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Everything posted by sitting_duck

  1. mp game just for fun,,,,tues 7pm edt

    ok,,,,giphos is going to put up some posts in this thread.....might help you out. I have to leave, but will leave the game up,,,,,,,(until computer hangs,,,which it seems to do eventully)
  2. mp game just for fun,,,,tues 7pm edt

    wow..boston,,,im in abington
  3. mp game just for fun,,,,tues 7pm edt

    are you gtting that message "your are not connected to interent,,,or host name is incorrect"
  4. optional Damage model

    had one pilot that could not join the game until he switched back to normal damage....(which is what i have...)... cant say for sure if it means we all have to have the same for mp , but there is some indication ok,,guess i should have read the download page,,,,,,,,
  5. optional Damage model

    there is some evidence that everyone has to have the same dm for mp.....
  6. mp game just for fun,,,,tues 7pm edt

    ok...sorry about that,,if you had the hard dms installed,,,will you post that fact
  7. mp game just for fun,,,,tues 7pm edt

    they said they hard the hard dm's...and coudnt join,,,so they went back and put the normal ones on.....so,,if you put those on,,you may have to go back to normal..
  8. mp game just for fun,,,,tues 7pm edt

    hi,,,gotta vista user in the game,,,seeing if there is something special you have to do,,,(ie,,the run as administator stuff)
  9. mp game just for fun,,,,tues 7pm edt

    wow,,,still?????? mismatched aircraft,,,or other problems?
  10. mp game just for fun,,,,tues 7pm edt

    opps...sorry,,my bad,,,cant belive i havent gotten that update on the other computer,,,,give me 3 mins yeah,,its my fault.......guess ive been joining games,,and not hosting forra while.... will have game back up shortly
  11. mp game just for fun,,,,tues 7pm edt

    no,,,,i dont have them yet....what planes? is the albIII? one sec,,,i have to check the host computer,,,i may not have updated that...to 128 will have to kill the game for a min...
  12. mp game just for fun,,,,tues 7pm edt

    are you patched to at least 1.28 (from obd main screen,,,go to workshop....version is in lower right corner)
  13. mp game just for fun,,,,tues 7pm edt

    i see you entering and leaving,,,,,,,,are you getting mismatched aircraft?
  14. mp game just for fun,,,,tues 7pm edt

    sorry,,,host computer hung,,,have restarted the game,,,ip is the same
  15. mp game

    hi,,,sorry,,,computer hosting game hung....i restarted it,,,,ip is the same....
  16. optional Damage model

    dirty old man....
  17. mp game just for fun,,,,tues 7pm edt

    one more thing if you get this,,, when you are at the mission/medal screen,,hit esc to get the hanger drop down... select multiplayer selet t1 for connection, and enter your call sign in player box.. you dont have to select a pilot
  18. mp game just for fun,,,,tues 7pm edt

    most people join using a shortcut to cfs3mp.exe,,,but you can use off manager also if you go in thru the cfs3mp.exe...you should get 2 medals...missions and multiplayer,,,,click on multiplayer.....hit join game,,,and enter my ip... if,,,you dont get both medals...start off manager, a click on multiplayer....you can continue with off manager if you wishh,,,and enter thru that,,or you can kill it,,,then go back to the cfs3mp shortcut,,and you should have the mp medal now... let me know if you have problems... am on teamspeak if you have it.
  19. mp game tues 7edt

    have a just for fun game up all welcome.... i have to leave, but will leave game up...
  20. Homeboy. RB3D fanatic myself.......what was your name in the game? But this takes wwi flying to a level you cant imagine. Ive tried all the other games too, and none of them ever got played more than 4 or 5 times,,, now it seems this is all i do. flynnej,,,when we gonna see you in a mp game?
  21. mp games

    We have permission to post MP games in the general forum. Purpose of these posts will be to get pilots who do not navigate to the mp threads, and therefore are not aware of games up. As we want to get pilots who would like to attempt mp , and fly online with other pilots without worrying about getting blown out of the sky immediatly, I strongly suggest we limit these posts to "just for fun" games ie...non combat,,,,just flying around with other online pilots, explaing things like teamspeak,,how to host,,multiplayer settings. If you decide to host such a game, try to make that point clear in your posts. From experience, dont expect to see a flurry of joiners. But if we all work at educating others at just how much fun mp is, regardless of how good a pilot you may or may not be, with time, our ranks will grow. Also suggest we use stumps alps, if available to host. Gerio (spelling???) bomber base is great scenery Without question, mp game posts in the general discussion are NOT for missions/dogfight or any other games that pilots accustom to doing mp will know enough to look for in the mp threads.
  22. Am I missing something obvious?

    Just out of curisity, you are trying to map what action to what key? Any chance that key is also used by another utility? I know programs like trackir and fraps "lock" thier control keys (unless overriddn) Too many people are able to do this with no problems to assume its a software issue.
  23. Mismatch of aircraft

    great news.. you just post a date and time, and one of us should be able to accomodate you... catch u in the air
  24. Doves & Hawks Insignia

    Nice job axe its got my vote. And yeah,,,wouldnt it be cool to get some online squads togther,,,,all with thier own planes... just one question,,,,i think its gonna clash a little onna dvll (oh god,,not the neiuport...)

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