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Everything posted by sitting_duck

  1. OFF MP Calendar update

    Thanks ovs. hopefully, you will leave it as it is, and Erik will take the position that if he finds the calander has to be moderated, then he will put the necessary changes in effect. Aside from you not having one more thing to do, was concerned about the overseas pilots having to wait for you to wake up before thier posts got approved..
  2. Will assume we can edit them for use in MP without permission, or are missions considered "property"?
  3. Happy Fathers Day all.....

    lol...congratulations.... Wont be long now before your trying to figure out how to get them out of the house..
  4. Windows 98

    gotta assume the board is maybe one agp and rest pci,,,,never heard of 2 pci cards you can sli.....(could be wrong...)
  5. game is down
  6. Windows 98

    thats nothing,,,i gotta 200mhz vectra (we are talking edo here...) that i just use for printing lables on my dotmatrix...still works..so aint gonna mess with it...
  7. Windows 98

    ill toss an 80gig in with the cd then...
  8. 6-23 mp afternoon

    if anyone has the time to get on for some mp testing, post here,,, will check forum everyso often
  9. Windows 98

    cj....if you want, i can earmark the next good computer that comes my way for you... would cost too much to send case, but can pull the mb, and powersupply (gotta feeling you need the p4 connextor)... 2.0 to 2.4celerons seem to come around alot... also have a 2.6c small form factor hp here,,,drawback on this is the pci slots are on the board, and not on a daughterboard, so it requires 1/2pci cards....hard to find good video cards in that format..
  10. From what i can see, the calander is working. Next step is obvious...fill it up.... Just my opinion, but would like to see it get to where we have a specific type of session sheduled on specifc days/times. Then pilots willing to host that session, can make an just put their name up for the date. There is always the risk that no one will be available to host for a scheduled session. I will put up a few tuturial seesions, and a few dogfight sessions here and there.
  11. mp calander seems to be working fine now

    Ok,, I will still post here, on the day of a session for those who dont know about the calander,, but will add the fact a calander exists to the mp tuturial..
  12. Computer Shopping

    hate to make recommendations, as it is crazy to listen to someone you dont know!! hopefully you will get enough suggestions to point you in a direction where you can research it all for yourself, imho, a must. build,,,dont go dell..(imho) e8500 3.16 dual core is fine for off. Off gets no benifit from a quad core, but that doesnt mean that off5 wont eithere.... 64bit os is a must...you dont want to be sitting on 2gigs of ram onna 2k$ machine.. research the ram,,,make sure you are getting timing cycles around 5 if possible,,,,i got cheap ram,,and am kicking myself for it.. I dont think i would ever consider sli or crossfire on a dualcore...upper end video cards are going to be ahead of the processor..why go 2.. nvida280. I am Not sold on the 285 (or any multiple core gpu card ) yet. Go raid over a 10krmp single drive.... spend a lousy 20 bucks and put a floppy drive in it...when you sitting there with the floppydisk for the raid controller drivers you will be kicking your self if you dont... biggest best cooler you can afford...just take that stock one and donate it to someplace... newegg.com for parts...and pay attention to the reviews.. ask,,,ask...ask...ask....cant do enought asking...
  13. Odd graphics glitch...

    going to assume you mean everything on the screen shutters,,,not just the terrain,,, not sure if this might be microstuttering...but, as long as i found this page,,will post the link to it. http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/18665-13...al-texture-size have to read down a bit, before you find anything that might be applicable.. Might be helpfull if you posted your settings in your nvidia control panel.. and the resolutions your posting,,you set those in cfs3config, and not just in desktop properties?
  14. seems like alot of work has gone into that 1.6 damage model, so think it would be prudent to give it a shot.. Anyone wanting to get into a few mp games and try it out with me sunday, let me know, and what times are best for them. Im pretty flexible,,,just need a couple hours off in the morning to open all my cards and presents.... Ok..will shoot for around 2pm edt..... as this is primarily for testing that new dm, please be sure to have it installed. Will post ip and get on teamspeak when game is up hey,,,hows the vacation going??
  15. happy farthers day! mp game 6-21 for testing

    It was a pleasure having you PW. Calander is working now,,,so winston has some activities planned for monday, and i have dogfights planned for tuesday. Hope to see you in either..
  16. LOL...one with the prop outta the water is the best...
  17. happy farthers day! mp game 6-21 for testing

    pw,,,seems you lost your teamspeak,,,everything ok????>
  18. More on Grave or Accent

    Going to assume you would prefer to use your profile, rather than use the cfs3 controler utility, but you can use both, meaning that if you have a key free on your x45, you can assign it a funtion in cfs3 contoller properties Start something that gives you the hanger dropdown,,,i suggest goint into quickcombat thru the workshop (not the cfsqc on the main screen)... when you have the qc medal, hit escape to bring down the hanger dropdown, and select controls....click on controls,,,and find "paddloc view..toggle"..dbl click it, and its waiting for you to assing a key to that command,,,hit the accent key,,,and then you have to tab to the ok,,,and when ok is highlighted,,hit enter,,,now that key is assigned to padlock view or,,if you want to use the profiler,,,just assign the key you want to use for padlock to the accent key... if you notice in the off3 controller utility,,if you assign a key to a function, it does not replace the original keystroke for that command with what you just entered,,,it adds another map to the function. so if ` is for padlock,,,and you assing joy23 to padlock,,,you should end up with 2 entries for padlock in the controller section,,,one will be the original `, the other will be joy23.. hope that helps,,,
  19. happy farthers day! mp game 6-21 for testing

    lol..vasco,,i just came here to post the exact same question...wheres the link??????? if you find it,,please post it....... will push game up to 230,,,to give some ppl some time to reply ...
  20. ok,,,,ive looked several times,,,and cant find the file,,,,,and a google on the file id didnt bring up anything either,,, am i having a blond day?\\ ok...seems this subject is on 2 threads.....and ive been looking at the older of the two.....(ie,,this one,,,) this is the current one,,,http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=41821 but, this thread says there is a intdm1.6 file available,,,is that still true? or do we have to get the xml files for the planes individually as the newer thread seems to indicate...?
  21. ok,,that sounds good,,,will still have a mp session up at 2 for some other players, but will plan to be back on at 5ish. will post game in mp forum
  22. Free stuff thread

    Was thining it would be nice to have a thread where pilots needing stuff,,,or pilots having stuff they are willing to give away to memebers of the community could post. Grumpybear was nice enought to send me that video card, and i sent 3 boxes of stuff to stumpjumper.... I got a ton of ethernet cards here (mostly linksys) that are available to anyone willing to cover the cost of shipping,,,,also have quite a few soundblasterlive pci cards...and some 80gig ata hard drives...and a slew of white cdrws and dvd drives (dont know if shipping would be worth it on one of these..) and i get stuff in all the time, so could earmark anything that someone requested.. Think it anything posted should be limited to game/computer related items.. Pilots would natrually have to be realistic about requests,,,,,ie.."I need a gtx280 video card" wont cut it... I suppose if someone had a highticket itme they wanted to make available cheap, that would be ok too,,,not sure if the devs want to see the forum go this direction or not...
  23. Free stuff thread

    TIR?????? WHAT TIR?????
  24. This is just plain cool!

    best fathers day present ive gotten so far.... wont hide the fact i preordered,,just always thout this was not the place...
  25. knew you were not ignoring it ovs... are you the only one approving? imho, to be fair to the players on the other side of the world, would be nice to have someone from their neck of the woods.

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