or are you copying from a dvd or cd (that is patched to 3.1 already) if you are using an installed cfs3, and deleted that to, then reinstalled, did you make sure you played cfs3 at least once first before installing off and,,,getting to the point where i agree with uncleal....might be time to stick that other card in there,,and see how the game plays........
  19. Laptop

    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1203373 http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=387992 (this one is good) if you happen to drop a burger on that laptop, i like mine medium rare....
  20. Changing Hard Drives?

    use the uninstall,,then make sure you delete any folders left over. be sure to get what is in c:\documents and settings\username\application data (appdata in vista)\microsoft\cfsww1 off then just install and change the install path to whatever you want.....it should be able to find your cfs3 install. lol..if something goes wrong,,,dont blame me....
  21. MP Monday night

    what times (edt) are good for you?
  22. Can't Run the Game :(

    quitting is not an option....... still wondering if you have cfs3 installed on that computer,,,and if so, does it run... when you re install,,,are you removing the old install first,,,and deleting all the folders, including the ones in documents&settings\username\applicationdata\microsoft\cfsww1 off?
  23. havnt done a ton of testing, but it seems that if you use the scripted_target_facility as a spawn facility, you can spawn facilites that can be goals....
  24. facility spawns

    when i put up that post, was having problems figureing out how to make a facility a goal object. if thats what you are trying to do..then read the thread on facilities in the mission builder forum. if you are still trying to make air formations spawns,,,,and have 2 spawn facilities close,,,you may have to assign priorities to them, so one takes precedent over the other (may be wrong about this...) what are you spawning with that facility,,,,,formations?
  25. MP Monday night

    hey,,thats 7 central......right???????

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